Alexey Bogdanov

  • Saint-Petersburg City Cancer Center, Leningradskay 68a, Lit.A, Pesochny, St. Petersburg, 197758, Russia.

Publications (21)

Scattering Studies with Low-Energy Kaon-Proton Femtoscopy in Proton-Proton Collisions at the LHC.

Physical review letters
Avec: S Acharya , D Adamová , S P Adhya , A Adler , J Adolfsson , M M Aggarwal , G Aglieri Rinella , M Agnello , N Agrawal , Z Ahammed , S Ahmad , S U Ahn , S Aiola , A Akindinov , M Al-Turany , S N Alam , D S D Albuquerque , D Aleksandrov , B Alessandro , H M Alfanda , R Alfaro Molina , B Ali , Y Ali , A Alici , A Alkin , J Alme , T Alt , L Altenkamper , I Altsybeev , M N Anaam , C Andrei , D Andreou , H A Andrews , A Andronic , M Angeletti , V Anguelov , C Anson , T Antičić , F Antinori , P Antonioli , R Anwar , N Apadula , L Aphecetche , H Appelshäuser , S Arcelli , R Arnaldi , M Arratia , I C Arsene , M Arslandok , A Augustinus , R Averbeck , S Aziz , M D Azmi , A Badalà , Y W Baek , S Bagnasco , R Bailhache , R Bala , A Baldisseri , M Ball , R C Baral , R Barbera , L Barioglio , G G Barnaföldi , L S Barnby , V Barret , P Bartalini , K Barth , E Bartsch , F Baruffaldi , N Bastid , S Basu , G Batigne , B Batyunya , P C Batzing , D Bauri , J L Bazo Alba , I G Bearden , C Bedda , N K Behera , I Belikov , F Bellini , R Bellwied , V Belyaev , G Bencedi , S Beole , A Bercuci , Y Berdnikov , D Berenyi , R A Bertens , D Berzano , L Betev , A Bhasin , I R Bhat , H Bhatt , B Bhattacharjee , A Bianchi , L Bianchi , N Bianchi , J Bielčík , J Bielčíková , A Bilandzic , G Biro , R Biswas , S Biswas , J T Blair , D Blau , C Blume , G Boca , F Bock , A Bogdanov , L Boldizsár , A Bolozdynya , M Bombara , G Bonomi , M Bonora , H Borel , A Borissov , M Borri , H Bossi , E Botta , C Bourjau , L Bratrud , P Braun-Munzinger , M Bregant , T A Broker , M Broz , E J Brucken , E Bruna , G E Bruno , M D Buckland , D Budnikov , H Buesching , S Bufalino , O Bugnon , P Buhler , P Buncic , O Busch , Z Buthelezi , J B Butt , J T Buxton , D Caffarri , A Caliva , E Calvo Villar , R S Camacho , P Camerini , A A Capon , F Carnesecchi , J Castillo Castellanos , A J Castro , E A R Casula , F Catalano , C Ceballos Sanchez , P Chakraborty , S Chandra , B Chang , W Chang , S Chapeland , M Chartier , S Chattopadhyay , S Chattopadhyay , A Chauvin , C Cheshkov , B Cheynis , V Chibante Barroso , D D Chinellato , S Cho , P Chochula , T Chowdhury , P Christakoglou , C H Christensen , P Christiansen , T Chujo , C Cicalo , L Cifarelli , F Cindolo , J Cleymans , F Colamaria , D Colella , A Collu , M Colocci , M Concas , G Conesa Balbastre , Z Conesa Del Valle , G Contin , J G Contreras , T M Cormier , Y Corrales Morales , P Cortese , M R Cosentino , F Costa , S Costanza , J Crkovská , P Crochet , E Cuautle , L Cunqueiro , D Dabrowski , T Dahms , A Dainese , F P A Damas , S Dani , M C Danisch , A Danu , D Das , I Das , S Das , A Dash , S Dash , A Dashi , S De , A De Caro , G de Cataldo , C de Conti , J de Cuveland , A De Falco , D De Gruttola , N De Marco , S De Pasquale , R D De Souza , S Deb , H F Degenhardt , A Deisting , K R Deja , A Deloff , S Delsanto , P Dhankher , D Di Bari , A Di Mauro , R A Diaz , T Dietel , P Dillenseger , Y Ding , R Divià , Ø Djuvsland , U Dmitrieva , A Dobrin , B Dönigus , O Dordic , A K Dubey , A Dubla , S Dudi , A K Duggal , M Dukhishyam , P Dupieux , R J Ehlers , D Elia , H Engel , E Epple , B Erazmus , F Erhardt , A Erokhin , M R Ersdal , B Espagnon , G Eulisse , J Eum , D Evans , S Evdokimov , L Fabbietti , M Faggin , J Faivre , A Fantoni , M Fasel , P Fecchio , L Feldkamp , A Feliciello , G Feofilov , A Fernández Téllez , A Ferrero , A Ferretti , A Festanti , V J G Feuillard , J Figiel , S Filchagin , D Finogeev , F M Fionda , G Fiorenza , F Flor , S Foertsch , P Foka , S Fokin , E Fragiacomo , A Francisco , U Frankenfeld , G G Fronze , U Fuchs , C Furget , A Furs , M Fusco Girard , J J Gaardhøje , M Gagliardi , A M Gago , A Gal , C D Galvan , P Ganoti , C Garabatos , E Garcia-Solis , K Garg , C Gargiulo , K Garner , P Gasik , E F Gauger , M B Gay Ducati , M Germain , J Ghosh , P Ghosh , S K Ghosh , P Gianotti , P Giubellino , P Giubilato , P Glässel , D M Goméz Coral , A Gomez Ramirez , V Gonzalez , P González-Zamora , S Gorbunov , L Görlich , S Gotovac , V Grabski , L K Graczykowski , K L Graham , L Greiner , A Grelli , C Grigoras , V Grigoriev , A Grigoryan , S Grigoryan , O S Groettvik , J M Gronefeld , F Grosa , J F Grosse-Oetringhaus , R Grosso , R Guernane , B Guerzoni , M Guittiere , K Gulbrandsen , T Gunji , A Gupta , R Gupta , I B Guzman , R Haake , M K Habib , C Hadjidakis , H Hamagaki , G Hamar , M Hamid , J C Hamon , R Hannigan , M R Haque , A Harlenderova , J W Harris , A Harton , H Hassan , D Hatzifotiadou , P Hauer , S Hayashi , S T Heckel , E Hellbär , H Helstrup , A Herghelegiu , E G Hernandez , G Herrera Corral , F Herrmann , K F Hetland , T E Hilden , H Hillemanns , C Hills , B Hippolyte , B Hohlweger , D Horak , S Hornung , R Hosokawa , P Hristov , C Huang , C Hughes , P Huhn , T J Humanic , H Hushnud , L A Husova , N Hussain , S A Hussain , T Hussain , D Hutter , D S Hwang , J P Iddon , R Ilkaev , M Inaba , M Ippolitov , M S Islam , M Ivanov , V Ivanov , V Izucheev , B Jacak , N Jacazio , P M Jacobs , M B Jadhav , S Jadlovska , J Jadlovsky , S Jaelani , C Jahnke , M J Jakubowska , M A Janik , M Jercic , O Jevons , R T Jimenez Bustamante , M Jin , F Jonas , P G Jones , A Jusko , P Kalinak , A Kalweit , J H Kang , V Kaplin , S Kar , A Karasu Uysal , O Karavichev , T Karavicheva , P Karczmarczyk , E Karpechev , U Kebschull , R Keidel , M Keil , B Ketzer , Z Khabanova , A M Khan , S Khan , S A Khan , A Khanzadeev , Y Kharlov , A Khatun , A Khuntia , B Kileng , B Kim , B Kim , D Kim , D J Kim , E J Kim , H Kim , J S Kim , J Kim , J Kim , J Kim , M Kim , S Kim , T Kim , T Kim , K Kindra , S Kirsch , I Kisel , S Kiselev , A Kisiel , J L Klay , C Klein , J Klein , S Klein , C Klein-Bösing , S Klewin , A Kluge , M L Knichel , A G Knospe , C Kobdaj , M K Köhler , T Kollegger , A Kondratyev , N Kondratyeva , E Kondratyuk , P J Konopka , L Koska , O Kovalenko , V Kovalenko , M Kowalski , I Králik , A Kravčáková , L Kreis , M Krivda , F Krizek , K Krizkova Gajdosova , M Krüger , E Kryshen , M Krzewicki , A M Kubera , V Kučera , C Kuhn , P G Kuijer , L Kumar , S Kumar , S Kundu , P Kurashvili , A Kurepin , A B Kurepin , S Kushpil , J Kvapil , M J Kweon , Y Kwon , S L La Pointe , P La Rocca , Y S Lai , R Langoy , K Lapidus , A Lardeux , P Larionov , E Laudi , R Lavicka , T Lazareva , R Lea , L Leardini , S Lee , F Lehas , S Lehner , J Lehrbach , R C Lemmon , I León Monzón , E D Lesser , M Lettrich , P Lévai , X Li , X L Li , J Lien , R Lietava , B Lim , S Lindal , V Lindenstruth , S W Lindsay , C Lippmann , M A Lisa , V Litichevskyi , A Liu , S Liu , H M Ljunggren , W J Llope , I M Lofnes , V Loginov , C Loizides , P Loncar , X Lopez , E López Torres , P Luettig , J R Luhder , M Lunardon , G Luparello , M Lupi , A Maevskaya , M Mager , S M Mahmood , T Mahmoud , A Maire , R D Majka , M Malaev , Q W Malik , L Malinina , D Mal'Kevich , P Malzacher , A Mamonov , V Manko , F Manso , V Manzari , Y Mao , M Marchisone , J Mareš , G V Margagliotti , A Margotti , J Margutti , A Marín , C Markert , M Marquard , N A Martin , P Martinengo , J L Martinez , M I Martínez , G Martínez García , M Martinez Pedreira , S Masciocchi , M Masera , A Masoni , L Massacrier , E Masson , A Mastroserio , A M Mathis , P F T Matuoka , A Matyja , C Mayer , M Mazzilli , M A Mazzoni , A F Mechler , F Meddi , Y Melikyan , A Menchaca-Rocha , E Meninno , M Meres , S Mhlanga , Y Miake , L Micheletti , M M Mieskolainen , D L Mihaylov , K Mikhaylov , A Mischke , A N Mishra , D Miśkowiec , C M Mitu , N Mohammadi , A P Mohanty , B Mohanty , M Mohisin Khan , M Mondal , M M Mondal , C Mordasini , D A Moreira De Godoy , L A P Moreno , S Moretto , A Morreale , A Morsch , T Mrnjavac , V Muccifora , E Mudnic , D Mühlheim , S Muhuri , J D Mulligan , M G Munhoz , K Münning , R H Munzer , H Murakami , S Murray , L Musa , J Musinsky , C J Myers , J W Myrcha , B Naik , R Nair , B K Nandi , R Nania , E Nappi , M U Naru , A F Nassirpour , H Natal da Luz , C Nattrass , R Nayak , T K Nayak , S Nazarenko , R A Negrao De Oliveira , L Nellen , S V Nesbo , G Neskovic , B S Nielsen , S Nikolaev , S Nikulin , V Nikulin , F Noferini , P Nomokonov , G Nooren , J Norman , P Nowakowski , A Nyanin , J Nystrand , M Ogino , A Ohlson , J Oleniacz , A C Oliveira Da Silva , M H Oliver , J Onderwaater , C Oppedisano , R Orava , A Ortiz Velasquez , A Oskarsson , J Otwinowski , K Oyama , Y Pachmayer , V Pacik , D Pagano , G Paić , P Palni , J Pan , A K Pandey , S Panebianco , V Papikyan , P Pareek , J Park , J E Parkkila , S Parmar , A Passfeld , S P Pathak , R N Patra , B Paul , H Pei , T Peitzmann , X Peng , L G Pereira , H Pereira Da Costa , D Peresunko , G M Perez , E Perez Lezama , V Peskov , Y Pestov , V Petráček , M Petrovici , R P Pezzi , S Piano , M Pikna , P Pillot , L O D L Pimentel , O Pinazza , L Pinsky , S Pisano , D B Piyarathna , M Płoskoń , M Planinic , F Pliquett , J Pluta , S Pochybova , M G Poghosyan , B Polichtchouk , N Poljak , W Poonsawat , A Pop , H Poppenborg , S Porteboeuf-Houssais , V Pozdniakov , S K Prasad , R Preghenella , F Prino , C A Pruneau , I Pshenichnov , M Puccio , V Punin , K Puranapanda , J Putschke , R E Quishpe , S Ragoni , S Raha , S Rajput , J Rak , A Rakotozafindrabe , L Ramello , F Rami , R Raniwala , S Raniwala , S S Räsänen , B T Rascanu , R Rath , V Ratza , I Ravasenga , K F Read , K Redlich , A Rehman , P Reichelt , F Reidt , X Ren , R Renfordt , A Reshetin , J-P Revol , K Reygers , V Riabov , T Richert , M Richter , P Riedler , W Riegler , F Riggi , C Ristea , S P Rode , M Rodríguez Cahuantzi , K Røed , R Rogalev , E Rogochaya , D Rohr , D Röhrich , P S Rokita , F Ronchetti , E D Rosas , K Roslon , P Rosnet , A Rossi , A Rotondi , F Roukoutakis , A Roy , P Roy , O V Rueda , R Rui , B Rumyantsev , A Rustamov , E Ryabinkin , Y Ryabov , A Rybicki , H Rytkonen , S Saarinen , S Sadhu , S Sadovsky , K Šafařík , S K Saha , B Sahoo , P Sahoo , R Sahoo , S Sahoo , P K Sahu , J Saini , S Sakai , S Sambyal , V Samsonov , A Sandoval , A Sarkar , D Sarkar , N Sarkar , P Sarma , V M Sarti , M H P Sas , E Scapparone , B Schaefer , J Schambach , H S Scheid , C Schiaua , R Schicker , A Schmah , C Schmidt , H R Schmidt , M O Schmidt , M Schmidt , N V Schmidt , A R Schmier , J Schukraft , Y Schutz , K Schwarz , K Schweda , G Scioli , E Scomparin , M Šefčík , J E Seger , Y Sekiguchi , D Sekihata , I Selyuzhenkov , S Senyukov , E Serradilla , P Sett , A Sevcenco , A Shabanov , A Shabetai , R Shahoyan , W Shaikh , A Shangaraev , A Sharma , A Sharma , M Sharma , N Sharma , A I Sheikh , K Shigaki , M Shimomura , S Shirinkin , Q Shou , Y Sibiriak , S Siddhanta , T Siemiarczuk , D Silvermyr , G Simatovic , G Simonetti , R Singh , R Singh , V K Singh , V Singhal , T Sinha , B Sitar , M Sitta , T B Skaali , M Slupecki , N Smirnov , R J M Snellings , T W Snellman , J Sochan , C Soncco , J Song , A Songmoolnak , F Soramel , S Sorensen , I Sputowska , J Stachel , I Stan , P Stankus , P J Steffanic , E Stenlund , D Stocco , M M Storetvedt , P Strmen , A A P Suaide , T Sugitate , C Suire , M Suleymanov , M Suljic , R Sultanov , M Šumbera , S Sumowidagdo , K Suzuki , S Swain , A Szabo , I Szarka , U Tabassam , G Taillepied , J Takahashi , G J Tambave , S Tang , M Tarhini , M G Tarzila , A Tauro , G Tejeda Muñoz , A Telesca , C Terrevoli , D Thakur , S Thakur , D Thomas , F Thoresen , R Tieulent , A Tikhonov , A R Timmins , A Toia , N Topilskaya , M Toppi , F Torales-Acosta , S R Torres , S Tripathy , T Tripathy , S Trogolo , G Trombetta , L Tropp , V Trubnikov , W H Trzaska , T P Trzcinski , B A Trzeciak , T Tsuji , A Tumkin , R Turrisi , T S Tveter , K Ullaland , E N Umaka , A Uras , G L Usai , A Utrobicic , M Vala , N Valle , S Vallero , N van der Kolk , L V R van Doremalen , M van Leeuwen , P Vande Vyvre , D Varga , M Varga-Kofarago , A Vargas , M Vargyas , R Varma , M Vasileiou , A Vasiliev , O Vázquez Doce , V Vechernin , A M Veen , E Vercellin , S Vergara Limón , L Vermunt , R Vernet , R Vértesi , L Vickovic , J Viinikainen , Z Vilakazi , O Villalobos Baillie , A Villatoro Tello , G Vino , A Vinogradov , T Virgili , V Vislavicius , A Vodopyanov , B Volkel , M A Völkl , K Voloshin , S A Voloshin , G Volpe , B von Haller , I Vorobyev , D Voscek , J Vrláková , B Wagner , Y Watanabe , M Weber , S G Weber , A Wegrzynek , D F Weiser , S C Wenzel , J P Wessels , U Westerhoff , A M Whitehead , E Widmann , J Wiechula , J Wikne , G Wilk , J Wilkinson , G A Willems , E Willsher , B Windelband , W E Witt , Y Wu , R Xu , S Yalcin , K Yamakawa , S Yang , S Yano , Z Yin , H Yokoyama , I-K Yoo , J H Yoon , S Yuan , A Yuncu , V Yurchenko , V Zaccolo , A Zaman , C Zampolli , H J C Zanoli , N Zardoshti , A Zarochentsev , P Závada , N Zaviyalov , H Zbroszczyk , M Zhalov , X Zhang , Z Zhang , C Zhao , V Zherebchevskii , N Zhigareva , D Zhou , Y Zhou , Z Zhou , J Zhu , Y Zhu , A Zichichi , M B Zimmermann , G Zinovjev , N Zurlo , Auteur inconnu

First Measurement of Antideuteron Number Fluctuations at Energies Available at the Large Hadron Collider.

