Benjamin Sieniewicz

  • Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, London, UK.
  • Cardiovascular Department, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.

Publications (13)

Réseau de co-auteurs

Justin Gould 11 collaborations
Christopher A Rinaldi 10 collaborations
Bradley Porter 7 collaborations
Steven Niederer 6 collaborations
Baldeep Sidhu 5 collaborations
Baldeep S Sidhu 4 collaborations
Steven A Niederer 4 collaborations
Helder Pereira 3 collaborations
Tom A Jackson 3 collaborations
Simon Claridge 3 collaborations
Jonathan M Behar 3 collaborations
Cheng Yao 3 collaborations
Mark K Elliott 3 collaborations
Vishal S Mehta 3 collaborations
Gernot Plank 3 collaborations
Jaswinder Gill 2 collaborations
J Behar 2 collaborations
B Sieniewicz 2 collaborations
J Gould 2 collaborations
S Niederer 2 collaborations
C A Rinaldi 2 collaborations
Angela W C Lee 2 collaborations
Baldeep Singh Sidhu 2 collaborations
Jean-Claude Deharo 2 collaborations
Christian Butter 2 collaborations
Martin Seifert 2 collaborations
Lucas V A Boersma 2 collaborations
Sam Riahi 2 collaborations
Simon James 2 collaborations
Andrew J Turley 2 collaborations
Angelo Auricchio 2 collaborations
Timothy R Betts 2 collaborations
T Jackson 1 collaboration
S Claridge 1 collaboration
B Porter 1 collaboration
B Sidhu 1 collaboration
C Yao 1 collaboration
A Lee 1 collaboration
A W C Lee 1 collaboration
U C Nguyen 1 collaboration
O Razeghi 1 collaboration
B S Sidhu 1 collaboration
M Mafi-Rad 1 collaboration
G Plank 1 collaboration
F W Prinzen 1 collaboration
K Vernooy 1 collaboration
Nadeev Wijesuriya 1 collaboration
Abdoul A Amadou 1 collaboration
Ulrike Haberland 1 collaboration
Ronak Rajani 1 collaboration
Declan P O'Regan 1 collaboration
David R Warriner 1 collaboration
Pablo Lamata 1 collaboration
Bernard Prendergast 1 collaboration
Simon Redwood 1 collaboration
Aurel Neic 1 collaboration
Eric Kerfoot 1 collaboration
Zhong Chen 1 collaboration
Martin J Bishop 1 collaboration
Tiago Rua 1 collaboration
Gerald Carr-White 1 collaboration
Mark Elliott 1 collaboration
Vishal Mehta 1 collaboration
Peter P H M Delnoy 1 collaboration
Prashanthan Sanders 1 collaboration
Joshua Blauer 1 collaboration
Tom Jackson 1 collaboration
Subham Ghosh 1 collaboration
Petr Neuzil 1 collaboration
Mauro Biffi 1 collaboration
Igor Diemberger 1 collaboration
Pasquale Vergara 1 collaboration
Martin Arnold 1 collaboration
David T Keane 1 collaboration
Pascal Defaye 1 collaboration
Anthony Chow 1 collaboration
Richard Schilling 1 collaboration
Christophe Leclercq 1 collaboration