D J McComas

  • Department of Astrophysical Sciences Princeton University Princeton NJ USA.

Publications (25)

Initial results from the New Horizons exploration of 2014 MU

Science (New York, N.Y.)
Avec: S A Stern , H A Weaver , J R Spencer , C B Olkin , G R Gladstone , W M Grundy , J M Moore , D P Cruikshank , H A Elliott , W B McKinnon , J Wm Parker , A J Verbiscer , L A Young , D A Aguilar , J M Albers , T Andert , J P Andrews , F Bagenal , M E Banks , B A Bauer , J A Bauman , K E Bechtold , C B Beddingfield , N Behrooz , K B Beisser , S D Benecchi , E Bernardoni , R A Beyer , S Bhaskaran , C J Bierson , R P Binzel , E M Birath , M K Bird , D R Boone , A F Bowman , V J Bray , D T Britt , L E Brown , M R Buckley , M W Buie , B J Buratti , L M Burke , S S Bushman , B Carcich , A L Chaikin , C L Chavez , A F Cheng , E J Colwell , S J Conard , M P Conner , C A Conrad , J C Cook , S B Cooper , O S Custodio , C M Dalle Ore , C C Deboy , P Dharmavaram , R D Dhingra , G F Dunn , A M Earle , A F Egan , J Eisig , M R El-Maarry , C Engelbrecht , B L Enke , C J Ercol , E D Fattig , C L Ferrell , T J Finley , J Firer , J Fischetti , W M Folkner , M N Fosbury , G H Fountain , J M Freeze , L Gabasova , L S Glaze , J L Green , G A Griffith , Y Guo , M Hahn , D W Hals , D P Hamilton , S A Hamilton , J J Hanley , A Harch , K A Harmon , H M Hart , J Hayes , C B Hersman , M E Hill , T A Hill , J D Hofgartner , M E Holdridge , M Horányi , A Hosadurga , A D Howard , C J A Howett , S E Jaskulek , D E Jennings , J R Jensen , M R Jones , H K Kang , D J Katz , D E Kaufmann , J J Kavelaars , J T Keane , G P Keleher , M Kinczyk , M C Kochte , P Kollmann , S M Krimigis , G L Kruizinga , D Y Kusnierkiewicz , M S Lahr , T R Lauer , G B Lawrence , J E Lee , E J Lessac-Chenen , I R Linscott , C M Lisse , A W Lunsford , D M Mages , V A Mallder , N P Martin , B H May , D J McComas , R L McNutt , D S Mehoke , T S Mehoke , D S Nelson , H D Nguyen , J I Núñez , A C Ocampo , W M Owen , G K Oxton , A H Parker , M Pätzold , J Y Pelgrift , F J Pelletier , J P Pineau , M R Piquette , S B Porter , S Protopapa , E Quirico , J A Redfern , A L Regiec , H J Reitsema , D C Reuter , D C Richardson , J E Riedel , M A Ritterbush , S J Robbins , D J Rodgers , G D Rogers , D M Rose , P E Rosendall , K D Runyon , M G Ryschkewitsch , M M Saina , M J Salinas , P M Schenk , J R Scherrer , W R Schlei , B Schmitt , D J Schultz , D C Schurr , F Scipioni , R L Sepan , R G Shelton , M R Showalter , M Simon , K N Singer , E W Stahlheber , D R Stanbridge , J A Stansberry , A J Steffl , D F Strobel , M M Stothoff , T Stryk , J R Stuart , M E Summers , M B Tapley , A Taylor , H W Taylor , R M Tedford , H B Throop , L S Turner , O M Umurhan , J Van Eck , D Velez , M H Versteeg , M A Vincent , R W Webbert , S E Weidner , G E Weigle , J R Wendel , O L White , K E Whittenburg , B G Williams , K E Williams , S P Williams , H L Winters , A M Zangari , T H Zurbuchen

Réseau de co-auteurs

J R Szalay 8 collaborations
E J Zirnstein 7 collaborations
F Allegrini 6 collaborations
F Bagenal 5 collaborations
R W Ebert 5 collaborations
G R Gladstone 5 collaborations
S J Bolton 5 collaborations
R L McNutt 5 collaborations
N A Schwadron 5 collaborations
M A Dayeh 5 collaborations
R J Wilson 4 collaborations
M E Hill 4 collaborations
S D Bale 4 collaborations
J C Kasper 4 collaborations
P Swaczyna 4 collaborations
J Heerikhuisen 4 collaborations
H A Elliott 4 collaborations
