Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Biomedical Engineering Department, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland.
Publications (13)
Measuring the effect of thrombosis, thrombus maturation and thrombolysis on clot mechanical properties in an in-vitro model.
Journal of biomechanics
Anushree Dwivedi
Aoife Glynn
Sarah Johnson
Sharon Duffy
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Patrick McGarry
Michael Gilvarry
Ray McCarthy
Auteur inconnu
The role of tissue biomechanics in the implantation and performance of inflatable penile prostheses: current state of the art and future perspective.
Sexual medicine reviews
Shirsha Bose
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Majid Akbarzadeh Khorshidi
Brian Watschke
Evania Mareena
Daragh Nolan
Sean Cooney
Ivor M Cullen
Caitríona Lally
Blood clot fracture properties are dependent on red blood cell and fibrin content.
Acta biomaterialia
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Anushree Dwivedi
Sarah Johnson
Ray McCarthy
Patrick McGarry
A new compressible hyperelastic model for the multi-axial deformation of blood clot occlusions in vessels.
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Kevin M Moerman
Sarah Johnson
Ray McCarthy
Patrick J McGarry
Applicability assessment of a stent-retriever thrombectomy finite-element model.
Interface focus
Giulia Luraghi
Jose Felix Rodriguez Matas
Gabriele Dubini
Francesca Berti
Sara Bridio
Sharon Duffy
Anushree Dwivedi
Ray McCarthy
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Patrick McGarry
Charles B L M Majoie
Francesco Migliavacca
Auteur inconnu
Tensile and Compressive Mechanical Behaviour of Human Blood Clot Analogues.
Annals of biomedical engineering
Rachel M E Cahalane
Judith J de Vries
Moniek P M de Maat
Kim van Gaalen
Heleen M van Beusekom
Aad van der Lugt
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Ali C Akyildiz
Frank J H Gijsen
Mechanical Characterization of Thrombi Retrieved With Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke.
Nikki Boodt
Philip R W Snouckaert van Schauburg
Hajo M Hund
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
J Patrick McGarry
Ali C Akyildiz
Adriaan C G M van Es
Simon F De Meyer
Diederik W J Dippel
Hester F Lingsma
Heleen M M van Beusekom
Aad van der Lugt
Frank J H Gijsen
Development of a patient-specific cerebral vasculature fluid-structure-interaction model.
Journal of biomechanics
Kevin M Moerman
Praneeta Konduri
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Henk Marquering
Aad van der Lugt
Giulia Luraghi
Sara Bridio
Francesco Migliavacca
Jose F Rodriguez Matas
Patrick McGarry
Development of in silico models to guide the experimental characterisation of penile tissue and inform surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Computers in biology and medicine
B Fereidoonnezhad
M Akbarzadeh Khorshidi
S Bose
B Watschke
E Mareena
D Nolan
S Cooney
C Lally
A new constitutive model for permanent deformation of blood clots with application to simulation of aspiration thrombectomy.
Journal of biomechanics
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Patrick McGarry
A new anisotropic soft tissue model for elimination of unphysical auxetic behaviour.
Journal of biomechanics
B Fereidoonnezhad
C O'Connor
J P McGarry
The first virtual patient-specific thrombectomy procedure.
Journal of biomechanics
Giulia Luraghi
Sara Bridio
Jose Felix Rodriguez Matas
Gabriele Dubini
Nikki Boodt
Frank J H Gijsen
Aad van der Lugt
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Kevin M Moerman
Patrick McGarry
Praneeta R Konduri
Nerea Arrarte Terreros
Henk A Marquering
Charles B L M Majoie
Francesco Migliavacca
Auteur inconnu
Combined stent-retriever and aspiration intra-arterial thrombectomy performance for fragmentable blood clots: A proof-of-concept computational study.
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials
Giulia Luraghi
Sara Bridio
Vittorio Lissoni
Gabriele Dubini
Anushree Dwivedi
Ray McCarthy
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Patrick McGarry
Frank J H Gijsen
Jose Felix Rodriguez Matas
Francesco Migliavacca
Réseau de co-auteurs
Patrick McGarry
7 collaborations
Ray McCarthy
5 collaborations
Anushree Dwivedi
4 collaborations
Giulia Luraghi
4 collaborations
Sara Bridio
4 collaborations
Francesco Migliavacca
4 collaborations
Aad van der Lugt
4 collaborations
Frank J H Gijsen
4 collaborations
Sarah Johnson
3 collaborations
None None
3 collaborations
Kevin M Moerman
3 collaborations
Jose Felix Rodriguez Matas
3 collaborations
Gabriele Dubini
3 collaborations
Sharon Duffy
2 collaborations
Charles B L M Majoie
2 collaborations
Ali C Akyildiz
2 collaborations
Nikki Boodt
2 collaborations
B Fereidoonnezhad
2 collaborations
Aoife Glynn
1 collaboration
Michael Gilvarry
1 collaboration
Shirsha Bose
1 collaboration
Majid Akbarzadeh Khorshidi
1 collaboration
Brian Watschke
1 collaboration
Evania Mareena
1 collaboration
Daragh Nolan
1 collaboration
Sean Cooney
1 collaboration
Ivor M Cullen
1 collaboration
Caitríona Lally
1 collaboration
Patrick J McGarry
1 collaboration
Francesca Berti
1 collaboration
Rachel M E Cahalane
1 collaboration
Judith J de Vries
1 collaboration
Moniek P M de Maat
1 collaboration
Kim van Gaalen
1 collaboration
Heleen M van Beusekom
1 collaboration
Philip R W Snouckaert van Schauburg
1 collaboration
Hajo M Hund
1 collaboration
J Patrick McGarry
1 collaboration
Adriaan C G M van Es
1 collaboration
Simon F De Meyer
1 collaboration
Diederik W J Dippel
1 collaboration
Hester F Lingsma
1 collaboration
Heleen M M van Beusekom
1 collaboration
Praneeta Konduri
1 collaboration
Henk Marquering
1 collaboration
Jose F Rodriguez Matas
1 collaboration
M Akbarzadeh Khorshidi
1 collaboration
S Bose
1 collaboration
B Watschke
1 collaboration
E Mareena
1 collaboration
D Nolan
1 collaboration
S Cooney
1 collaboration
C Lally
1 collaboration
C O'Connor
1 collaboration
J P McGarry
1 collaboration
Praneeta R Konduri
1 collaboration
Nerea Arrarte Terreros
1 collaboration
Henk A Marquering
1 collaboration
Vittorio Lissoni
1 collaboration