B Kassaï
B Kassaï
Service de pharmacotoxicologie, hospices civils de Lyon, CHU de Lyon, 69424 Lyon, France; CNRS, laboratoire de biométrie et biologie évolutive UMR5558, université Lyon, université Lyon 1, 69622 Villeurbanne, France.
Publications (4)
Association between difference in blood pressure reduction and risk of cardiovascular events in a type 2 diabetes population: A meta-regression analysis.
Diabetes & metabolism
G Grenet
H H Le
T Bejan-Angoulvant
S Erpeldinger
R Boussageon
B Kassaï
P Moulin
F Gueyffier
M Cucherat
Patterns of hip migration in non-ambulant children with cerebral palsy: A prospective cohort study.
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine
Isabelle Poirot
Valérie Laudy
Muriel Rabilloud
Sylvain Roche
Jean Iwaz
Behrouz Kassaï
Carole Vuillerot
Prevalence and duration of prescribed opioid use during pregnancy: a cohort study from the Quebec Pregnancy Cohort.
BMC pregnancy and childbirth
Jin-Ping Zhao
Christelle Berthod
Odile Sheehy
Behrouz Kassaï
Jessica Gorgui
Anick Bérard
Data Monitoring Committees and clinical trials: From scientific justification to organisation.
Clara Locher
Silvy Laporte
Peggy Derambure
Olivier Chassany
Cécile Girault
Alix Avakiantz
Claire Bahans
Dominique Deplanque
Pierre Fustier
Anne-Françoise Germe
Behrouz Kassaï
Louis Lacoste
Nadine Petitpain
Matthieu Roustit
Tabassome Simon
Cécile Train
Michel Cucherat
Réseau de co-auteurs
Behrouz Kassaï
3 collaborations
G Grenet
1 collaboration
H H Le
1 collaboration
T Bejan-Angoulvant
1 collaboration
S Erpeldinger
1 collaboration
R Boussageon
1 collaboration
P Moulin
1 collaboration
F Gueyffier
1 collaboration
M Cucherat
1 collaboration
Isabelle Poirot
1 collaboration
Valérie Laudy
1 collaboration
Muriel Rabilloud
1 collaboration
Sylvain Roche
1 collaboration
Jean Iwaz
1 collaboration
Carole Vuillerot
1 collaboration
Jin-Ping Zhao
1 collaboration
Christelle Berthod
1 collaboration
Odile Sheehy
1 collaboration
Jessica Gorgui
1 collaboration
Anick Bérard
1 collaboration
Clara Locher
1 collaboration
Silvy Laporte
1 collaboration
Peggy Derambure
1 collaboration
Olivier Chassany
1 collaboration
Cécile Girault
1 collaboration
Alix Avakiantz
1 collaboration
Claire Bahans
1 collaboration
Dominique Deplanque
1 collaboration
Pierre Fustier
1 collaboration
Anne-Françoise Germe
1 collaboration
Louis Lacoste
1 collaboration
Nadine Petitpain
1 collaboration
Matthieu Roustit
1 collaboration
Tabassome Simon
1 collaboration
Cécile Train
1 collaboration
Michel Cucherat
1 collaboration