Physical review letters
Avec: S Acharya , D Adamová , A Adler , G Aglieri Rinella , M Agnello , N Agrawal , Z Ahammed , S Ahmad , S U Ahn , I Ahuja , A Akindinov , M Al-Turany , D Aleksandrov , B Alessandro , H M Alfanda , R Alfaro Molina , B Ali , Y Ali , A Alici , N Alizadehvandchali , A Alkin , J Alme , G Alocco , T Alt , I Altsybeev , M N Anaam , C Andrei , A Andronic , V Anguelov , F Antinori , P Antonioli , C Anuj , N Apadula , L Aphecetche , H Appelshäuser , S Arcelli , R Arnaldi , I C Arsene , M Arslandok , A Augustinus , R Averbeck , S Aziz , M D Azmi , A Badalà , Y W Baek , X Bai , R Bailhache , Y Bailung , R Bala , A Balbino , A Baldisseri , B Balis , D Banerjee , Z Banoo , R Barbera , L Barioglio , M Barlou , G G Barnaföldi , L S Barnby , V Barret , L Barreto , C Bartels , K Barth , E Bartsch , F Baruffaldi , N Bastid , S Basu , G Batigne , D Battistini , B Batyunya , D Bauri , J L Bazo Alba , I G Bearden , C Beattie , P Becht , D Behera , I Belikov , A D C Bell Hechavarria , R Bellwied , S Belokurova , V Belyaev , G Bencedi , S Beole , A Bercuci , Y Berdnikov , A Berdnikova , L Bergmann , M G Besoiu , L Betev , P P Bhaduri , A Bhasin , I R Bhat , M A Bhat , B Bhattacharjee , L Bianchi , N Bianchi , J Bielčík , J Bielčíková , J Biernat , A Bilandzic , G Biro , S Biswas , J T Blair , D Blau , M B Blidaru , N Bluhme , C Blume , G Boca , F Bock , T Bodova , A Bogdanov , S Boi , J Bok , L Boldizsár , A Bolozdynya , M Bombara , P M Bond , G Bonomi , H Borel , A Borissov , H Bossi , E Botta , L Bratrud , P Braun-Munzinger , M Bregant , M Broz , G E Bruno , M D Buckland , D Budnikov , H Buesching , S Bufalino , O Bugnon , P Buhler , Z Buthelezi , J B Butt , A Bylinkin , S A Bysiak , M Cai , H Caines , A Caliva , E Calvo Villar , J M M Camacho , R S Camacho , P Camerini , F D M Canedo , M Carabas , F Carnesecchi , R Caron , J Castillo Castellanos , F Catalano , C Ceballos Sanchez , I Chakaberia , P Chakraborty , S Chandra , S Chapeland , M Chartier , S Chattopadhyay , S Chattopadhyay , T G Chavez , T Cheng , C Cheshkov , B Cheynis , V Chibante Barroso , D D Chinellato , E S Chizzali , S Cho , P Chochula , P Christakoglou , C H Christensen , P Christiansen , T Chujo , M Ciacco , C Cicalo , L Cifarelli , F Cindolo , M R Ciupek , G Clai , F Colamaria , J S Colburn , D Colella , A Collu , M Colocci , M Concas , G Conesa Balbastre , Z Conesa Del Valle , G Contin , J G Contreras , M L Coquet , T M Cormier , P Cortese , M R Cosentino , F Costa , S Costanza , P Crochet , R Cruz-Torres , E Cuautle , P Cui , L Cunqueiro , A Dainese , M C Danisch , A Danu , P Das , P Das , S Das , S Dash , A De Caro , G de Cataldo , L De Cilladi , J de Cuveland , A De Falco , D De Gruttola , N De Marco , C De Martin , S De Pasquale , S Deb , H F Degenhardt , K R Deja , R Del Grande , L Dello Stritto , W Deng , P Dhankher , D Di Bari , A Di Mauro , R A Diaz , T Dietel , Y Ding , R Divià , D U Dixit , Ø Djuvsland , U Dmitrieva , A Dobrin , B Dönigus , A K Dubey , J M Dubinski , A Dubla , S Dudi , P Dupieux , M Durkac , N Dzalaiova , T M Eder , R J Ehlers , V N Eikeland , F Eisenhut , D Elia , B Erazmus , F Ercolessi , F Erhardt , A Erokhin , M R Ersdal , B Espagnon , G Eulisse , D Evans , S Evdokimov , L Fabbietti , M Faggin , J Faivre , F Fan , W Fan , A Fantoni , M Fasel , P Fecchio , A Feliciello , G Feofilov , A Fernández Téllez , M B Ferrer , A Ferrero , A Ferretti , V J G Feuillard , J Figiel , V Filova , D Finogeev , G Fiorenza , F Flor , A N Flores , S Foertsch , I Fokin , S Fokin , E Fragiacomo , E Frajna , U Fuchs , N Funicello , C Furget , A Furs , J J Gaardhøje , M Gagliardi , A M Gago , A Gal , C D Galvan , P Ganoti , C Garabatos , J R A Garcia , E Garcia-Solis , K Garg , C Gargiulo , A Garibli , K Garner , E F Gauger , A Gautam , M B Gay Ducati , M Germain , S K Ghosh , M Giacalone , P Gianotti , P Giubellino , P Giubilato , A M C Glaenzer , P Glässel , E Glimos , D J Q Goh , V Gonzalez , L H González-Trueba , S Gorbunov , M Gorgon , L Görlich , S Gotovac , V Grabski , L K Graczykowski , E Grecka , L Greiner , A Grelli , C Grigoras , V Grigoriev , S Grigoryan , F Grosa , J F Grosse-Oetringhaus , R Grosso , D Grund , G G Guardiano , R Guernane , M Guilbaud , K Gulbrandsen , T Gunji , W Guo , A Gupta , R Gupta , S P Guzman , L Gyulai , M K Habib , C Hadjidakis , H Hamagaki , M Hamid , Y Han , R Hannigan , M R Haque , A Harlenderova , J W Harris , A Harton , J A Hasenbichler , H Hassan , D Hatzifotiadou , P Hauer , L B Havener , S T Heckel , E Hellbär , H Helstrup , T Herman , G Herrera Corral , F Herrmann , K F Hetland , B Heybeck , H Hillemanns , C Hills , B Hippolyte , B Hofman , B Hohlweger , J Honermann , G H Hong , D Horak , A Horzyk , R Hosokawa , Y Hou , P Hristov , C Hughes , P Huhn , L M Huhta , C V Hulse , T J Humanic , H Hushnud , A Hutson , D Hutter , J P Iddon , R Ilkaev , H Ilyas , M Inaba , G M Innocenti , M Ippolitov , A Isakov , T Isidori , M S Islam , M Ivanov , V Ivanov , V Izucheev , M Jablonski , B Jacak , N Jacazio , P M Jacobs , S Jadlovska , J Jadlovsky , L Jaffe , C Jahnke , M A Janik , T Janson , M Jercic , O Jevons , A A P Jimenez , F Jonas , P G Jones , J M Jowett , J Jung , M Jung , A Junique , A Jusko , M J Kabus , J Kaewjai , P Kalinak , A S Kalteyer , A Kalweit , V Kaplin , A Karasu Uysal , D Karatovic , O Karavichev , T Karavicheva , P Karczmarczyk , E Karpechev , V Kashyap , A Kazantsev , U Kebschull , R Keidel , D L D Keijdener , M Keil , B Ketzer , A M Khan , S Khan , A Khanzadeev , Y Kharlov , A Khatun , A Khuntia , B Kileng , B Kim , C Kim , D J Kim , E J Kim , J Kim , J S Kim , J Kim , J Kim , M Kim , S Kim , T Kim , S Kirsch , I Kisel , S Kiselev , A Kisiel , J P Kitowski , J L Klay , J Klein , S Klein , C Klein-Bösing , M Kleiner , T Klemenz , A Kluge , A G Knospe , C Kobdaj , T Kollegger , A Kondratyev , N Kondratyeva , E Kondratyuk , J Konig , S A Konigstorfer , P J Konopka , G Kornakov , S D Koryciak , A Kotliarov , O Kovalenko , V Kovalenko , M Kowalski , I Králik , A Kravčáková , L Kreis , M Krivda , F Krizek , K Krizkova Gajdosova , M Kroesen , M Krüger , D M Krupova , E Kryshen , M Krzewicki , V Kučera , C Kuhn , P G Kuijer , T Kumaoka , D Kumar , L Kumar , N Kumar , S Kundu , P Kurashvili , A Kurepin , A B Kurepin , A Kuryakin , S Kushpil , J Kvapil , M J Kweon , J Y Kwon , Y Kwon , S L La Pointe , P La Rocca , Y S Lai , A Lakrathok , M Lamanna , R Langoy , P Larionov , E Laudi , L Lautner , R Lavicka , T Lazareva , R Lea , J Lehrbach , R C Lemmon , I León Monzón , M M Lesch , E D Lesser , M Lettrich , P Lévai , X Li , X L Li , J Lien , R Lietava , B Lim , S H Lim , V Lindenstruth , A Lindner , C Lippmann , A Liu , D H Liu , J Liu , I M Lofnes , V Loginov , C Loizides , P Loncar , J A Lopez , X Lopez , E López Torres , P Lu , J R Luhder , M Lunardon , G Luparello , Y G Ma , A Maevskaya , M Mager , T Mahmoud , A Maire , M Malaev , N M Malik , Q W Malik , S K Malik , L Malinina , D Mal'Kevich , D Mallick , N Mallick , G Mandaglio , V Manko , F Manso , V Manzari , Y Mao , G V Margagliotti , A Margotti , A Marín , C Markert , M Marquard , N A Martin , P Martinengo , J L Martinez , M I Martínez , G Martínez García , S Masciocchi , M Masera , A Masoni , L Massacrier , A Mastroserio , A M Mathis , O Matonoha , P F T Matuoka , A Matyja , C Mayer , A L Mazuecos , F Mazzaschi , M Mazzilli , J E Mdhluli , A F Mechler , Y Melikyan , A Menchaca-Rocha , E Meninno , A S Menon , M Meres , S Mhlanga , Y Miake , L Micheletti , L C Migliorin , D L Mihaylov , K Mikhaylov , A N Mishra , D Miśkowiec , A Modak , A P Mohanty , B Mohanty , M Mohisin Khan , M A Molander , Z Moravcova , C Mordasini , D A Moreira De Godoy , I Morozov , A Morsch , T Mrnjavac , V Muccifora , E Mudnic , S Muhuri , J D Mulligan , A Mulliri , M G Munhoz , R H Munzer , H Murakami , S Murray , L Musa , J Musinsky , J W Myrcha , B Naik , R Nair , B K Nandi , R Nania , E Nappi , A F Nassirpour , A Nath , C Nattrass , T K Nayak , A Neagu , A Negru , L Nellen , S V Nesbo , G Neskovic , D Nesterov , B S Nielsen , E G Nielsen , S Nikolaev , S Nikulin , V Nikulin , F Noferini , S Noh , P Nomokonov , J Norman , N Novitzky , P Nowakowski , A Nyanin , J Nystrand , M Ogino , A Ohlson , V A Okorokov , J Oleniacz , A C Oliveira Da Silva , M H Oliver , A Onnerstad , C Oppedisano , A Ortiz Velasquez , A Oskarsson , J Otwinowski , M Oya , K Oyama , Y Pachmayer , S Padhan , D Pagano , G Paić , A Palasciano , S Panebianco , J Park , J E Parkkila , S P Pathak , R N Patra , B Paul , H Pei , T Peitzmann , X Peng , L G Pereira , H Pereira Da Costa , D Peresunko , G M Perez , S Perrin , Y Pestov , V Petráček , V Petrov , M Petrovici , R P Pezzi , S Piano , M Pikna , P Pillot , O Pinazza , L Pinsky , C Pinto , S Pisano , M Płoskoń , M Planinic , F Pliquett , M G Poghosyan , B Polichtchouk , S Politano , N Poljak , A Pop , S Porteboeuf-Houssais , J Porter , V Pozdniakov , S K Prasad , S Prasad , R Preghenella , F Prino , C A Pruneau , I Pshenichnov , M Puccio , S Qiu , L Quaglia , R E Quishpe , S Ragoni , A Rakotozafindrabe , L Ramello , F Rami , S A R Ramirez , T A Rancien , R Raniwala , S Raniwala , S S Räsänen , R Rath , I Ravasenga , K F Read , A R Redelbach , K Redlich , A Rehman , P Reichelt , F Reidt , H A Reme-Ness , Z Rescakova , K Reygers , A Riabov , V Riabov , R Ricci , T Richert , M Richter , W Riegler , F Riggi , C Ristea , M Rodríguez Cahuantzi , K Røed , R Rogalev , E Rogochaya , T S Rogoschinski , D Rohr , D Röhrich , P F Rojas , S Rojas Torres , P S Rokita , F Ronchetti , A Rosano , E D Rosas , A Rossi , A Roy , P Roy , S Roy , N Rubini , O V Rueda , D Ruggiano , R Rui , B Rumyantsev , P G Russek , R Russo , A Rustamov , E Ryabinkin , Y Ryabov , A Rybicki , H Rytkonen , W Rzesa , O A M Saarimaki , R Sadek , S Sadovsky , J Saetre , K Šafařík , S K Saha , S Saha , B Sahoo , P Sahoo , R Sahoo , S Sahoo , D Sahu , P K Sahu , J Saini , S Sakai , M P Salvan , S Sambyal , T B Saramela , D Sarkar , N Sarkar , P Sarma , V M Sarti , M H P Sas , J Schambach , H S Scheid , C Schiaua , R Schicker , A Schmah , C Schmidt , H R Schmidt , M O Schmidt , M Schmidt , N V Schmidt , A R Schmier , R Schotter , J Schukraft , K Schwarz , K Schweda , G Scioli , E Scomparin , J E Seger , Y Sekiguchi , D Sekihata , I Selyuzhenkov , S Senyukov , J J Seo , D Serebryakov , L Šerkšnytė , A Sevcenco , T J Shaba , A Shabanov , A Shabetai , R Shahoyan , W Shaikh , A Shangaraev , A Sharma , D Sharma , H Sharma , M Sharma , N Sharma , S Sharma , U Sharma , A Shatat , O Sheibani , K Shigaki , M Shimomura , S Shirinkin , Q Shou , Y Sibiriak , S Siddhanta , T Siemiarczuk , T F Silva , D Silvermyr , T Simantathammakul , G Simonetti , B Singh , B Singh , R Singh , R Singh , R Singh , V K Singh , V Singhal , T Sinha , B Sitar , M Sitta , T B Skaali , G Skorodumovs , M Slupecki , N Smirnov , R J M Snellings , E H Solheim , C Soncco , J Song , A Songmoolnak , F Soramel , S Sorensen , R Spijkers , I Sputowska , J Staa , J Stachel , I Stan , P J Steffanic , S F Stiefelmaier , D Stocco , I Storehaug , M M Storetvedt , P