Carolyn Dosen Philpott

  • Department of Pharmacy Services, UC Health - University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio; University of Cincinnati James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Publications (6)

Réseau de co-auteurs

Carolyn D Philpott 5 collaborations
Molly E Droege 4 collaborations
Eric W Mueller 4 collaborations
Christopher A Droege 3 collaborations
Neil E Ernst 2 collaborations
Michael D Goodman 2 collaborations
Daniel P Healy 2 collaborations
Amy Teres Makley 2 collaborations
Molly Elizabeth Droege 2 collaborations
Joshua D Courter 2 collaborations
Erica N Krantz 1 collaboration
Paige M Garber 1 collaboration
Betty J Tsuei 1 collaboration
Mohammad H Al-Shaer 1 collaboration
Kelly Maguigan 1 collaboration
Jennifer Ashton 1 collaboration
Veena Venugopalan 1 collaboration
Charles A Peloquin 1 collaboration
Justin Reed Culshaw 1 collaboration
Paige Garber Bradshaw 1 collaboration
Marisa B Brizzi 1 collaboration
Lauren Michelle Dehne 1 collaboration
Madeline Jane Foertsch 1 collaboration
Daniel Ronald Mosher 1 collaboration
Henry Claude Sagi 1 collaboration
Eric William Mueller 1 collaboration
Sarah Schuman Harlan 1 collaboration
Shaun P Keegan 1 collaboration
Aniruddha S Karve 1 collaboration
Brandon Foreman 1 collaboration
Devin Wakefield 1 collaboration
Kiranpal Sangha 1 collaboration
Laura B Ngwenya 1 collaboration
Pankaj Desai 1 collaboration
Christopher Droege 1 collaboration
Nicole J Harger 1 collaboration
Madeline J Foertsch 1 collaboration
Jessica B Winter 1 collaboration
Kristen E Carter 1 collaboration
Suzanne L Van Fleet 1 collaboration
Krishna Athota 1 collaboration