César E Escamilla-Ocañas

  • Department of Neurology, Division of Vascular Neurology and Neurocritical Care, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.

Publications (5)

Réseau de co-auteurs

C E Escamilla-Ocañas 3 collaborations
N Albores-Ibarra 2 collaborations
Eric Bershad 2 collaborations
Rahul Damani 2 collaborations
H R Martínez 1 collaboration
C R Camara-Lemarroy 1 collaboration
M T González-Garza 1 collaboration
J Moreno-Cuevas 1 collaboration
M A García Sarreón 1 collaboration
Pitchaiah Mandava 1 collaboration
Muhammad Suhaib Qasim 1 collaboration
Mohammad Hirzallah 1 collaboration