Stratmann , S Strazzi , C P Stylianidis , A A P Suaide , C Suire , M Sukhanov , M Suljic , V Sumberia , S Sumowidagdo , S Swain , A Szabo , I Szarka , U Tabassam , S F Taghavi , G Taillepied , J Takahashi , G J Tambave , S Tang , Z Tang , J D Tapia Takaki , N Tapus , L A Tarasovicova , M G Tarzila , A Tauro , G Tejeda Muñoz , A Telesca , L Terlizzi , C Terrevoli , G Tersimonov , S Thakur , D Thomas , R Tieulent , A Tikhonov , A R Timmins , M Tkacik , T Tkacik , A Toia , N Topilskaya , M Toppi , F Torales-Acosta , T Tork , A G Torres Ramos , A Trifiró , A S Triolo , S Tripathy , T Tripathy , S Trogolo , V Trubnikov , W H Trzaska , T P Trzcinski , A Tumkin , R Turrisi , T S Tveter , K Ullaland , B Ulukutlu , A Uras , M Urioni , G L Usai , M Vala , N Valle , S Vallero , L V R van Doremalen , M van Leeuwen , C A van Veen , R J G van Weelden , P Vande Vyvre , D Varga , Z Varga , M Varga-Kofarago , M Vasileiou , A Vasiliev , O Vázquez Doce , V Vechernin , E Vercellin , S Vergara Limón , L Vermunt , R Vértesi , M Verweij , L Vickovic , Z Vilakazi , O Villalobos Baillie , G Vino , A Vinogradov , T Virgili , V Vislavicius , A Vodopyanov , B Volkel , M A Völkl , K Voloshin , S A Voloshin , G Volpe , B von Haller , I Vorobyev , N Vozniuk , J Vrláková , B Wagner , C Wang , D Wang , M Weber , A Wegrzynek , F T Weiglhofer , S C Wenzel , J P Wessels , S L Weyhmiller , J Wiechula , J Wikne , G Wilk , J Wilkinson , G A Willems , B Windelband , M Winn , J R Wright , W Wu , Y Wu , R Xu , A K Yadav , S Yalcin , Y Yamaguchi , K Yamakawa , S Yang , S Yano , Z Yin , I-K Yoo , J H Yoon , S Yuan , A Yuncu , V Zaccolo , C Zampolli , H J C Zanoli , F Zanone , N Zardoshti , A Zarochentsev , P Závada , N Zaviyalov , M Zhalov , B Zhang , S Zhang , X Zhang , Y Zhang , M Zhao , V Zherebchevskii , Y Zhi , N Zhigareva , D Zhou , Y Zhou , J Zhu , Y Zhu , G Zinovjev , N Zurlo , Auteur inconnu

Measurement of ϒ(1S) Elliptic Flow at Forward Rapidity in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV.

Physical review letters
Avec: S Acharya , D Adamová , S P Adhya , A Adler , J Adolfsson , M M Aggarwal , G Aglieri Rinella , M Agnello , N Agrawal , Z Ahammed , S Ahmad , S U Ahn , A Akindinov , M Al-Turany , S N Alam , D S D Albuquerque , D Aleksandrov , B Alessandro , H M Alfanda , R Alfaro Molina , B Ali , Y Ali , A Alici , A Alkin , J Alme , T Alt , L Altenkamper , I Altsybeev , M N Anaam , C Andrei , D Andreou , H A Andrews , A Andronic , M Angeletti , V Anguelov , C Anson , T Antičić , F Antinori , P Antonioli , R Anwar , N Apadula , L Aphecetche , H Appelshäuser , S Arcelli , R Arnaldi , M Arratia , I C Arsene , M Arslandok , A Augustinus , R Averbeck , S Aziz , M D Azmi , A Badalà , Y W Baek , S Bagnasco , X Bai , R Bailhache , R Bala , A Baldisseri , M Ball , S Balouza , R C Baral , R Barbera , L Barioglio , G G Barnaföldi , L S Barnby , V Barret , P Bartalini , K Barth , E Bartsch , F Baruffaldi , N Bastid , S Basu , G Batigne , B Batyunya , P C Batzing , D Bauri , J L Bazo Alba , I G Bearden , C Bedda , N K Behera , I Belikov , F Bellini , R Bellwied , V Belyaev , G Bencedi , S Beole , A Bercuci , Y Berdnikov , D Berenyi , R A Bertens , D Berzano , M G Besoiu , L Betev , A Bhasin , I R Bhat , M A Bhat , H Bhatt , B Bhattacharjee , A Bianchi , L Bianchi , N Bianchi , J Bielčík , J Bielčíková , A Bilandzic , G Biro , R Biswas , S Biswas , J T Blair , D Blau , C Blume , G Boca , F Bock , A Bogdanov , L Boldizsár , A Bolozdynya , M Bombara , G Bonomi , H Borel , A Borissov , M Borri , H Bossi , E Botta , L Bratrud , P Braun-Munzinger , M Bregant , T A Broker , M Broz , E J Brucken , E Bruna , G E Bruno , M D Buckland , D Budnikov , H Buesching , S Bufalino , O Bugnon , P Buhler , P Buncic , Z Buthelezi , J B Butt , J T Buxton , S A Bysiak , D Caffarri , A Caliva , E Calvo Villar , R S Camacho , P Camerini , A A Capon , F Carnesecchi , R Caron , J Castillo Castellanos , A J Castro , E A R Casula , F Catalano , C Ceballos Sanchez , P Chakraborty , S Chandra , B Chang , W Chang , S Chapeland , M Chartier , S Chattopadhyay , S Chattopadhyay , A Chauvin , C Cheshkov , B Cheynis , V Chibante Barroso , D D Chinellato , S Cho , P Chochula , T Chowdhury , P Christakoglou , C H Christensen , P Christiansen , T Chujo , C Cicalo , L Cifarelli , F Cindolo , J Cleymans , F Colamaria , D Colella , A Collu , M Colocci , M Concas , G Conesa Balbastre , Z Conesa Del Valle , G Contin , J G Contreras , T M Cormier , Y Corrales Morales , P Cortese , M R Cosentino , F Costa , S Costanza , J Crkovská , P Crochet , E Cuautle , L Cunqueiro , D Dabrowski , T Dahms , A Dainese , F P A Damas , S Dani , M C Danisch , A Danu , D Das , I Das , P Das , S Das , A Dash , S Dash , A Dashi , S De , A De Caro , G de Cataldo , C de Conti , J de Cuveland , A De Falco , D De Gruttola , N De Marco , S De Pasquale , R D De Souza , S Deb , H F Degenhardt , K R Deja , A Deloff , S Delsanto , D Devetak , P Dhankher , D Di Bari , A Di Mauro , R A Diaz , T Dietel , P Dillenseger , Y Ding , R Divià , Ø Djuvsland , U Dmitrieva , A Dobrin , B Dönigus , O Dordic , A K Dubey , A Dubla , S Dudi , M Dukhishyam , P Dupieux , R J Ehlers , D Elia , H Engel , E Epple , B Erazmus , F Erhardt , A Erokhin , M R Ersdal , B Espagnon , G Eulisse , J Eum , D Evans , S Evdokimov , L Fabbietti , M Faggin , J Faivre , A Fantoni , M Fasel , P Fecchio , A Feliciello , G Feofilov , A Fernández Téllez , A Ferrero , A Ferretti , A Festanti , V J G Feuillard , J Figiel , S Filchagin , D Finogeev , F M Fionda , G Fiorenza , F Flor , S Foertsch , P Foka , S Fokin , E Fragiacomo , U Frankenfeld , G G Fronze , U Fuchs , C Furget , A Furs , M Fusco Girard , J J Gaardhøje , M Gagliardi , A M Gago , A Gal , C D Galvan , P Ganoti , C Garabatos , E Garcia-Solis , K Garg , C Gargiulo , A Garibli , K Garner , P Gasik , E F Gauger , M B Gay Ducati , M Germain , J Ghosh , P Ghosh , S K Ghosh , P Gianotti , P Giubellino , P Giubilato , P Glässel , D M Goméz Coral , A Gomez Ramirez , V Gonzalez , P González-Zamora , S Gorbunov , L Görlich , S Gotovac , V Grabski , L K Graczykowski , K L Graham , L Greiner , A Grelli , C Grigoras , V Grigoriev , A Grigoryan , S Grigoryan , O S Groettvik , J M Gronefeld , F Grosa , J F Grosse-Oetringhaus , R Grosso , R Guernane , B Guerzoni , M Guittiere , K Gulbrandsen , T Gunji , A Gupta , R Gupta , I B Guzman , R Haake , M K Habib , C Hadjidakis , H Hamagaki , G Hamar , M Hamid , R Hannigan , M R Haque , A Harlenderova , J W Harris , A Harton , J A Hasenbichler , H Hassan , D Hatzifotiadou , P Hauer , S Hayashi , A D L B Hechavarria , S T Heckel , E Hellbär , H Helstrup , A Herghelegiu , E G Hernandez , G Herrera Corral , F Herrmann , K F Hetland , T E Hilden , H Hillemanns , C Hills , B Hippolyte , B Hohlweger , D Horak , S Hornung , R Hosokawa , P Hristov , C Huang , C Hughes , P Huhn , T J Humanic , H Hushnud , L A Husova , N Hussain , S A Hussain , T Hussain , D Hutter , D S Hwang , J P Iddon , R Ilkaev , M Inaba , M Ippolitov , M S Islam , M Ivanov , V Ivanov , V Izucheev , B Jacak , N Jacazio , P M Jacobs , M B Jadhav , S Jadlovska , J Jadlovsky , S Jaelani , C Jahnke , M J Jakubowska , M A Janik , M Jercic , O Jevons , R T Jimenez Bustamante , M Jin , F Jonas , P G Jones , A Jusko , P Kalinak , A Kalweit , J H Kang , V Kaplin , S Kar , A Karasu Uysal , O Karavichev , T Karavicheva , P Karczmarczyk , E Karpechev , U Kebschull , R Keidel , M Keil , B Ketzer , Z Khabanova , A M Khan , S Khan , S A Khan , A Khanzadeev , Y Kharlov , A Khatun , A Khuntia , B Kileng , B Kim , B Kim , D Kim , D J Kim , E J Kim , H Kim , J Kim , J S Kim , J Kim , J Kim , J Kim , M Kim , S Kim , T Kim , T Kim , S Kirsch , I Kisel , S Kiselev , A Kisiel , J L Klay , C Klein , J Klein , S Klein , C Klein-Bösing , S Klewin , A Kluge , M L Knichel , A G Knospe , C Kobdaj , M K Köhler , T Kollegger , A Kondratyev , N Kondratyeva , E Kondratyuk , P J Konopka , L Koska , O Kovalenko , V Kovalenko , M Kowalski , I Králik , A Kravčáková , L Kreis , M Krivda , F Krizek , K Krizkova Gajdosova , M Krüger , E Kryshen , M Krzewicki , A M Kubera , V Kučera , C Kuhn , P G Kuijer , L Kumar , S Kumar , S Kundu , P Kurashvili , A Kurepin , A B Kurepin , A Kuryakin , S Kushpil , J Kvapil , M J Kweon , J Y Kwon , Y Kwon , S L La Pointe , P La Rocca , Y S Lai , R Langoy , K Lapidus , A Lardeux , P Larionov , E Laudi , R Lavicka , T Lazareva , R Lea , L Leardini , S Lee , F Lehas , S Lehner , J Lehrbach , R C Lemmon , I León Monzón , E D Lesser , M Lettrich , P Lévai , X Li , X L Li , J Lien , R Lietava , B Lim , S Lindal , V Lindenstruth , S W Lindsay , C Lippmann , M A Lisa , V Litichevskyi , A Liu , S Liu , W J Llope , I M Lofnes , V Loginov , C Loizides , P Loncar , X Lopez , E López Torres , P Luettig , J R Luhder , M Lunardon , G Luparello , M Lupi , A Maevskaya , M Mager , S M Mahmood , T Mahmoud , A Maire , R D Majka , M Malaev , Q W Malik , L Malinina , D Mal'Kevich , P Malzacher , A Mamonov , G Mandaglio , V Manko , F Manso , V Manzari , Y Mao , M Marchisone , J Mareš , G V Margagliotti , A Margotti , J Margutti , A Marín , C Markert , M Marquard , N A Martin , P Martinengo , J L Martinez , M I Martínez , G Martínez García , M Martinez Pedreira , S Masciocchi , M Masera , A Masoni , L Massacrier , E Masson , A Mastroserio , A M Mathis , O Matonoha , P F T Matuoka , A Matyja , C Mayer , M Mazzilli , M A Mazzoni , A F Mechler , F Meddi , Y Melikyan , A Menchaca-Rocha , E Meninno , M Meres , S Mhlanga , Y Miake , L Micheletti , M M Mieskolainen , D L Mihaylov , K Mikhaylov , A Mischke , A N Mishra , D Miśkowiec , C M Mitu , A Modak , N Mohammadi , A P Mohanty , B Mohanty , M Mohisin Khan , M Mondal , M M Mondal , C Mordasini , D A Moreira De Godoy , L A P Moreno , S Moretto , A Morreale , A Morsch , T Mrnjavac , V Muccifora , E Mudnic , D Mühlheim , S Muhuri , J D Mulligan , M G Munhoz , K Münning , R H Munzer , H Murakami , S Murray , L Musa , J Musinsky , C J Myers , J W Myrcha , B Naik , R Nair , B K Nandi , R Nania , E Nappi , M U Naru , A F Nassirpour , H Natal da Luz , C Nattrass , R Nayak , T K Nayak , S Nazarenko , R A Negrao De Oliveira , L Nellen , S V Nesbo , G Neskovic , D Nesterov , B S Nielsen , S Nikolaev , S Nikulin , V Nikulin , F Noferini , P Nomokonov , G Nooren , J Norman , N Novitzky , P Nowakowski , A Nyanin , J Nystrand , M Ogino , A Ohlson , J Oleniacz , A C Oliveira Da Silva , M H Oliver , C Oppedisano , R Orava , A Ortiz Velasquez , A Oskarsson , J Otwinowski , K Oyama , Y Pachmayer , V Pacik , D Pagano , G Paić , P Palni , J Pan , A K Pandey , S Panebianco , V Papikyan , P Pareek , J Park , J E Parkkila , S Parmar , A Passfeld , S P Pathak , R N Patra , B Paul , H Pei , T Peitzmann , X Peng , L G Pereira , H Pereira Da Costa , D Peresunko , G M Perez , E Perez Lezama , V Peskov , Y Pestov , V Petráček , M Petrovici , R P Pezzi , S Piano , M Pikna , P Pillot , L O D L Pimentel , O Pinazza , L Pinsky , C Pinto , S Pisano , D Pistone , D B Piyarathna , M Płoskoń , M Planinic , F Pliquett , J Pluta , S Pochybova , M G Poghosyan , B Polichtchouk , N Poljak , W Poonsawat , A Pop , H Poppenborg , S Porteboeuf-Houssais , V Pozdniakov , S K Prasad , R Preghenella , F Prino , C A Pruneau , I Pshenichnov , M Puccio , V Punin , K Puranapanda , J Putschke , R E Quishpe , S Ragoni , S Raha , S Rajput , J Rak , A Rakotozafindrabe , L Ramello , F Rami , R Raniwala , S Raniwala , S S Räsänen , B T Rascanu , R Rath , V Ratza , I Ravasenga , K F Read , K Redlich , A Rehman , P Reichelt , F Reidt , X Ren , R Renfordt , A Reshetin , J-P Revol , K Reygers , V Riabov , T Richert , M Richter , P Riedler , W Riegler , F Riggi , C Ristea , S P Rode , M Rodríguez Cahuantzi , K Røed , R Rogalev , E Rogochaya , D Rohr , D Röhrich , P S Rokita , F Ronchetti , E D Rosas , K Roslon , P Rosnet , A Rossi , A Rotondi , F Roukoutakis , A Roy , P Roy , O V Rueda , R Rui , B Rumyantsev , A Rustamov , E Ryabinkin , Y Ryabov , A Rybicki , H Rytkonen , S Sadhu , S Sadovsky , K Šafařík , S K Saha , B Sahoo , P Sahoo , R Sahoo , S Sahoo , P K Sahu , J Saini , S Sakai , S Sambyal , V Samsonov , F R Sanchez , A Sandoval , A Sarkar , D Sarkar , N Sarkar , P Sarma , V M Sarti , M H P Sas , E Scapparone , B Schaefer , J Schambach , H S Scheid , C Schiaua , R Schicker , A Schmah , C Schmidt , H R Schmidt , M O Schmidt , M Schmidt , N V Schmidt , A R Schmier , J Schukraft , Y Schutz , K Schwarz , K Schweda , G Scioli , E Scomparin , M Šefčík , J E Seger , Y Sekiguchi , D Sekihata , I Selyuzhenkov , S Senyukov , D Serebryakov , E Serradilla , P Sett , A Sevcenco , A Shabanov , A Shabetai , R Shahoyan , W Shaikh , A Shangaraev , A Sharma , A Sharma , H Sharma , M Sharma , N Sharma , A I Sheikh , K Shigaki , M Shimomura , S Shirinkin , Q Shou , Y Sibiriak , S Siddhanta , T Siemiarczuk , D Silvermyr , C Silvestre , G Simatovic , G Simonetti , R Singh , R Singh , V K Singh , V Singhal , T Sinha , B Sitar , M Sitta , T B Skaali , M Slupecki , N Smirnov , R J M Snellings , T W Snellman , J Sochan , C Soncco , J Song , A Songmoolnak , F Soramel , S Sorensen , I Sputowska , J Stachel , I Stan , P Stankus , P J Steffanic , E Stenlund , D Stocco , M M Storetvedt , P Strmen , A A P Suaide , T Sugitate , C Suire , M Suleymanov , M Suljic , R Sultanov , M Šumbera , S Sumowidagdo , K Suzuki , S Swain , A Szabo , I Szarka , U Tabassam , G Taillepied , J Takahashi , G J Tambave , S Tang , M Tarhini , M G Tarzila , A Tauro , G Tejeda Muñoz , A Telesca , C Terrevoli , D Thakur , S Thakur , D Thomas , F Thoresen , R Tieulent , A Tikhonov , A R Timmins , A Toia , N Topilskaya , M Toppi , F Torales-Acosta , S R Torres , A Trifiro , S Tripathy , T Tripathy , S Trogolo , G Trombetta , L Tropp , V Trubnikov , W H Trzaska , T P Trzcinski , B A Trzeciak , T Tsuji , A Tumkin , R Turrisi , T S Tveter , K Ullaland , E N Umaka , A Uras , G L Usai , A Utrobicic , M Vala , N Valle , S Vallero , N van der Kolk , L V R van Doremalen , M van Leeuwen , P Vande Vyvre , D Varga , Z Varga , M Varga-Kofarago , A Vargas , M Vargyas , R Varma , M Vasileiou , A Vasiliev , O Vázquez Doce , V Vechernin , A M Veen , E Vercellin , S Vergara Limón , L Vermunt , R Vernet , R Vértesi , M G D L C Vicencio , L Vickovic , J Viinikainen , Z Vilakazi , O Villalobos Baillie , A Villatoro Tello , G Vino , A Vinogradov , T Virgili , V Vislavicius , A Vodopyanov , B Volkel , M A Völkl , K Voloshin , S A Voloshin , G Volpe , B von Haller , I Vorobyev , D Voscek , J Vrláková , B Wagner , M Weber , S G Weber , A Wegrzynek , D F Weiser , S C Wenzel , J P Wessels , E Widmann , J Wiechula , J Wikne , G Wilk , J Wilkinson , G A Willems , E Willsher , B Windelband , W E Witt , M Winn , Y Wu , R Xu , S Yalcin , K Yamakawa , S Yang , S Yano , Z Yin , H Yokoyama , I-K Yoo , J H Yoon , S Yuan , A Yuncu , V Yurchenko , V Zaccolo , A Zaman , C Zampolli , H J C Zanoli , N Zardoshti , A Zarochentsev , P Závada , N Zaviyalov , H Zbroszczyk , M Zhalov , X Zhang , Z Zhang , C Zhao , V Zherebchevskii , N Zhigareva , D Zhou , Y Zhou , Z Zhou , J Zhu , Y Zhu , A Zichichi , M B Zimmermann , G Zinovjev , N Zurlo , Auteur inconnu

Λ_{c}^{+} Production and Baryon-to-Meson Ratios in pp and p-Pb Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV at the LHC.

Physical review letters
Avec: S Acharya , D Adamová , A Adler , J Adolfsson , G Aglieri Rinella , M Agnello , N Agrawal , Z Ahammed , S Ahmad , S U Ahn , Z Akbar , A Akindinov , M Al-Turany , D S D Albuquerque , D Aleksandrov , B Alessandro , H M Alfanda , R Alfaro Molina , B Ali , Y Ali , A Alici , N Alizadehvandchali , A Alkin , J Alme , T Alt , L Altenkamper , I Altsybeev , M N Anaam , C Andrei , D Andreou , A Andronic , M Angeletti , V Anguelov , T Antičić , F Antinori , P Antonioli , N Apadula , L Aphecetche , H Appelshäuser , S Arcelli , R Arnaldi , M Arratia , I C Arsene , M Arslandok , A Augustinus , R Averbeck , S Aziz , M D Azmi , A Badalà , Y W Baek , X Bai , R Bailhache , R Bala , A Balbino , A Baldisseri , M Ball , D Banerjee , R Barbera , L Barioglio , M Barlou , G G Barnaföldi , L S Barnby , V Barret , C Bartels , K Barth , E Bartsch , F Baruffaldi , N Bastid , S Basu , G Batigne , B Batyunya , D Bauri , J L Bazo Alba , I G Bearden , C Beattie , I Belikov , A D C Bell Hechavarria , F Bellini , R Bellwied , S Belokurova , V Belyaev , G Bencedi , S Beole , A Bercuci , Y Berdnikov , A Berdnikova , D Berenyi , L Bergmann , M G Besoiu , L Betev , P P Bhaduri , A Bhasin , I R Bhat , M A Bhat , B Bhattacharjee , P Bhattacharya , A Bianchi , L Bianchi , N Bianchi , J Bielčík , J Bielčíková , A Bilandzic , G Biro , S Biswas , J T Blair , D Blau , M B Blidaru , C Blume , G Boca , F Bock , A Bogdanov , S Boi , J Bok , L Boldizsár , A Bolozdynya , M Bombara , G Bonomi , H Borel , A Borissov , H Bossi , E Botta , L Bratrud , P Braun-Munzinger , M Bregant , M Broz , G E Bruno , M D Buckland , D Budnikov , H Buesching , S Bufalino , O Bugnon , P Buhler , P Buncic , Z Buthelezi , J B Butt , S A Bysiak , D Caffarri , A Caliva , E Calvo Villar , J M M Camacho , R S Camacho , P Camerini , F D M Canedo , A A Capon , F Carnesecchi , R Caron , J Castillo Castellanos , E A R Casula , F Catalano , C Ceballos Sanchez , P Chakraborty , S Chandra , W Chang , S Chapeland , M Chartier , S Chattopadhyay , S Chattopadhyay , A Chauvin , C Cheshkov , B Cheynis , V Chibante Barroso , D D Chinellato , S Cho , P Chochula , P Christakoglou , C H Christensen , P Christiansen , T Chujo , C Cicalo , L Cifarelli , F Cindolo , M R Ciupek , G Clai , J Cleymans , F Colamaria , J S Colburn , D Colella , A Collu , M Colocci , M Concas , G Conesa Balbastre , Z Conesa Del Valle , G Contin , J G Contreras , T M Cormier , P Cortese , M R Cosentino , F Costa , S Costanza , P Crochet , E Cuautle , P Cui , L Cunqueiro , T Dahms , A Dainese , F P A Damas , M C Danisch , A Danu , D Das , I Das , P Das , P Das , S Das , S Dash , S De , A De Caro , G de Cataldo , L De Cilladi , J de Cuveland , A De Falco , D De Gruttola , N De Marco , C De Martin , S De Pasquale , S Deb , H F Degenhardt , K R Deja , S Delsanto , W Deng , P Dhankher , D Di Bari , A Di Mauro , R A Diaz , T Dietel , P Dillenseger , Y Ding , R Divià , D U Dixit , Ø Djuvsland , U Dmitrieva , J Do , A Dobrin , B Dönigus , O Dordic , A K Dubey , A Dubla , S Dudi , M Dukhishyam , P Dupieux , T M Eder , R J Ehlers , V N Eikeland , D Elia , B Erazmus , F Erhardt , A Erokhin , M R Ersdal , B Espagnon , G Eulisse , D Evans , S Evdokimov , L Fabbietti , M Faggin , J Faivre , F Fan , A Fantoni , M Fasel , P Fecchio , A Feliciello , G Feofilov , A Fernández Téllez , A Ferrero , A Ferretti , A Festanti , V J G Feuillard , J Figiel , S Filchagin , D Finogeev , F M Fionda , G Fiorenza , F Flor , A N Flores , S Foertsch , P Foka , S Fokin , E Fragiacomo , U Fuchs , C Furget , A Furs , M Fusco Girard , J J Gaardhøje , M Gagliardi , A M Gago , A Gal , C D Galvan , P Ganoti , C Garabatos , J R A Garcia , E Garcia-Solis , K Garg , C Gargiulo , A Garibli , K Garner , P Gasik , E F Gauger , M B Gay Ducati , M Germain , J Ghosh , P Ghosh , S K Ghosh , M Giacalone , P Gianotti , P Giubellino , P Giubilato , A M C Glaenzer , P Glässel , V Gonzalez , L H González-Trueba , S Gorbunov , L Görlich , S Gotovac , V Grabski , L K Graczykowski , K L Graham , L Greiner , A Grelli , C Grigoras , V Grigoriev , A Grigoryan , S Grigoryan , O S Groettvik , F Grosa , J F Grosse-Oetringhaus , R Grosso , R Guernane , M Guilbaud , M Guittiere , K Gulbrandsen , T Gunji , A Gupta , R Gupta , I B Guzman , R Haake , M K Habib , C Hadjidakis , H Hamagaki , G Hamar , M Hamid , R Hannigan , M R Haque , A Harlenderova , J W Harris , A Harton , J A Hasenbichler , H Hassan , D Hatzifotiadou , P Hauer , L B Havener , S Hayashi , S T Heckel , E Hellbär , H Helstrup , T Herman , E G Hernandez , G Herrera Corral , F Herrmann , K F Hetland , H Hillemanns , C Hills , B Hippolyte , B Hohlweger , J Honermann , G H Hong , D Horak , S Hornung , R Hosokawa , P Hristov , C Huang , C Hughes , P Huhn , T J Humanic , H Hushnud , L A Husova , N Hussain , D Hutter , J P Iddon , R Ilkaev , H Ilyas , M Inaba , G M Innocenti , M Ippolitov , A Isakov , M S Islam , M Ivanov , V Ivanov , V Izucheev , B Jacak , N Jacazio , P M Jacobs , S Jadlovska , J Jadlovsky , S Jaelani , C Jahnke , M J Jakubowska , M A Janik , T Janson , M Jercic , O Jevons , M Jin , F Jonas , P G Jones , J Jung , M Jung , A Jusko , P Kalinak , A Kalweit , V Kaplin , S Kar , A Karasu Uysal , D Karatovic , O Karavichev , T Karavicheva , P Karczmarczyk , E Karpechev , A Kazantsev , U Kebschull , R Keidel , M Keil , B Ketzer , Z Khabanova , A M Khan , S Khan , A Khanzadeev , Y Kharlov , A Khatun , A Khuntia , B Kileng , B Kim , D Kim , D J Kim , E J Kim , H Kim , J Kim , J S Kim , J Kim , J Kim , J Kim , M Kim , S Kim , T Kim , T Kim , S Kirsch , I Kisel , S Kiselev , A Kisiel , J L Klay , J Klein , S Klein , C Klein-Bösing , M Kleiner , T Klemenz , A Kluge , A G Knospe , C Kobdaj , M K Köhler , T Kollegger , A Kondratyev , N Kondratyeva , E Kondratyuk , J Konig , S A Konigstorfer , P J Konopka , G Kornakov , S D Koryciak , L Koska , O Kovalenko , V Kovalenko , M Kowalski , I Králik , A Kravčáková , L Kreis , M Krivda , F Krizek , K Krizkova Gajdosova , M Kroesen , M Krüger , E Kryshen , M Krzewicki , V Kučera , C Kuhn , P G Kuijer , T Kumaoka , L Kumar , S Kundu , P Kurashvili , A Kurepin , A B Kurepin , A Kuryakin , S Kushpil , J Kvapil , M J Kweon , J Y Kwon , Y Kwon , S L La Pointe , P La Rocca , Y S Lai , A Lakrathok , M Lamanna , R Langoy , K Lapidus , P Larionov , E Laudi , L Lautner , R Lavicka , T Lazareva , R Lea , J Lee , S Lee , J Lehrbach , R C Lemmon , I León Monzón , E D Lesser , M Lettrich , P Lévai , X Li , X L Li , J Lien , R Lietava , B Lim , S H Lim , V Lindenstruth , A Lindner , C Lippmann , A Liu , J Liu , I M Lofnes , V Loginov , C Loizides , P Loncar , J A Lopez , X Lopez , E López Torres , J R Luhder , M Lunardon , G Luparello , Y G Ma , A Maevskaya , M Mager , S M Mahmood , T Mahmoud , A Maire , R D Majka , M Malaev , Q W Malik , L Malinina , D Mal'Kevich , N Mallick , P Malzacher , G Mandaglio , V Manko , F Manso , V Manzari , Y Mao , M Marchisone , J Mareš , G V Margagliotti , A Margotti , A Marín , C Markert , M Marquard , N A Martin , P Martinengo , J L Martinez , M I Martínez , G Martínez García , S Masciocchi , M Masera , A Masoni , L Massacrier , A Mastroserio , A M Mathis , O Matonoha , P F T Matuoka , A Matyja , C Mayer , F Mazzaschi , M Mazzilli , M A Mazzoni , A F Mechler , F Meddi , Y Melikyan , A Menchaca-Rocha , C Mengke , E Meninno , A S Menon , M Meres , S Mhlanga , Y Miake , L Micheletti , L C Migliorin , D L Mihaylov , K Mikhaylov , A N Mishra , D Miśkowiec , A Modak , N Mohammadi , A P Mohanty , B Mohanty , M Mohisin Khan , Z Moravcova , C Mordasini , D A Moreira De Godoy , L A P Moreno , I Morozov , A Morsch , T Mrnjavac , V Muccifora , E Mudnic , D Mühlheim , S Muhuri , J D Mulligan , A Mulliri , M G Munhoz , R H Munzer , H Murakami , S Murray , L Musa , J Musinsky , C J Myers , J W Myrcha , B Naik , R Nair , B K Nandi , R Nania , E Nappi , M U Naru , A F Nassirpour , C Nattrass , R Nayak , S Nazarenko , A Neagu , L Nellen , S V Nesbo , G Neskovic , D Nesterov , B S Nielsen , S Nikolaev , S Nikulin , V Nikulin , F Noferini , S Noh , P Nomokonov , J Norman , N Novitzky , P Nowakowski , A Nyanin , J Nystrand , M Ogino , A Ohlson , J Oleniacz , A C Oliveira Da Silva , M H Oliver , B S Onnerstad , C Oppedisano , A Ortiz Velasquez , T Osako , A Oskarsson , J Otwinowski , K Oyama , Y Pachmayer , S Padhan , D Pagano , G Paić , J Pan , S Panebianco , P Pareek , J Park , J E Parkkila , S Parmar , S P Pathak , B Paul , J Pazzini , H Pei , T Peitzmann , X Peng , L G Pereira , H Pereira Da Costa , D Peresunko , G M Perez , S Perrin , Y Pestov , V Petráček , M Petrovici , R P Pezzi , S Piano , M Pikna , P Pillot , O Pinazza , L Pinsky , C Pinto , S Pisano , M Płoskoń , M Planinic , F Pliquett , M G Poghosyan , B Polichtchouk , N Poljak , A Pop , S Porteboeuf-Houssais , J Porter , V Pozdniakov , S K Prasad , R Preghenella , F Prino , C A Pruneau , I Pshenichnov , M Puccio , S Qiu , L Quaglia , R E Quishpe , S Ragoni , J Rak , A Rakotozafindrabe , L Ramello , F Rami , S A R Ramirez , A G T Ramos , R Raniwala , S Raniwala , S S Räsänen , R Rath , I Ravasenga , K F Read , A R Redelbach , K Redlich , A Rehman , P Reichelt , F Reidt , R Renfordt , Z Rescakova , K Reygers , A Riabov , V Riabov , T Richert , M Richter , P Riedler , W Riegler , F Riggi , C Ristea , S P Rode , M Rodríguez Cahuantzi , K Røed , R Rogalev , E Rogochaya , T S Rogoschinski , D Rohr , D Röhrich , P F Rojas , P S Rokita , F Ronchetti , A Rosano , E D Rosas , A Rossi , A Rotondi , A Roy , P Roy , O V Rueda , R Rui , B Rumyantsev , A Rustamov , E Ryabinkin , Y Ryabov , A Rybicki , H Rytkonen , O A M Saarimaki , R Sadek , S Sadovsky , J Saetre , K Šafařík , S K Saha , S Saha , B Sahoo , P Sahoo , R Sahoo , S Sahoo , D Sahu , P K Sahu , J Saini , S Sakai , S Sambyal , V Samsonov , D Sarkar , N Sarkar , P Sarma , V M Sarti , M H P Sas , J Schambach , H S Scheid , C Schiaua , R Schicker , A Schmah , C Schmidt , H R Schmidt , M O Schmidt , M Schmidt , N V Schmidt , A R Schmier , R Schotter , J Schukraft , Y Schutz , K Schwarz , K Schweda , G Scioli , E Scomparin , J E Seger , Y Sekiguchi , D Sekihata , I Selyuzhenkov , S Senyukov , J J Seo , D Serebryakov , L Šerkšnytė , A Sevcenco , A Shabanov , A Shabetai , R Shahoyan , W Shaikh , A Shangaraev , A Sharma , H Sharma , M Sharma , N Sharma , S Sharma , O Sheibani , A I Sheikh , K Shigaki , M Shimomura , S Shirinkin , Q Shou , Y Sibiriak , S Siddhanta , T Siemiarczuk , D Silvermyr , G Simatovic , G Simonetti , B Singh , R Singh , R Singh , R Singh , V K Singh , V Singhal , T Sinha , B Sitar , M Sitta , T B Skaali , M Slupecki , N Smirnov , R J M Snellings , C Soncco , J Song , A Songmoolnak , F Soramel , S Sorensen , I Sputowska , J Stachel , I Stan , P J Steffanic , S F Stiefelmaier , D Stocco , M M Storetvedt , L D Stritto , C P Stylianidis , A A P Suaide , T Sugitate , C Suire , M Suljic , R Sultanov , M Šumbera , V Sumberia , S Sumowidagdo , S Swain , A Szabo , I Szarka , U Tabassam , S F Taghavi , G Taillepied , J Takahashi , G J Tambave , S Tang , Z Tang , M Tarhini , M G Tarzila , A Tauro , G Tejeda Muñoz , A Telesca , L Terlizzi , C Terrevoli , G Tersimonov , S Thakur , D Thomas , F Thoresen , R Tieulent , A Tikhonov , A R Timmins , M Tkacik , A Toia , N Topilskaya , M Toppi , F Torales-Acosta , S R Torres , A Trifiró , S Tripathy , T Tripathy , S Trogolo , G Trombetta , L Tropp , V Trubnikov , W H Trzaska , T P Trzcinski , B A Trzeciak , A Tumkin , R Turrisi , T S Tveter , K Ullaland , E N Umaka , A Uras , G L Usai , M Vala , N Valle , S Vallero , N van der Kolk , L V R van Doremalen , M van Leeuwen , P Vande Vyvre , D Varga , Z Varga , M Varga-Kofarago , A Vargas , M Vasileiou , A Vasiliev , O Vázquez Doce , V Vechernin , E Vercellin , S Vergara Limón , L Vermunt , R Vértesi , M Verweij , L Vickovic , Z Vilakazi , O Villalobos Baillie , G Vino , A Vinogradov , T Virgili , V Vislavicius , A Vodopyanov , B Volkel , M A Völkl , K Voloshin , S A Voloshin , G Volpe , B von Haller , I Vorobyev , D Voscek , J Vrláková , B Wagner , M Weber , A Wegrzynek , S C Wenzel , J P Wessels , J Wiechula , J Wikne , G Wilk , J Wilkinson , G A Willems , E Willsher , B Windelband , M Winn , W E Witt , J R Wright , Y Wu , R Xu , S Yalcin , Y Yamaguchi , K Yamakawa , S Yang , S Yano , Z Yin , H Yokoyama , I-K Yoo , J H Yoon , S Yuan , A Yuncu , V Yurchenko , V Zaccolo , A Zaman , C Zampolli , H J C Zanoli , N Zardoshti , A Zarochentsev , P Závada , N Zaviyalov , H Zbroszczyk , M Zhalov , S Zhang , X Zhang , Y Zhang , V Zherebchevskii , Y Zhi , D Zhou , Y Zhou , J Zhu , Y Zhu , A Zichichi , G Zinovjev , N Zurlo , Auteur inconnu

Réseau de co-auteurs

J Kim 14 collaborations
R Singh 10 collaborations
S Chattopadhyay 8 collaborations
T Kim 7 collaborations
B Kim 6 collaborations
A Sharma 6 collaborations
Alexander Bogdanov 5 collaborations
P Das 5 collaborations
S Acharya 4 collaborations
D Adamová 4 collaborations
A Adler 4 collaborations
G Aglieri Rinella 4 collaborations
M Agnello 4 collaborations
N Agrawal 4 collaborations
Z Ahammed 4 collaborations
S Ahmad 4 collaborations
S U Ahn 4 collaborations
A Akindinov 4 collaborations
M Al-Turany 4 collaborations
D Aleksandrov 4 collaborations
B Alessandro 4 collaborations
H M Alfanda 4 collaborations
R Alfaro Molina 4 collaborations
B Ali 4 collaborations
Y Ali 4 collaborations
A Alici 4 collaborations
A Alkin 4 collaborations
J Alme 4 collaborations
T Alt 4 collaborations
I Altsybeev 4 collaborations
M N Anaam 4 collaborations
C Andrei 4 collaborations
A Andronic 4 collaborations
V Anguelov 4 collaborations
F Antinori 4 collaborations
P Antonioli 4 collaborations
N Apadula 4 collaborations
L Aphecetche 4 collaborations
H Appelshäuser 4 collaborations
S Arcelli 4 collaborations
R Arnaldi 4 collaborations
I C Arsene 4 collaborations
M Arslandok 4 collaborations
A Augustinus 4 collaborations
R Averbeck 4 collaborations
S Aziz 4 collaborations
M D Azmi 4 collaborations
A Badalà 4 collaborations
Y W Baek 4 collaborations
R Bailhache 4 collaborations
R Bala 4 collaborations
A Baldisseri 4 collaborations
R Barbera 4 collaborations
L Barioglio 4 collaborations
G G Barnaföldi 4 collaborations
L S Barnby 4 collaborations
V Barret 4 collaborations
K Barth 4 collaborations
E Bartsch 4 collaborations
F Baruffaldi 4 collaborations
N Bastid 4 collaborations
S Basu 4 collaborations
G Batigne 4 collaborations
B Batyunya 4 collaborations
D Bauri 4 collaborations
J L Bazo Alba 4 collaborations
I G Bearden 4 collaborations
I Belikov 4 collaborations
R Bellwied 4 collaborations
V Belyaev 4 collaborations
G Bencedi 4 collaborations
S Beole 4 collaborations
A Bercuci 4 collaborations
Y Berdnikov 4 collaborations
L Betev 4 collaborations
A Bhasin 4 collaborations
I R Bhat 4 collaborations
B Bhattacharjee 4 collaborations
L Bianchi 4 collaborations
N Bianchi 4 collaborations
J Bielčík 4 collaborations
J Bielčíková 4 collaborations
A Bilandzic 4 collaborations
G Biro 4 collaborations
S Biswas 4 collaborations
J T Blair 4 collaborations
D Blau 4 collaborations
C Blume 4 collaborations
G Boca 4 collaborations
F Bock 4 collaborations
A Bogdanov 4 collaborations
L Boldizsár 4 collaborations
A Bolozdynya 4 collaborations
M Bombara 4 collaborations
G Bonomi 4 collaborations
H Borel 4 collaborations
A Borissov 4 collaborations
H Bossi 4 collaborations
E Botta 4 collaborations
L Bratrud 4 collaborations
P Braun-Munzinger 4 collaborations
M Bregant 4 collaborations
M Broz 4 collaborations
G E Bruno 4 collaborations
M D Buckland 4 collaborations
D Budnikov 4 collaborations
H Buesching 4 collaborations
S Bufalino 4 collaborations
O Bugnon 4 collaborations
P Buhler 4 collaborations
Z Buthelezi 4 collaborations
J B Butt 4 collaborations
A Caliva 4 collaborations
E Calvo Villar 4 collaborations
R S Camacho 4 collaborations
P Camerini 4 collaborations
F Carnesecchi 4 collaborations
J Castillo Castellanos 4 collaborations
F Catalano 4 collaborations
C Ceballos Sanchez 4 collaborations
P Chakraborty 4 collaborations
S Chandra 4 collaborations
S Chapeland 4 collaborations
M Chartier 4 collaborations
C Cheshkov 4 collaborations
B Cheynis 4 collaborations
V Chibante Barroso 4 collaborations
D D Chinellato 4 collaborations
S Cho 4 collaborations
P Chochula 4 collaborations
P Christakoglou 4 collaborations
C H Christensen 4 collaborations
P Christiansen 4 collaborations
T Chujo 4 collaborations
C Cicalo 4 collaborations
L Cifarelli 4 collaborations
F Cindolo 4 collaborations
F Colamaria 4 collaborations
D Colella 4 collaborations
A Collu 4 collaborations
M Colocci 4 collaborations
M Concas 4 collaborations
G Conesa Balbastre 4 collaborations
Z Conesa Del Valle 4 collaborations
G Contin 4 collaborations
J G Contreras 4 collaborations
T M Cormier 4 collaborations
P Cortese 4 collaborations
M R Cosentino 4 collaborations
F Costa 4 collaborations
S Costanza 4 collaborations
P Crochet 4 collaborations
E Cuautle 4 collaborations
L Cunqueiro 4 collaborations
A Dainese 4 collaborations
M C Danisch 4 collaborations
A Danu 4 collaborations
S Das 4 collaborations
S Dash 4 collaborations
A De Caro 4 collaborations
G de Cataldo 4 collaborations
J de Cuveland 4 collaborations
A De Falco 4 collaborations
D De Gruttola 4 collaborations
N De Marco 4 collaborations
S De Pasquale 4 collaborations
S Deb 4 collaborations
H F Degenhardt 4 collaborations
K R Deja 4 collaborations
P Dhankher 4 collaborations
D Di Bari 4 collaborations
A Di Mauro 4 collaborations
R A Diaz 4 collaborations
T Dietel 4 collaborations
Y Ding 4 collaborations
R Divià 4 collaborations
Ø Djuvsland 4 collaborations
U Dmitrieva 4 collaborations
A Dobrin 4 collaborations
B Dönigus 4 collaborations
A K Dubey 4 collaborations
A Dubla 4 collaborations
S Dudi 4 collaborations
P Dupieux 4 collaborations
R J Ehlers 4 collaborations
D Elia 4 collaborations
B Erazmus 4 collaborations
F Erhardt 4 collaborations
A Erokhin 4 collaborations
M R Ersdal 4 collaborations
B Espagnon 4 collaborations
G Eulisse 4 collaborations
D Evans 4 collaborations
