Current topics in microbiology and immunology
Journal of structural biology
FEMS microbiology reviews
Microbiology (Reading, England)
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Nature communications
Sara Jakob
Wieland Steinchen
Juri Hanßmann
Julia Rosum
Katja Langenfeld
Manuel Osorio-Valeriano
Niklas Steube
Pietro I Giammarinaro
Georg K A Hochberg
Timo Glatter
Gert Bange
Andreas Diepold
Martin Thanbichler
Journal of proteome research
Nature microbiology
Stephan Wimmi
Alexander Balinovic
Corentin Brianceau
Katherine Pintor
Jan Vielhauer
Bartosz Turkowyd
Carlos Helbig
Moritz Fleck
Katja Langenfeld
Jörg Kahnt
Timo Glatter
Ulrike Endesfelder
Andreas Diepold
Frontiers in microbiology
Nature communications
Stephan Wimmi
Alexander Balinovic
Hannah Jeckel
Lisa Selinger
Dimitrios Lampaki
Emma Eisemann
Ina Meuskens
Dirk Linke
Knut Drescher
Ulrike Endesfelder
Andreas Diepold
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Current topics in microbiology and immunology
Frontiers in microbiology
Methods and applications in fluorescence
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology
Cell communication and signaling : CCS