Infectious Disease Modelling
Marta C Nunes
Edward Thommes
Holger Fröhlich
Antoine Flahault
Julien Arino
Marc Baguelin
Matthew Biggerstaff
Gaston Bizel-Bizellot
Rebecca Borchering
Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Simon Cauchemez
Alex Barbier-Chebbah
Carsten Claussen
Christine Choirat
Monica Cojocaru
Catherine Commaille-Chapus
Chitin Hon
Jude Kong
Nicolas Lambert
Katharina B Lauer
Thorsten Lehr
Cédric Mahe
Vincent Marechal
Adel Mebarki
Seyed Moghadas
Rene Niehus
Lulla Opatowski
Francesco Parino
Gery Pruvost
Andreas Schuppert
Rodolphe Thiébaut
Andrea Thomas-Bachli
Cecile Viboud
Jianhong Wu
Pascal Crépey
Laurent Coudeville
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA
Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique
Journal of travel medicine
Journal of travel medicine
Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology