Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience
Brain structure & function
The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Abdelahhad Barbour
Leif Smith
Morvarid Oveisi
McKinley Williams
Ruo Chen Huang
Cara Marks
Noah Fine
Chunxiang Sun
Fereshteh Younesi
Sina Zargaran
Ravi Orugunty
Thomas D Horvath
Sigmund J Haidacher
Anthony M Haag
Amarpreet Sabharwal
Boris Hinz
Michael Glogauer
IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering
Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)
Journal of thoracic disease
Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie
European journal of cancer care
Isabel Tol
Elspeth Cumber
Daphne Nakakande
Silvana Wijaya
Catherine Turberfield
Abdul Badran
Safia Siddiqui
Prakhar Srivastava
Bethany Chung
Molly Dineen
Cariosa Devlin
Claire Worrall
Rebecca Green
Emily Bennett
Elizabeth Golding
Ashling Lillis
Ami Sabharwal
Andrew S Protheroe
Robert A Watson
Noriko Ichino
MaKayla R Serres
Rhianna M Urban
Mark D Urban
Anthony J Treichel
Kyle J Schaefbauer
Lauren E Tallant
Gaurav K Varshney
Kimberly J Skuster
Melissa S McNulty
Camden L Daby
Ying Wang
Hsin-Kai Liao
Suzan El-Rass
Yonghe Ding
Weibin Liu
Jennifer L Anderson
Mark D Wishman
Ankit Sabharwal
Lisa A Schimmenti
Sridhar Sivasubbu
Darius Balciunas
Matthias Hammerschmidt
Steven Arthur Farber
Xiao-Yan Wen
Xiaolei Xu
Maura McGrail
Jeffrey J Essner
Shawn M Burgess
Karl J Clark
Stephen C Ekker
Journal of biomedical optics