Bulent Ayas
Bulent Ayas
Ondokuz Mayıs University IVF Center, Ondokuz Mayıs University Hospital, Samsun, Turkey.
Publications (5)
Fertility outcomes and predictors for successful sperm retrieval and pregnancy in 327 azoospermic men with a history of cryptorchidism who underwent microdissection testicular sperm extraction.
Selahittin Çayan
İrfan Orhan
Barış Altay
Ramazan Aşcı
Erdem Akbay
Bülent Ayas
Önder Yaman
The effects of metformin treatment on the ovaries and uterus of offspring.
Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology
Bülent Ayas
Seda Kırmızıkan
Adem Kocaman
Bahattin Avcı
Comparison of the effectiveness of Ankaferd Blood Stopper
Oral diseases
Şevki Güler
Burcu Ozkan Cetinkaya
Sevda Kurt Bayrakdar
Bülent Ayas
Gonca Cayir Keles
Embryo flash migration in fresh and frozen embryo transfers for day 3 and day 5 embryos.
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
Ayse Z Ozdemir
Bulent Ayas
Davut Guven
Aysın Turkmen
Chromosomal and Y-chromosome microdeletion analysis in 1,300 infertile males and the fertility outcome of patients with AZFc microdeletions.
Ummet Abur
Sezgin Gunes
Ramazan Ascı
Engin Altundag
Omer S Akar
Bulent Ayas
Mediniye Karadag Alpaslan
Gonul Ogur
Réseau de co-auteurs
Bülent Ayas
3 collaborations
Selahittin Çayan
1 collaboration
İrfan Orhan
1 collaboration
Barış Altay
1 collaboration
Ramazan Aşcı
1 collaboration
Erdem Akbay
1 collaboration
Önder Yaman
1 collaboration
Seda Kırmızıkan
1 collaboration
Adem Kocaman
1 collaboration
Bahattin Avcı
1 collaboration
Şevki Güler
1 collaboration
Burcu Ozkan Cetinkaya
1 collaboration
Sevda Kurt Bayrakdar
1 collaboration
Gonca Cayir Keles
1 collaboration
Ayse Z Ozdemir
1 collaboration
Davut Guven
1 collaboration
Aysın Turkmen
1 collaboration
Ummet Abur
1 collaboration
Sezgin Gunes
1 collaboration
Ramazan Ascı
1 collaboration
Engin Altundag
1 collaboration
Omer S Akar
1 collaboration
Mediniye Karadag Alpaslan
1 collaboration
Gonul Ogur
1 collaboration