S Evdokimov 4 collaborations
L Fabbietti 4 collaborations
M Faggin 4 collaborations
J Faivre 4 collaborations
A Fantoni 4 collaborations
M Fasel 4 collaborations
P Fecchio 4 collaborations
A Feliciello 4 collaborations
G Feofilov 4 collaborations
A Fernández Téllez 4 collaborations
A Ferrero 4 collaborations
A Ferretti 4 collaborations
V J G Feuillard 4 collaborations
J Figiel 4 collaborations
D Finogeev 4 collaborations
G Fiorenza 4 collaborations
F Flor 4 collaborations
S Foertsch 4 collaborations
S Fokin 4 collaborations
E Fragiacomo 4 collaborations
U Fuchs 4 collaborations
C Furget 4 collaborations
A Furs 4 collaborations
J J Gaardhøje 4 collaborations
M Gagliardi 4 collaborations
A M Gago 4 collaborations
A Gal 4 collaborations
C D Galvan 4 collaborations
P Ganoti 4 collaborations
C Garabatos 4 collaborations
E Garcia-Solis 4 collaborations
K Garg 4 collaborations
C Gargiulo 4 collaborations
K Garner 4 collaborations
E F Gauger 4 collaborations
M B Gay Ducati 4 collaborations
M Germain 4 collaborations
S K Ghosh 4 collaborations
P Gianotti 4 collaborations
P Giubellino 4 collaborations
P Giubilato 4 collaborations
P Glässel 4 collaborations
V Gonzalez 4 collaborations
S Gorbunov 4 collaborations
L Görlich 4 collaborations
S Gotovac 4 collaborations
V Grabski 4 collaborations
L K Graczykowski 4 collaborations
L Greiner 4 collaborations
A Grelli 4 collaborations
C Grigoras 4 collaborations
V Grigoriev 4 collaborations
S Grigoryan 4 collaborations
F Grosa 4 collaborations
J F Grosse-Oetringhaus 4 collaborations
R Grosso 4 collaborations
R Guernane 4 collaborations
K Gulbrandsen 4 collaborations
T Gunji 4 collaborations
A Gupta 4 collaborations
R Gupta 4 collaborations
M K Habib 4 collaborations
C Hadjidakis 4 collaborations
H Hamagaki 4 collaborations
M Hamid 4 collaborations
R Hannigan 4 collaborations
M R Haque 4 collaborations
A Harlenderova 4 collaborations
J W Harris 4 collaborations
A Harton 4 collaborations
H Hassan 4 collaborations
D Hatzifotiadou 4 collaborations
P Hauer 4 collaborations
S T Heckel 4 collaborations
E Hellbär 4 collaborations
H Helstrup 4 collaborations
G Herrera Corral 4 collaborations
F Herrmann 4 collaborations
K F Hetland 4 collaborations
H Hillemanns 4 collaborations
C Hills 4 collaborations
B Hippolyte 4 collaborations
B Hohlweger 4 collaborations
D Horak 4 collaborations
R Hosokawa 4 collaborations
P Hristov 4 collaborations
C Hughes 4 collaborations
P Huhn 4 collaborations
T J Humanic 4 collaborations
H Hushnud 4 collaborations
D Hutter 4 collaborations
J P Iddon 4 collaborations
R Ilkaev 4 collaborations
M Inaba 4 collaborations
M Ippolitov 4 collaborations
M S Islam 4 collaborations
M Ivanov 4 collaborations
V Ivanov 4 collaborations
V Izucheev 4 collaborations
B Jacak 4 collaborations
N Jacazio 4 collaborations
P M Jacobs 4 collaborations
S Jadlovska 4 collaborations
J Jadlovsky 4 collaborations
C Jahnke 4 collaborations
M A Janik 4 collaborations
M Jercic 4 collaborations
O Jevons 4 collaborations
F Jonas 4 collaborations
P G Jones 4 collaborations
A Jusko 4 collaborations
P Kalinak 4 collaborations
A Kalweit 4 collaborations
V Kaplin 4 collaborations
A Karasu Uysal 4 collaborations
O Karavichev 4 collaborations
T Karavicheva 4 collaborations
P Karczmarczyk 4 collaborations
E Karpechev 4 collaborations
U Kebschull 4 collaborations
R Keidel 4 collaborations
M Keil 4 collaborations
B Ketzer 4 collaborations
A M Khan 4 collaborations
S Khan 4 collaborations
A Khanzadeev 4 collaborations
Y Kharlov 4 collaborations
A Khatun 4 collaborations
A Khuntia 4 collaborations
B Kileng 4 collaborations
D J Kim 4 collaborations
E J Kim 4 collaborations
J S Kim 4 collaborations
M Kim 4 collaborations
S Kim 4 collaborations
S Kirsch 4 collaborations
I Kisel 4 collaborations
S Kiselev 4 collaborations
A Kisiel 4 collaborations
J L Klay 4 collaborations
J Klein 4 collaborations
S Klein 4 collaborations
C Klein-Bösing 4 collaborations
A Kluge 4 collaborations
A G Knospe 4 collaborations
C Kobdaj 4 collaborations
T Kollegger 4 collaborations
A Kondratyev 4 collaborations
N Kondratyeva 4 collaborations
E Kondratyuk 4 collaborations
P J Konopka 4 collaborations
O Kovalenko 4 collaborations
V Kovalenko 4 collaborations
M Kowalski 4 collaborations
I Králik 4 collaborations
A Kravčáková 4 collaborations
L Kreis 4 collaborations
M Krivda 4 collaborations
F Krizek 4 collaborations
K Krizkova Gajdosova 4 collaborations
M Krüger 4 collaborations
E Kryshen 4 collaborations
M Krzewicki 4 collaborations
V Kučera 4 collaborations
C Kuhn 4 collaborations
P G Kuijer 4 collaborations
L Kumar 4 collaborations
S Kundu 4 collaborations
P Kurashvili 4 collaborations
A Kurepin 4 collaborations
A B Kurepin 4 collaborations
S Kushpil 4 collaborations
J Kvapil 4 collaborations
M J Kweon 4 collaborations
Y Kwon 4 collaborations
S L La Pointe 4 collaborations
P La Rocca 4 collaborations
Y S Lai 4 collaborations
R Langoy 4 collaborations
P Larionov 4 collaborations
E Laudi 4 collaborations
R Lavicka 4 collaborations
T Lazareva 4 collaborations
R Lea 4 collaborations
J Lehrbach 4 collaborations
R C Lemmon 4 collaborations
I León Monzón 4 collaborations
E D Lesser 4 collaborations
M Lettrich 4 collaborations
P Lévai 4 collaborations
X Li 4 collaborations
X L Li 4 collaborations
J Lien 4 collaborations
R Lietava 4 collaborations
B Lim 4 collaborations
V Lindenstruth 4 collaborations
C Lippmann 4 collaborations
A Liu 4 collaborations
I M Lofnes 4 collaborations
V Loginov 4 collaborations
C Loizides 4 collaborations
P Loncar 4 collaborations
X Lopez 4 collaborations
E López Torres 4 collaborations
J R Luhder 4 collaborations
M Lunardon 4 collaborations
G Luparello 4 collaborations
A Maevskaya 4 collaborations
M Mager 4 collaborations
T Mahmoud 4 collaborations
A Maire 4 collaborations
M Malaev 4 collaborations
Q W Malik 4 collaborations
L Malinina 4 collaborations
D Mal'Kevich 4 collaborations
V Manko 4 collaborations
F Manso 4 collaborations
V Manzari 4 collaborations
Y Mao 4 collaborations
G V Margagliotti 4 collaborations
A Margotti 4 collaborations
A Marín 4 collaborations
C Markert 4 collaborations
M Marquard 4 collaborations
N A Martin 4 collaborations
P Martinengo 4 collaborations
J L Martinez 4 collaborations
M I Martínez 4 collaborations
G Martínez García 4 collaborations
S Masciocchi 4 collaborations
M Masera 4 collaborations
A Masoni 4 collaborations
L Massacrier 4 collaborations
A Mastroserio 4 collaborations
A M Mathis 4 collaborations
P F T Matuoka 4 collaborations
A Matyja 4 collaborations
C Mayer 4 collaborations
M Mazzilli 4 collaborations
A F Mechler 4 collaborations
Y Melikyan 4 collaborations
A Menchaca-Rocha 4 collaborations
E Meninno 4 collaborations
M Meres 4 collaborations
S Mhlanga 4 collaborations
Y Miake 4 collaborations
L Micheletti 4 collaborations
D L Mihaylov 4 collaborations
K Mikhaylov 4 collaborations
A N Mishra 4 collaborations
D Miśkowiec 4 collaborations
A P Mohanty 4 collaborations
B Mohanty 4 collaborations
M Mohisin Khan 4 collaborations
C Mordasini 4 collaborations
D A Moreira De Godoy 4 collaborations
A Morsch 4 collaborations
T Mrnjavac 4 collaborations
V Muccifora 4 collaborations
E Mudnic 4 collaborations
S Muhuri 4 collaborations
J D Mulligan 4 collaborations
M G Munhoz 4 collaborations
R H Munzer 4 collaborations
H Murakami 4 collaborations
S Murray 4 collaborations
L Musa 4 collaborations
J Musinsky 4 collaborations
J W Myrcha 4 collaborations
B Naik 4 collaborations
R Nair 4 collaborations
B K Nandi 4 collaborations
R Nania 4 collaborations
E Nappi 4 collaborations
A F Nassirpour 4 collaborations
C Nattrass 4 collaborations
L Nellen 4 collaborations
S V Nesbo 4 collaborations
G Neskovic 4 collaborations
B S Nielsen 4 collaborations
S Nikolaev 4 collaborations
S Nikulin 4 collaborations
V Nikulin 4 collaborations
F Noferini 4 collaborations
P Nomokonov 4 collaborations
J Norman 4 collaborations
P Nowakowski 4 collaborations
A Nyanin 4 collaborations
J Nystrand 4 collaborations
M Ogino 4 collaborations
A Ohlson 4 collaborations
J Oleniacz 4 collaborations
A C Oliveira Da Silva 4 collaborations
M H Oliver 4 collaborations
C Oppedisano 4 collaborations
A Ortiz Velasquez 4 collaborations
A Oskarsson 4 collaborations
J Otwinowski 4 collaborations
K Oyama 4 collaborations
Y Pachmayer 4 collaborations
D Pagano 4 collaborations
G Paić 4 collaborations
S Panebianco 4 collaborations
J Park 4 collaborations
J E Parkkila 4 collaborations
S P Pathak 4 collaborations
B Paul 4 collaborations
H Pei 4 collaborations
T Peitzmann 4 collaborations
X Peng 4 collaborations
L G Pereira 4 collaborations
H Pereira Da Costa 4 collaborations
D Peresunko 4 collaborations
G M Perez 4 collaborations
Y Pestov 4 collaborations
V Petráček 4 collaborations
M Petrovici 4 collaborations
R P Pezzi 4 collaborations
S Piano 4 collaborations
M Pikna 4 collaborations
P Pillot 4 collaborations
O Pinazza 4 collaborations
L Pinsky 4 collaborations
S Pisano 4 collaborations
M Płoskoń 4 collaborations
M Planinic 4 collaborations
F Pliquett 4 collaborations
M G Poghosyan 4 collaborations
B Polichtchouk 4 collaborations
N Poljak 4 collaborations
A Pop 4 collaborations
S Porteboeuf-Houssais 4 collaborations
V Pozdniakov 4 collaborations
S K Prasad 4 collaborations
R Preghenella 4 collaborations
F Prino 4 collaborations
C A Pruneau 4 collaborations
I Pshenichnov 4 collaborations
M Puccio 4 collaborations
R E Quishpe 4 collaborations
S Ragoni 4 collaborations
A Rakotozafindrabe 4 collaborations
L Ramello 4 collaborations
F Rami 4 collaborations
R Raniwala 4 collaborations
S Raniwala 4 collaborations
S S Räsänen 4 collaborations
R Rath 4 collaborations
I Ravasenga 4 collaborations
K F Read 4 collaborations
K Redlich 4 collaborations
A Rehman 4 collaborations
P Reichelt 4 collaborations
F Reidt 4 collaborations
K Reygers 4 collaborations
V Riabov 4 collaborations
T Richert 4 collaborations
M Richter 4 collaborations
W Riegler 4 collaborations
F Riggi 4 collaborations
C Ristea 4 collaborations
M Rodríguez Cahuantzi 4 collaborations
K Røed 4 collaborations
R Rogalev 4 collaborations
E Rogochaya 4 collaborations
D Rohr 4 collaborations
D Röhrich 4 collaborations
P S Rokita 4 collaborations
F Ronchetti 4 collaborations
E D Rosas 4 collaborations
A Rossi 4 collaborations
A Roy 4 collaborations
P Roy 4 collaborations
O V Rueda 4 collaborations
R Rui 4 collaborations
B Rumyantsev 4 collaborations
A Rustamov 4 collaborations
E Ryabinkin 4 collaborations
Y Ryabov 4 collaborations
A Rybicki 4 collaborations
H Rytkonen 4 collaborations
S Sadovsky 4 collaborations
K Šafařík 4 collaborations
S K Saha 4 collaborations
B Sahoo 4 collaborations
P Sahoo 4 collaborations
R Sahoo 4 collaborations
S Sahoo 4 collaborations
P K Sahu 4 collaborations
J Saini 4 collaborations
S Sakai 4 collaborations
S Sambyal 4 collaborations
D Sarkar 4 collaborations
N Sarkar 4 collaborations
P Sarma 4 collaborations
V M Sarti 4 collaborations
M H P Sas 4 collaborations
J Schambach 4 collaborations
H S Scheid 4 collaborations
C Schiaua 4 collaborations
R Schicker 4 collaborations
A Schmah 4 collaborations