David J McComas 4 collaborations
J S Rankin 3 collaborations
W S Kurth 3 collaborations
P W Valek 3 collaborations
A W Case 3 collaborations
K E Korreck 3 collaborations
R J MacDowall 3 collaborations
M Pulupa 3 collaborations
D E Larson 3 collaborations
T S Horbury 3 collaborations
N E Raouafi 3 collaborations
M Velli 3 collaborations
S A Fuselier 3 collaborations
H O Funsten 3 collaborations
S M Petrinec 3 collaborations
W M Grundy 3 collaborations
D T Britt 3 collaborations
D P Cruikshank 3 collaborations
C J A Howett 3 collaborations
I R Linscott 3 collaborations
C B Olkin 3 collaborations
A H Parker 3 collaborations
S Protopapa 3 collaborations
O M Umurhan 3 collaborations
L A Young 3 collaborations
J J Kavelaars 3 collaborations
J T Keane 3 collaborations
S B Porter 3 collaborations
J R Spencer 3 collaborations
S A Stern 3 collaborations
A J Verbiscer 3 collaborations
H A Weaver 3 collaborations
R P Binzel 3 collaborations
M W Buie 3 collaborations
B J Buratti 3 collaborations
D E Jennings 3 collaborations
W B McKinnon 3 collaborations
J M Moore 3 collaborations
D C Reuter 3 collaborations
P M Schenk 3 collaborations
M R Showalter 3 collaborations
K N Singer 3 collaborations
A M Zangari 3 collaborations
George Livadiotis 3 collaborations
G Clark 2 collaborations
D G Mitchell 2 collaborations
B H Mauk 2 collaborations
J E P Connerney 2 collaborations
C M S Cohen 2 collaborations
M I Desai 2 collaborations
J Giacalone 2 collaborations
S M Krimigis 2 collaborations
M L Stevens 2 collaborations
H T Smith 2 collaborations
J F Drake 2 collaborations
S T Badman 2 collaborations
D F Strobel 2 collaborations
P Louarn 2 collaborations
B D G Chandran 2 collaborations
M Maksimovic 2 collaborations
A Szabo 2 collaborations
K Ogasawara 2 collaborations
M K Bird 2 collaborations
J C Cook 2 collaborations
C M Dalle Ore 2 collaborations
F Scipioni 2 collaborations
A M Earle 2 collaborations
L Gabasova 2 collaborations
M Horanyi 2 collaborations
A W Lunsford 2 collaborations
E Quirico 2 collaborations
B Schmitt 2 collaborations
G E Weigle 2 collaborations
J Wm Parker 2 collaborations
R A Beyer 2 collaborations
T R Lauer 2 collaborations
O L White 2 collaborations
M R El-Maarry 2 collaborations
C M Lisse 2 collaborations
H B Throop 2 collaborations
S J Robbins 2 collaborations
A F Cheng 2 collaborations
C B Beddingfield 2 collaborations
S D Benecchi 2 collaborations
E Bernardoni 2 collaborations
C J Bierson 2 collaborations
V J Bray 2 collaborations
A L Chaikin 2 collaborations
R D Dhingra 2 collaborations
D P Hamilton 2 collaborations
J D Hofgartner 2 collaborations
A D Howard 2 collaborations
D E Kaufmann 2 collaborations
M Kinczyk 2 collaborations
B H May 2 collaborations
M Pätzold 2 collaborations
M R Piquette 2 collaborations
H J Reitsema 2 collaborations
K D Runyon 2 collaborations
J A Stansberry 2 collaborations
T Stryk 2 collaborations
N V Pogorelov 2 collaborations
G Livadiotis 1 collaboration
A H Sulaiman 1 collaboration
Y Xu 1 collaboration
C S Arridge 1 collaboration
Z H Yao 1 collaboration
B Zhang 1 collaboration
L C Ray 1 collaboration
S V Badman 1 collaboration
W R Dunn 1 collaboration
J J Chen 1 collaboration
T S Qin 1 collaboration
Y Wei 1 collaboration
E R Christian 1 collaboration
A C Cummings 1 collaboration
A J Davis 1 collaboration
C J Joyce 1 collaboration
A W Labrador 1 collaboration
R A Leske 1 collaboration
O Malandraki 1 collaboration
W H Matthaeus 1 collaboration
R A Mewaldt 1 collaboration
