The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
Frontiers in digital health
JMIR human factors
Runa Lazzarino
Aleksandra J Borek
Kate Honeyford
John Welch
Andrew J Brent
Anne Kinderlerer
Graham Cooke
Shashank Patil
Anthony Gordon
Ben Glampson
Philippa Goodman
Peter Ghazal
Ron Daniels
Céire E Costelloe
Sarah Tonkin-Crine
Journal of public health (Oxford, England)
Amit Kaura
Adam Trickey
Anoop S V Shah
Umberto Benedetto
Ben Glampson
Abdulrahim Mulla
Luca Mercuri
Sanjay Gautama
Ceire E Costelloe
Ian Goodman
Julian Redhead
Kavitha Saravanakumar
Erik Mayer
Jamil Mayet
BMJ health & care informatics
Kate Honeyford
Amen-Patrick Nwosu
Runa Lazzarino
Anne Kinderlerer
John Welch
Andrew J Brent
Graham Cooke
Peter Ghazal
Shashank Patil
Auteur inconnu
Ceire E Costelloe
Journal of medical Internet research
Journal of epidemiology and community health
The western journal of emergency medicine
The Lancet. Infectious diseases
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
Elita Jauneikaite
Kate Honeyford
Oliver Blandy
Mia Mosavie
Max Pearson
Farzan A Ramzan
Matthew J Ellington
Julian Parkhill
Céire E Costelloe
Neil Woodford
Shiranee Sriskandan