C Schmidt 4 collaborations
H R Schmidt 4 collaborations
M O Schmidt 4 collaborations
M Schmidt 4 collaborations
N V Schmidt 4 collaborations
A R Schmier 4 collaborations
J Schukraft 4 collaborations
K Schwarz 4 collaborations
K Schweda 4 collaborations
G Scioli 4 collaborations
E Scomparin 4 collaborations
J E Seger 4 collaborations
Y Sekiguchi 4 collaborations
D Sekihata 4 collaborations
I Selyuzhenkov 4 collaborations
S Senyukov 4 collaborations
A Sevcenco 4 collaborations
A Shabanov 4 collaborations
A Shabetai 4 collaborations
R Shahoyan 4 collaborations
W Shaikh 4 collaborations
A Shangaraev 4 collaborations
M Sharma 4 collaborations
N Sharma 4 collaborations
K Shigaki 4 collaborations
M Shimomura 4 collaborations
S Shirinkin 4 collaborations
Q Shou 4 collaborations
Y Sibiriak 4 collaborations
S Siddhanta 4 collaborations
T Siemiarczuk 4 collaborations
D Silvermyr 4 collaborations
G Simonetti 4 collaborations
V K Singh 4 collaborations
V Singhal 4 collaborations
T Sinha 4 collaborations
B Sitar 4 collaborations
M Sitta 4 collaborations
T B Skaali 4 collaborations
M Slupecki 4 collaborations
N Smirnov 4 collaborations
R J M Snellings 4 collaborations
C Soncco 4 collaborations
J Song 4 collaborations
A Songmoolnak 4 collaborations
F Soramel 4 collaborations
S Sorensen 4 collaborations
I Sputowska 4 collaborations
J Stachel 4 collaborations
I Stan 4 collaborations
P J Steffanic 4 collaborations
D Stocco 4 collaborations
M M Storetvedt 4 collaborations
A A P Suaide 4 collaborations
C Suire 4 collaborations
M Suljic 4 collaborations
S Sumowidagdo 4 collaborations
S Swain 4 collaborations
A Szabo 4 collaborations
I Szarka 4 collaborations
U Tabassam 4 collaborations
G Taillepied 4 collaborations
J Takahashi 4 collaborations
G J Tambave 4 collaborations
S Tang 4 collaborations
M G Tarzila 4 collaborations
A Tauro 4 collaborations
G Tejeda Muñoz 4 collaborations
A Telesca 4 collaborations
C Terrevoli 4 collaborations
S Thakur 4 collaborations
D Thomas 4 collaborations
R Tieulent 4 collaborations
A Tikhonov 4 collaborations
A R Timmins 4 collaborations
A Toia 4 collaborations
N Topilskaya 4 collaborations
M Toppi 4 collaborations
F Torales-Acosta 4 collaborations
S Tripathy 4 collaborations
T Tripathy 4 collaborations
S Trogolo 4 collaborations
V Trubnikov 4 collaborations
W H Trzaska 4 collaborations
T P Trzcinski 4 collaborations
A Tumkin 4 collaborations
R Turrisi 4 collaborations
T S Tveter 4 collaborations
K Ullaland 4 collaborations
A Uras 4 collaborations
G L Usai 4 collaborations
M Vala 4 collaborations
N Valle 4 collaborations
S Vallero 4 collaborations
L V R van Doremalen 4 collaborations
M van Leeuwen 4 collaborations
P Vande Vyvre 4 collaborations
D Varga 4 collaborations
M Varga-Kofarago 4 collaborations
M Vasileiou 4 collaborations
A Vasiliev 4 collaborations
O Vázquez Doce 4 collaborations
V Vechernin 4 collaborations
E Vercellin 4 collaborations
S Vergara Limón 4 collaborations
L Vermunt 4 collaborations
R Vértesi 4 collaborations
L Vickovic 4 collaborations
Z Vilakazi 4 collaborations
O Villalobos Baillie 4 collaborations
G Vino 4 collaborations
A Vinogradov 4 collaborations
T Virgili 4 collaborations
V Vislavicius 4 collaborations
A Vodopyanov 4 collaborations
B Volkel 4 collaborations
M A Völkl 4 collaborations
K Voloshin 4 collaborations
S A Voloshin 4 collaborations
G Volpe 4 collaborations
B von Haller 4 collaborations
I Vorobyev 4 collaborations
J Vrláková 4 collaborations
B Wagner 4 collaborations
M Weber 4 collaborations
A Wegrzynek 4 collaborations
S C Wenzel 4 collaborations
J P Wessels 4 collaborations
J Wiechula 4 collaborations
J Wikne 4 collaborations
G Wilk 4 collaborations
J Wilkinson 4 collaborations
G A Willems 4 collaborations
B Windelband 4 collaborations
Y Wu 4 collaborations
R Xu 4 collaborations
S Yalcin 4 collaborations
K Yamakawa 4 collaborations
S Yang 4 collaborations
S Yano 4 collaborations
Z Yin 4 collaborations
I-K Yoo 4 collaborations
J H Yoon 4 collaborations
S Yuan 4 collaborations
A Yuncu 4 collaborations
V Zaccolo 4 collaborations
C Zampolli 4 collaborations
H J C Zanoli 4 collaborations
N Zardoshti 4 collaborations
A Zarochentsev 4 collaborations
P Závada 4 collaborations
N Zaviyalov 4 collaborations
M Zhalov 4 collaborations
X Zhang 4 collaborations
V Zherebchevskii 4 collaborations
D Zhou 4 collaborations
Y Zhou 4 collaborations
J Zhu 4 collaborations
Y Zhu 4 collaborations
G Zinovjev 4 collaborations
N Zurlo 4 collaborations
None None 4 collaborations
J Adolfsson 3 collaborations
D S D Albuquerque 3 collaborations
L Altenkamper 3 collaborations
D Andreou 3 collaborations
M Angeletti 3 collaborations
T Antičić 3 collaborations
M Arratia 3 collaborations
M Ball 3 collaborations
F Bellini 3 collaborations
D Berenyi 3 collaborations
A Bianchi 3 collaborations
P Buncic 3 collaborations
D Caffarri 3 collaborations
A A Capon 3 collaborations
E A R Casula 3 collaborations
W Chang 3 collaborations
A Chauvin 3 collaborations
J Cleymans 3 collaborations
T Dahms 3 collaborations
F P A Damas 3 collaborations
D Das 3 collaborations
I Das 3 collaborations
S De 3 collaborations
S Delsanto 3 collaborations
P Dillenseger 3 collaborations
O Dordic 3 collaborations
M Dukhishyam 3 collaborations
A Festanti 3 collaborations
S Filchagin 3 collaborations
F M Fionda 3 collaborations
P Foka 3 collaborations
M Fusco Girard 3 collaborations
P Gasik 3 collaborations
J Ghosh 3 collaborations
P Ghosh 3 collaborations
K L Graham 3 collaborations
A Grigoryan 3 collaborations
O S Groettvik 3 collaborations
M Guittiere 3 collaborations
I B Guzman 3 collaborations
R Haake 3 collaborations
G Hamar 3 collaborations
S Hayashi 3 collaborations
E G Hernandez 3 collaborations
S Hornung 3 collaborations
C Huang 3 collaborations
L A Husova 3 collaborations
N Hussain 3 collaborations
S Jaelani 3 collaborations
M J Jakubowska 3 collaborations
M Jin 3 collaborations
S Kar 3 collaborations
Z Khabanova 3 collaborations
D Kim 3 collaborations
H Kim 3 collaborations
M K Köhler 3 collaborations
L Koska 3 collaborations
K Lapidus 3 collaborations
S Lee 3 collaborations
S M Mahmood 3 collaborations
R D Majka 3 collaborations
P Malzacher 3 collaborations
M Marchisone 3 collaborations
J Mareš 3 collaborations
M A Mazzoni 3 collaborations
F Meddi 3 collaborations
N Mohammadi 3 collaborations
L A P Moreno 3 collaborations
D Mühlheim 3 collaborations
C J Myers 3 collaborations
M U Naru 3 collaborations
R Nayak 3 collaborations
T K Nayak 3 collaborations
S Nazarenko 3 collaborations
J Pan 3 collaborations
P Pareek 3 collaborations
S Parmar 3 collaborations
R N Patra 3 collaborations
J Rak 3 collaborations
R Renfordt 3 collaborations
P Riedler 3 collaborations
S P Rode 3 collaborations
A Rotondi 3 collaborations
V Samsonov 3 collaborations
Y Schutz 3 collaborations
A I Sheikh 3 collaborations
G Simatovic 3 collaborations
T Sugitate 3 collaborations
R Sultanov 3 collaborations
M Šumbera 3 collaborations
M Tarhini 3 collaborations
F Thoresen 3 collaborations
S R Torres 3 collaborations
G Trombetta 3 collaborations
L Tropp 3 collaborations
B A Trzeciak 3 collaborations
E N Umaka 3 collaborations
N van der Kolk 3 collaborations
A Vargas 3 collaborations
D Voscek 3 collaborations
E Willsher 3 collaborations
W E Witt 3 collaborations
H Yokoyama 3 collaborations
V Yurchenko 3 collaborations
A Zaman 3 collaborations
H Zbroszczyk 3 collaborations
N Zhigareva 3 collaborations
A Zichichi 3 collaborations
X Bai 3 collaborations
M G Besoiu 3 collaborations
M A Bhat 3 collaborations
S A Bysiak 3 collaborations
R Caron 3 collaborations
A Garibli 3 collaborations
J A Hasenbichler 3 collaborations
A Kuryakin 3 collaborations
J Y Kwon 3 collaborations
G Mandaglio 3 collaborations
O Matonoha 3 collaborations
A Modak 3 collaborations
D Nesterov 3 collaborations
N Novitzky 3 collaborations
C Pinto 3 collaborations
D Serebryakov 3 collaborations
H Sharma 3 collaborations
B Singh 3 collaborations
Z Varga 3 collaborations
M Winn 3 collaborations
S P Adhya 2 collaborations
M M Aggarwal 2 collaborations
S N Alam 2 collaborations
H A Andrews 2 collaborations
C Anson 2 collaborations
R Anwar 2 collaborations
S Bagnasco 2 collaborations
R C Baral 2 collaborations
P Bartalini 2 collaborations
P C Batzing 2 collaborations
C Bedda 2 collaborations
N K Behera 2 collaborations
R A Bertens 2 collaborations
D Berzano 2 collaborations
H Bhatt 2 collaborations
R Biswas 2 collaborations
M Borri 2 collaborations
T A Broker 2 collaborations
E J Brucken 2 collaborations
E Bruna 2 collaborations
J T Buxton 2 collaborations
A J Castro 2 collaborations
B Chang 2 collaborations
T Chowdhury 2 collaborations
Y Corrales Morales 2 collaborations
J Crkovská 2 collaborations
D Dabrowski 2 collaborations
S Dani 2 collaborations
A Dash 2 collaborations
A Dashi 2 collaborations
C de Conti 2 collaborations
R D De Souza 2 collaborations
A Deloff 2 collaborations
H Engel 2 collaborations
E Epple 2 collaborations
J Eum 2 collaborations
U Frankenfeld 2 collaborations
G G Fronze 2 collaborations
D M Goméz Coral 2 collaborations
A Gomez Ramirez 2 collaborations
P González-Zamora 2 collaborations
J M Gronefeld 2 collaborations
B Guerzoni 2 collaborations
A Herghelegiu 2 collaborations
T E Hilden 2 collaborations
S A Hussain 2 collaborations
T Hussain 2 collaborations
D S Hwang 2 collaborations
M B Jadhav 2 collaborations
R T Jimenez Bustamante 2 collaborations
J H Kang 2 collaborations
S A Khan 2 collaborations
C Klein 2 collaborations
S Klewin 2 collaborations
M L Knichel 2 collaborations
A M Kubera 2 collaborations
S Kumar 2 collaborations
A Lardeux 2 collaborations
L Leardini 2 collaborations
F Lehas 2 collaborations
S Lehner 2 collaborations
S Lindal 2 collaborations
S W Lindsay 2 collaborations
M A Lisa 2 collaborations
V Litichevskyi 2 collaborations
S Liu 2 collaborations
W J Llope 2 collaborations
P Luettig 2 collaborations
M Lupi 2 collaborations
A Mamonov 2 collaborations
J Margutti 2 collaborations
M Martinez Pedreira 2 collaborations
E Masson 2 collaborations
M M Mieskolainen 2 collaborations
A Mischke 2 collaborations
C M Mitu 2 collaborations
M Mondal 2 collaborations
M M Mondal 2 collaborations
S Moretto 2 collaborations
A Morreale 2 collaborations
K Münning 2 collaborations
H Natal da Luz 2 collaborations
R A Negrao De Oliveira 2 collaborations
G Nooren 2 collaborations
R Orava 2 collaborations
V Pacik 2 collaborations
P Palni 2 collaborations
A K Pandey 2 collaborations
V Papikyan 2 collaborations
A Passfeld 2 collaborations
E Perez Lezama 2 collaborations
V Peskov 2 collaborations
L O D L Pimentel 2 collaborations
D B Piyarathna 2 collaborations
J Pluta 2 collaborations
S Pochybova 2 collaborations
W Poonsawat 2 collaborations
H Poppenborg 2 collaborations
V Punin 2 collaborations
K Puranapanda 2 collaborations
J Putschke 2 collaborations
S Raha 2 collaborations
S Rajput 2 collaborations
B T Rascanu 2 collaborations
V Ratza 2 collaborations
X Ren 2 collaborations
A Reshetin 2 collaborations
J-P Revol 2 collaborations
K Roslon 2 collaborations
P Rosnet 2 collaborations
F Roukoutakis 2 collaborations
S Sadhu 2 collaborations
A Sandoval 2 collaborations
A Sarkar 2 collaborations
E Scapparone 2 collaborations
B Schaefer 2 collaborations
M Šefčík 2 collaborations
E Serradilla 2 collaborations
P Sett 2 collaborations
T W Snellman 2 collaborations
J Sochan 2 collaborations
P Stankus 2 collaborations
E Stenlund 2 collaborations
P Strmen 2 collaborations
M Suleymanov 2 collaborations
K Suzuki 2 collaborations
D Thakur 2 collaborations
T Tsuji 2 collaborations
A Utrobicic 2 collaborations
M Vargyas 2 collaborations
R Varma 2 collaborations
A M Veen 2 collaborations
R Vernet 2 collaborations
J Viinikainen 2 collaborations
A Villatoro Tello 2 collaborations
S G Weber 2 collaborations
D F Weiser 2 collaborations
E Widmann 2 collaborations
Z Zhang 2 collaborations
C Zhao 2 collaborations
Z Zhou 2 collaborations
M B Zimmermann 2 collaborations
Alina Bogdanov 2 collaborations
Vitaliy Egorenkov 2 collaborations
Nikita Volkov 2 collaborations
Vladimir Moiseyenko 2 collaborations
Andrey Bogdanov 2 collaborations
N Alizadehvandchali 2 collaborations
A Balbino 2 collaborations
D Banerjee 2 collaborations
M Barlou 2 collaborations
C Bartels 2 collaborations
C Beattie 2 collaborations
A D C Bell Hechavarria 2 collaborations
S Belokurova 2 collaborations
A Berdnikova 2 collaborations
L Bergmann 2 collaborations
P P Bhaduri 2 collaborations
M B Blidaru 2 collaborations
S Boi 2 collaborations
J Bok 2 collaborations
J M M Camacho 2 collaborations
F D M Canedo 2 collaborations
M R Ciupek 2 collaborations
G Clai 2 collaborations
J S Colburn 2 collaborations
P Cui 2 collaborations
L De Cilladi 2 collaborations
C De Martin 2 collaborations
W Deng 2 collaborations
D U Dixit 2 collaborations
T M Eder 2 collaborations
V N Eikeland 2 collaborations
F Fan 2 collaborations
A N Flores 2 collaborations
J R A Garcia 2 collaborations
M Giacalone 2 collaborations
A M C Glaenzer 2 collaborations
L H González-Trueba 2 collaborations
M Guilbaud 2 collaborations
L B Havener 2 collaborations
T Herman 2 collaborations
J Honermann 2 collaborations
G H Hong 2 collaborations
H Ilyas 2 collaborations
G M Innocenti 2 collaborations
A Isakov 2 collaborations
T Janson 2 collaborations
J Jung 2 collaborations
M Jung 2 collaborations
D Karatovic 2 collaborations
A Kazantsev 2 collaborations
M Kleiner 2 collaborations
T Klemenz 2 collaborations
J Konig 2 collaborations
S A Konigstorfer 2 collaborations
G Kornakov 2 collaborations
S D Koryciak 2 collaborations
M Kroesen 2 collaborations
T Kumaoka 2 collaborations
A Lakrathok 2 collaborations
M Lamanna 2 collaborations
L Lautner 2 collaborations
S H Lim 2 collaborations
A Lindner 2 collaborations
J Liu 2 collaborations
J A Lopez 2 collaborations
Y G Ma 2 collaborations
N Mallick 2 collaborations
F Mazzaschi 2 collaborations
A S Menon 2 collaborations
L C Migliorin 2 collaborations
Z Moravcova 2 collaborations
I Morozov 2 collaborations
A Mulliri 2 collaborations
A Neagu 2 collaborations
S Noh 2 collaborations
S Padhan 2 collaborations
S Perrin 2 collaborations
J Porter 2 collaborations
S Qiu 2 collaborations
L Quaglia 2 collaborations
S A R Ramirez 2 collaborations
A R Redelbach 2 collaborations
Z Rescakova 2 collaborations
A Riabov 2 collaborations
T S Rogoschinski 2 collaborations
P F Rojas 2 collaborations
A Rosano 2 collaborations
O A M Saarimaki 2 collaborations
R Sadek 2 collaborations
J Saetre 2 collaborations
S Saha 2 collaborations
D Sahu 2 collaborations
R Schotter 2 collaborations
J J Seo 2 collaborations
L Šerkšnytė 2 collaborations
S Sharma 2 collaborations
O Sheibani 2 collaborations
S F Stiefelmaier 2 collaborations
C P Stylianidis 2 collaborations
V Sumberia 2 collaborations
S F Taghavi 2 collaborations
Z Tang 2 collaborations
L Terlizzi 2 collaborations
G Tersimonov 2 collaborations
M Tkacik 2 collaborations
A Trifiró 2 collaborations
M Verweij 2 collaborations
J R Wright 2 collaborations
Y Yamaguchi 2 collaborations
S Zhang 2 collaborations
Y Zhang 2 collaborations
Y Zhi 2 collaborations
Ivan Laptev 2 collaborations
Ekaterina Shvetsova 2 collaborations
Sergey Levitskii 2 collaborations
Marina Serebryakova 2 collaborations
Maria Rubtsova 2 collaborations
Piotr Kamenski 2 collaborations
Petr Sergiev 2 collaborations
Olga Dontsova 2 collaborations
S Aiola 1 collaboration
M Bonora 1 collaboration
C Bourjau 1 collaboration
O Busch 1 collaboration
A Deisting 1 collaboration
A K Duggal 1 collaboration
L Feldkamp 1 collaboration
A Francisco 1 collaboration
J C Hamon 1 collaboration
K Kindra 1 collaboration
H M Ljunggren 1 collaboration
J Onderwaater 1 collaboration
S Saarinen 1 collaboration
Y Watanabe 1 collaboration
U Westerhoff 1 collaboration
A M Whitehead 1 collaboration
Adelfia Papu 1 collaboration
Stefan Kehraus 1 collaboration
Max Cruesemann 1 collaboration
Heike Wägele 1 collaboration
Gabriele M König 1 collaboration
Željka Vanić 1 collaboration
Zora Rukavina 1 collaboration
Suvi Manner 1 collaboration
Adyary Fallarero 1 collaboration
Lidija Uzelac 1 collaboration
Marijeta Kralj 1 collaboration
Anita Bogdanov 1 collaboration
Tímea Raffai 1 collaboration
Dezső Peter Virok 1 collaboration
Nataša Škalko-Basnet 1 collaboration
Ulyana Lalo 1 collaboration
Yuriy Pankratov 1 collaboration
Ekaterina Kaneva 1 collaboration
Roman Shendrik 1 collaboration
Tatiana N Pashirova 1 collaboration
Andrei Bogdanov 1 collaboration
Patrick Masson 1 collaboration
Valentina Tambovtseva 1 collaboration
Irina Bakloushinskaya 1 collaboration
Sergey Matveevsky 1 collaboration
Aleksey Bogdanov 1 collaboration
Hagit Kopel 1 collaboration
Christopher Adams 1 collaboration
Isabelle H Winer 1 collaboration
Machaon Bonafede 1 collaboration
Van Hung Nguyen 1 collaboration
James A Mansi 1 collaboration
Fedor Moiseenko 1 collaboration
Ian McGovern 1 collaboration
Katherine Cappell 1 collaboration
Sam Whipple 1 collaboration
Mendel Haag 1 collaboration
Vladislav A Sharov 1 collaboration
Alexey M Mozharov 1 collaboration
Vladimir V Fedorov 1 collaboration
Prokhor A Alekseev 1 collaboration
Ivan S Mukhin 1 collaboration
Mariam N Salib 1 collaboration
Alexander B Chase 1 collaboration
Heinz Hammerlindl 1 collaboration
Mitchell N Muskat 1 collaboration
Stephanie Luedtke 1 collaboration
Elany Barbosa da Silva 1 collaboration
Anthony J O'Donoghue 1 collaboration
Lani F Wu 1 collaboration
Steven J Altschuler 1 collaboration
Tadeusz F Molinski 1 collaboration
Paul R Jensen 1 collaboration
I Ahuja 1 collaboration
G Alocco 1 collaboration
C Anuj 1 collaboration
Y Bailung 1 collaboration
B Balis 1 collaboration
Z Banoo 1 collaboration
L Barreto 1 collaboration
D Battistini 1 collaboration
P Becht 1 collaboration
D Behera 1 collaboration
J Biernat 1 collaboration
N Bluhme 1 collaboration
T Bodova 1 collaboration
P M Bond 1 collaboration
A Bylinkin 1 collaboration
M Cai 1 collaboration
H Caines 1 collaboration
M Carabas 1 collaboration
I Chakaberia 1 collaboration
T G Chavez 1 collaboration
T Cheng 1 collaboration
E S Chizzali 1 collaboration
M Ciacco 1 collaboration
M L Coquet 1 collaboration
R Cruz-Torres 1 collaboration
R Del Grande 1 collaboration
L Dello Stritto 1 collaboration
J M Dubinski 1 collaboration
M Durkac 1 collaboration
N Dzalaiova 1 collaboration
F Eisenhut 1 collaboration
F Ercolessi 1 collaboration
W Fan 1 collaboration
M B Ferrer 1 collaboration
V Filova 1 collaboration
I Fokin 1 collaboration
E Frajna 1 collaboration
N Funicello 1 collaboration
A Gautam 1 collaboration
E Glimos 1 collaboration
D J Q Goh 1 collaboration
M Gorgon 1 collaboration
E Grecka 1 collaboration
D Grund 1 collaboration
G G Guardiano 1 collaboration
W Guo 1 collaboration
S P Guzman 1 collaboration
L Gyulai 1 collaboration
Y Han 1 collaboration
B Heybeck 1 collaboration
B Hofman 1 collaboration
A Horzyk 1 collaboration
Y Hou 1 collaboration
L M Huhta 1 collaboration
C V Hulse 1 collaboration
A Hutson 1 collaboration
T Isidori 1 collaboration
M Jablonski 1 collaboration
L Jaffe 1 collaboration
A A P Jimenez 1 collaboration
J M Jowett 1 collaboration
A Junique 1 collaboration
M J Kabus 1 collaboration
J Kaewjai 1 collaboration
A S Kalteyer 1 collaboration
V Kashyap 1 collaboration
D L D Keijdener 1 collaboration
C Kim 1 collaboration
J P Kitowski 1 collaboration
A Kotliarov 1 collaboration
D M Krupova 1 collaboration
D Kumar 1 collaboration
N Kumar 1 collaboration
M M Lesch 1 collaboration
D H Liu 1 collaboration
P Lu 1 collaboration
N M Malik 1 collaboration
S K Malik 1 collaboration
D Mallick 1 collaboration
A L Mazuecos 1 collaboration
J E Mdhluli 1 collaboration
M A Molander 1 collaboration
A Nath 1 collaboration
A Negru 1 collaboration
E G Nielsen 1 collaboration
V A Okorokov 1 collaboration
A Onnerstad 1 collaboration
M Oya 1 collaboration
A Palasciano 1 collaboration
V Petrov 1 collaboration
S Politano 1 collaboration
S Prasad 1 collaboration
T A Rancien 1 collaboration
H A Reme-Ness 1 collaboration
R Ricci 1 collaboration
S Rojas Torres 1 collaboration
S Roy 1 collaboration
N Rubini 1 collaboration
D Ruggiano 1 collaboration
P G Russek 1 collaboration
R Russo 1 collaboration
W Rzesa 1 collaboration
M P Salvan 1 collaboration
T B Saramela 1 collaboration
T J Shaba 1 collaboration
D Sharma 1 collaboration
U Sharma 1 collaboration
A Shatat 1 collaboration
T F Silva 1 collaboration
T Simantathammakul 1 collaboration
G Skorodumovs 1 collaboration
E H Solheim 1 collaboration
R Spijkers 1 collaboration
J Staa 1 collaboration
I Storehaug 1 collaboration
P Stratmann 1 collaboration
S Strazzi 1 collaboration
M Sukhanov 1 collaboration
J D Tapia Takaki 1 collaboration
N Tapus 1 collaboration
L A Tarasovicova 1 collaboration
T Tkacik 1 collaboration
T Tork 1 collaboration
A G Torres Ramos 1 collaboration
A S Triolo 1 collaboration
B Ulukutlu 1 collaboration
M Urioni 1 collaboration
C A van Veen 1 collaboration
R J G van Weelden 1 collaboration
N Vozniuk 1 collaboration
C Wang 1 collaboration
D Wang 1 collaboration
F T Weiglhofer 1 collaboration
S L Weyhmiller 1 collaboration
W Wu 1 collaboration
A K Yadav 1 collaboration
F Zanone 1 collaboration
B Zhang 1 collaboration
M Zhao 1 collaboration
Veronica Frydman 1 collaboration
Manas Seal 1 collaboration
Leonid Rapatskiy 1 collaboration
Alexander Schnegg 1 collaboration
Wenkai Zhu 1 collaboration
Mark Iron 1 collaboration
Angela M Gronenborn 1 collaboration
Daniella Goldfarb 1 collaboration
Nikolay Verlov 1 collaboration
Vladimir Burdakov 1 collaboration
Valeriy Semiletov 1 collaboration
Anna Budykina 1 collaboration
Svetlana Rauzina 1 collaboration
Tatiana Zarubina 1 collaboration
S Balouza 1 collaboration
D Devetak 1 collaboration
A D L B Hechavarria 1 collaboration
D Pistone 1 collaboration
F R Sanchez 1 collaboration
C Silvestre 1 collaboration
A Trifiro 1 collaboration
M G D L C Vicencio 1 collaboration
Eugene Baulin 1 collaboration
Valeriy Metelev 1 collaboration
Victor Zgoda 1 collaboration
Z Akbar 1 collaboration
P Bhattacharya 1 collaboration
J Do 1 collaboration
J Lee 1 collaboration
C Mengke 1 collaboration
B S Onnerstad 1 collaboration
T Osako 1 collaboration
J Pazzini 1 collaboration
A G T Ramos 1 collaboration
L D Stritto 1 collaboration