AIDS and behavior
Jonathan M Grund
Tyler S Bryant
Carlos Toledo
Inimfon Jackson
Kelly Curran
Sheng Zhou
Jorge Martin Del Campo
Ling Yang
Apollo Kivumbi
Peizi Li
Naomi Bock
Joanna Taliano
Stephanie M Davis
Brain, behavior, & immunity - health
AIDS and behavior
Jonathan M Grund
Tyler S Bryant
Carlos Toledo
Inimfon Jackson
Kelly Curran
Sheng Zhou
Jorge Martin Del Campo
Ling Yang
Apollo Kivumbi
Peizi Li
Naomi Bock
Joanna Taliano
Stephanie M Davis
Vulnerable children and youth studies
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health
Children and youth services review
William Byansi
Phionah Namatovu
Ozge Sensoy Bahar
Joshua Kiyingi
Josephine Nabayinda
Abel Mwebembezi
Apollo Kivumbi
Christopher Damulira
Jennifer Nattabi
Flavia Namuwonge
Mary M McKay
Kimberly Hoagwood
Fred M Ssewamala
The International journal of health planning and management
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines
Rachel Brathwaite
Fred M Ssewamala
Ozge Sensoy Bahar
Mary M McKay
Torsten B Neilands
Phionah Namatovu
Joshua Kiyingi
Lily Zmachinski
Josephine Nabayinda
Keng-Yen Huang
Apollo Kivumbi
Arvin Bhana
Abel Mwebembezi
Inge Petersen
Kimberly Hoagwood
Auteur inconnu