A Posner 1 collaboration
E C Roelof 1 collaboration
E C Stone 1 collaboration
M E Wiedenbeck 1 collaboration
A P Rouillard 1 collaboration
L J Begley 1 collaboration
P A Delamere 1 collaboration
A R Poppe 1 collaboration
Q Nénon 1 collaboration
M D McManus 1 collaboration
M Swisdak 1 collaboration
T Phan 1 collaboration
D Mitchell 1 collaboration
O Panasenco 1 collaboration
S Fatemi 1 collaboration
A Pontoni 1 collaboration
J Saur 1 collaboration
S D Vance 1 collaboration
A Vorburger 1 collaboration
T K Greathouse 1 collaboration
M Imai 1 collaboration
V Hue 1 collaboration
S Levin 1 collaboration
C Paranicas 1 collaboration
M F Thomsen 1 collaboration
J W Bonnell 1 collaboration
T A Bowen 1 collaboration
D Burgess 1 collaboration
C A Cattell 1 collaboration
C C Chaston 1 collaboration
C H K Chen 1 collaboration
T Dudok de Wit 1 collaboration
J P Eastwood 1 collaboration
R E Ergun 1 collaboration
W M Farrell 1 collaboration
C Fong 1 collaboration
K Goetz 1 collaboration
M Goldstein 1 collaboration
K A Goodrich 1 collaboration
P R Harvey 1 collaboration
G G Howes 1 collaboration
P J Kellogg 1 collaboration
J A Klimchuk 1 collaboration
V V Krasnoselskikh 1 collaboration
S Krucker 1 collaboration
R Laker 1 collaboration
D M Malaspina 1 collaboration
J Martinez-Oliveros 1 collaboration
N Meyer-Vernet 1 collaboration
M Moncuquet 1 collaboration
F S Mozer 1 collaboration
T D Phan 1 collaboration
C Salem 1 collaboration
D Stansby 1 collaboration
M Stevens 1 collaboration
T Woolley 1 collaboration
J R Wygant 1 collaboration
A Galli 1 collaboration
K J Trattner 1 collaboration
J L Burch 1 collaboration
S Toledo-Redondo 1 collaboration
R J Strangeway 1 collaboration
S Krijt 1 collaboration
M Ruaud 1 collaboration
Y J Pendleton 1 collaboration
A Cheng 1 collaboration
J W Parker 1 collaboration
A Y Abedin 1 collaboration
D Borncamp 1 collaboration
C Fuentes 1 collaboration
T Fuse 1 collaboration
P L Gay 1 collaboration
S D J Gwyn 1 collaboration
M J Holman 1 collaboration
H Karoji 1 collaboration
M Mountain 1 collaboration
J M Petit 1 collaboration
I N Reid 1 collaboration
S S Sheppard 1 collaboration
P Tanga 1 collaboration
D J Tholen 1 collaboration
D E Trilling 1 collaboration
L H Wasserman 1 collaboration
S T Hart 1 collaboration
D B Reisenfeld 1 collaboration
P H Janzen 1 collaboration
Eric J Zirnstein 1 collaboration
Bishwas L Shrestha 1 collaboration
Maher A Dayeh 1 collaboration
Jacob Heerikhuisen 1 collaboration
Daniel B Reisenfeld 1 collaboration
Justyna M Sokół 1 collaboration
Paweł Swaczyna 1 collaboration
L Y Khoo 1 collaboration
M M Shen 1 collaboration
T Sharma 1 collaboration
C Shi 1 collaboration
J W Belcher 1 collaboration
M Berthomier 1 collaboration
D W Curtis 1 collaboration
D Gallagher 1 collaboration
S P Gary 1 collaboration
L Golub 1 collaboration
J S Halekas 1 collaboration
G C Ho 1 collaboration
Q Hu 1 collaboration
J Huang 1 collaboration
K G Klein 1 collaboration
R Livi 1 collaboration
B Maruca 1 collaboration
B Lavraud 1 collaboration
M Martinovic 1 collaboration
D McGinnis 1 collaboration
J D Richardson 1 collaboration
R M Skoug 1 collaboration
J T Steinberg 1 collaboration
P L Whittlesey 1 collaboration
K H Wright 1 collaboration
G P Zank 1 collaboration
D A Aguilar 1 collaboration
J M Albers 1 collaboration
T Andert 1 collaboration
J P Andrews 1 collaboration
M E Banks 1 collaboration
B A Bauer 1 collaboration
J A Bauman 1 collaboration
K E Bechtold 1 collaboration
N Behrooz 1 collaboration
