Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
C Triffault-Fillit
T Ferry
F Laurent
P Pradat
C Dupieux
A Conrad
A Becker
S Lustig
M H Fessy
C Chidiac
F Valour
Auteur inconnu
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
C Triffault-Fillit
E Mabrut
K Corbin
E Braun
A Becker
S Goutelle
P Chaudier
M H Fessy
C Dupieux
F Laurent
S Gunst
S Lustig
C Chidiac
T Ferry
F Valour
Journal of bone and joint infection
Céline Dupieux
Ghislaine Descours
Paul Verhoeven
Florence Grattard
Yvonne Benito
François Vandenesch
Céline Cazorla
Tristan Ferry
Sébastien Lustig
Bertrand Boyer
Sandrine Boisset
Anne Carricajo
Frédéric Laurent
/ Pirla Investigator Group
The European respiratory journal
Yves Gillet
Anne Tristan
Jean-Philippe Rasigade
Mitra Saadatian-Elahi
Coralie Bouchiat
Michele Bes
Oana Dumitrescu
Marie Leloire
Céline Dupieux
Frédéric Laurent
Gérard Lina
Jerome Etienne
Philippe Vanhems
Laurent Argaud
Francois Vandenesch
Auteur inconnu
Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease
Journal of global antimicrobial resistance
European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology
Science immunology
Marion Moreews
Kenz Le Gouge
Samira Khaldi-Plassart
Rémi Pescarmona
Anne-Laure Mathieu
Christophe Malcus
Sophia Djebali
Alicia Bellomo
Olivier Dauwalder
Magali Perret
Marine Villard
Emilie Chopin
Isabelle Rouvet
Francois Vandenesh
Céline Dupieux
Robin Pouyau
Sonia Teyssedre
Margaux Guerder
Tiphaine Louazon
Anne Moulin-Zinsch
Marie Duperril
Hugues Patural
Lisa Giovannini-Chami
Aurélie Portefaix
Behrouz Kassai
Fabienne Venet
Guillaume Monneret
Christine Lombard
Hugues Flodrops
Jean-Marie De Guillebon
Fanny Bajolle
Valérie Launay
Paul Bastard
Shen-Ying Zhang
Valérie Dubois
Olivier Thaunat
Jean-Christophe Richard
Mehdi Mezidi
Omran Allatif
Kahina Saker
Marlène Dreux
Laurent Abel
Jean-Laurent Casanova
Jacqueline Marvel
Sophie Trouillet-Assant
David Klatzmann
Thierry Walzer
Encarnita Mariotti-Ferrandiz
Etienne Javouhey
Alexandre Belot
Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Lélia Abad
Pierre Chauvelot
Estelle Audoux
Camille Andre
Jérôme Josse
Céline Dupieux
Sébastien Lustig
Tristan Ferry
Paul O Verhoeven
Alan Diot
Frédéric Laurent
Florent Valour
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
Marina Farrel Côrtes
Camille André
Patricia Martins Simões
Stéphane Corvec
Jocelyne Caillon
Anne Tristan
Michèle Bes
François Vandenesch
Agnes Marie Sá Figueiredo
Céline Dupieux
Frédéric Laurent
Microbiology spectrum
François Coustillères
Victor Renault
Stéphane Corvec
Céline Dupieux
Patricia Martins Simões
Marie Frédérique Lartigue
Chloé Plouzeau-Jayle
Didier Tande
Claudie Lamoureux
Carole Lemarié
Rachel Chenouard
Frédéric Laurent
Adrien Lemaignen
Pascale Bémer
Auteur inconnu
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy