Ultrasonics sonochemistry
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of texture studies
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Advances in food and nutrition research
Journal of texture studies
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition
Journal of texture studies
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition