World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy
The British and Irish orthoptic journal
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report
Emilio Dirlikov
Ethan Fechter-Leggett
Stacy L Thorne
Caitlin M Worrell
Jennifer C Smith-Grant
Jonathan Chang
Alexandra M Oster
Adam Bjork
Stanley Young
Alvina U Perez
Tricia Aden
Mark Anderson
Susan Farrall
Jaime Jones-Wormley
Katherine Hendricks Walters
Tanya T LeBlanc
Rebecca Greco Kone
David Hunter
Laura A Cooley
Vikram Krishnasamy
Jennifer Fuld
Carolina Luna-Pinto
Tanya Williams
Ann O'Connor
Randall J Nett
Julie Villanueva
Nadia L Oussayef
Henry T Walke
Jill M Shugart
Margaret A Honein
Dale A Rose
Auteur inconnu
Alzheimer's research & therapy
The Journal of craniofacial surgery
George N Kamel
Ryan M McKee
Kristine Carbulido
Rishi Modi
Caitlyn Belza
Emily Ewing
Rachel M Segal
Alyson O'Connor
Parham Gholami
Justin Ryan
Samuel H Lance
Amanda A Gosman
The Journal of craniofacial surgery
Therapeutic advances in chronic disease
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Sarah J Masyuko
Stephanie T Page
Stephen J Polyak
John Kinuthia
Alfred O Osoti
Fredrick C Otieno
Joseph M Kibachio
Jerusha N Mogaka
Paul M Macharia
Bhavna H Chohan
Jessica Wogner
Aidan O'Connor
Tecla M Temu
Jerry S Zifodya
Amos Otedo
Damalie Nakanjako
James P Hughes
Carey Farquhar