K B Beisser 1 collaboration
S Bhaskaran 1 collaboration
E M Birath 1 collaboration
D R Boone 1 collaboration
A F Bowman 1 collaboration
L E Brown 1 collaboration
M R Buckley 1 collaboration
L M Burke 1 collaboration
S S Bushman 1 collaboration
B Carcich 1 collaboration
C L Chavez 1 collaboration
E J Colwell 1 collaboration
S J Conard 1 collaboration
M P Conner 1 collaboration
C A Conrad 1 collaboration
S B Cooper 1 collaboration
O S Custodio 1 collaboration
C C Deboy 1 collaboration
P Dharmavaram 1 collaboration
G F Dunn 1 collaboration
A F Egan 1 collaboration
J Eisig 1 collaboration
C Engelbrecht 1 collaboration
B L Enke 1 collaboration
C J Ercol 1 collaboration
E D Fattig 1 collaboration
C L Ferrell 1 collaboration
T J Finley 1 collaboration
J Firer 1 collaboration
J Fischetti 1 collaboration
W M Folkner 1 collaboration
M N Fosbury 1 collaboration
G H Fountain 1 collaboration
J M Freeze 1 collaboration
L S Glaze 1 collaboration
J L Green 1 collaboration
G A Griffith 1 collaboration
Y Guo 1 collaboration
M Hahn 1 collaboration
D W Hals 1 collaboration
S A Hamilton 1 collaboration
J J Hanley 1 collaboration
A Harch 1 collaboration
K A Harmon 1 collaboration
H M Hart 1 collaboration
J Hayes 1 collaboration
C B Hersman 1 collaboration
T A Hill 1 collaboration
M E Holdridge 1 collaboration
M Horányi 1 collaboration
A Hosadurga 1 collaboration
S E Jaskulek 1 collaboration
J R Jensen 1 collaboration
M R Jones 1 collaboration
H K Kang 1 collaboration
D J Katz 1 collaboration
G P Keleher 1 collaboration
M C Kochte 1 collaboration
P Kollmann 1 collaboration
G L Kruizinga 1 collaboration
D Y Kusnierkiewicz 1 collaboration
M S Lahr 1 collaboration
G B Lawrence 1 collaboration
J E Lee 1 collaboration
E J Lessac-Chenen 1 collaboration
D M Mages 1 collaboration
V A Mallder 1 collaboration
N P Martin 1 collaboration
D S Mehoke 1 collaboration
T S Mehoke 1 collaboration
D S Nelson 1 collaboration
H D Nguyen 1 collaboration
J I Núñez 1 collaboration
A C Ocampo 1 collaboration
W M Owen 1 collaboration
G K Oxton 1 collaboration
J Y Pelgrift 1 collaboration
F J Pelletier 1 collaboration
J P Pineau 1 collaboration
J A Redfern 1 collaboration
A L Regiec 1 collaboration
D C Richardson 1 collaboration
J E Riedel 1 collaboration
M A Ritterbush 1 collaboration
D J Rodgers 1 collaboration
G D Rogers 1 collaboration
D M Rose 1 collaboration
P E Rosendall 1 collaboration
M G Ryschkewitsch 1 collaboration
M M Saina 1 collaboration
M J Salinas 1 collaboration
J R Scherrer 1 collaboration
W R Schlei 1 collaboration
D J Schultz 1 collaboration
D C Schurr 1 collaboration
R L Sepan 1 collaboration
R G Shelton 1 collaboration
M Simon 1 collaboration
E W Stahlheber 1 collaboration
D R Stanbridge 1 collaboration
A J Steffl 1 collaboration
M M Stothoff 1 collaboration
J R Stuart 1 collaboration
M E Summers 1 collaboration
M B Tapley 1 collaboration
A Taylor 1 collaboration
H W Taylor 1 collaboration
R M Tedford 1 collaboration
L S Turner 1 collaboration
J Van Eck 1 collaboration
D Velez 1 collaboration
M H Versteeg 1 collaboration
M A Vincent 1 collaboration
R W Webbert 1 collaboration
S E Weidner 1 collaboration
J R Wendel 1 collaboration
K E Whittenburg 1 collaboration
B G Williams 1 collaboration
K E Williams 1 collaboration
S P Williams 1 collaboration
H L Winters 1 collaboration
T H Zurbuchen 1 collaboration
R Kumar 1 collaboration
F Rahmanifard 1 collaboration
E Möbius 1 collaboration
M Zhang 1 collaboration
J Bower 1 collaboration