Ahmed Hamed
Ahmed Hamed
Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt.
Publications (11)
Outcomes of Small Incision Lenticule Extraction with Dual-Incisions in Myopic Patients.
Clinical ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)
Shereef Abdelwahab
Abdelmonem Hamed
Ahmed Elshahat
Soliman Rashad
Maha Elfauyomi
Cutaneous infection caused by paraconiothyrium cyclothyrioides in a renal transplant recipient.
Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society
Almutasem Hamed
Olivia Bosshardt Hughes
Elizabeth L Palavecino
Niyati Jakharia
Mobility assessment using wearable technology in patients with late-onset Pompe disease.
NPJ digital medicine
Alaa Hamed
Christopher Curran
Chad Gwaltney
Pronabesh DasMahapatra
First Observation of the Directed Flow of D^{0} and D^{0}[over ¯] in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200 GeV.
Physical review letters
J Adam
L Adamczyk
J R Adams
J K Adkins
G Agakishiev
M M Aggarwal
Z Ahammed
I Alekseev
D M Anderson
R Aoyama
A Aparin
E C Aschenauer
M U Ashraf
F G Atetalla
A Attri
G S Averichev
V Bairathi
K Barish
A J Bassill
A Behera
R Bellwied
A Bhasin
A K Bhati
J Bielcik
J Bielcikova
L C Bland
I G Bordyuzhin
J D Brandenburg
A V Brandin
J Bryslawskyj
I Bunzarov
J Butterworth
H Caines
M Calderón de la Barca Sánchez
D Cebra
I Chakaberia
P Chaloupka
B K Chan
F-H Chang
Z Chang
N Chankova-Bunzarova
A Chatterjee
S Chattopadhyay
J H Chen
X Chen
J Cheng
M Cherney
W Christie
G Contin
H J Crawford
M Csanád
S Das
T G Dedovich
I M Deppner
A A Derevschikov
L Didenko
C Dilks
X Dong
J L Drachenberg
J C Dunlop
T Edmonds
N Elsey
J Engelage
G Eppley
R Esha
S Esumi
O Evdokimov
J Ewigleben
O Eyser
R Fatemi
S Fazio
P Federic
J Fedorisin
Y Feng
P Filip
E Finch
Y Fisyak
L Fulek
C A Gagliardi
T Galatyuk
F Geurts
A Gibson
K Gopal
L Greiner
D Grosnick
A Gupta
W Guryn
A I Hamad
A Hamed
J W Harris
L He
S Heppelmann
S Heppelmann
N Herrmann
L Holub
Y Hong
S Horvat
B Huang
H Z Huang
S L Huang
T Huang
X Huang
T J Humanic
P Huo
G Igo
W W Jacobs
C Jena
A Jentsch
Y Ji
J Jia
K Jiang
S Jowzaee
X Ju
E G Judd
S Kabana
S Kagamaster
D Kalinkin
K Kang
D Kapukchyan
K Kauder
H W Ke
D Keane
A Kechechyan
M Kelsey
Y V Khyzhniak
D P Kikoła
C Kim
T A Kinghorn
I Kisel
A Kisiel
M Kocan
L Kochenda
L K Kosarzewski
L Kramarik
P Kravtsov
K Krueger
N Kulathunga Mudiyanselage
L Kumar
R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
J H Kwasizur
R Lacey
J M Landgraf
J Lauret
A Lebedev
R Lednicky
J H Lee
C Li
W Li
W Li
X Li
Y Li
Y Liang
R Licenik
T Lin
A Lipiec
M A Lisa
F Liu
H Liu
P Liu
P Liu
T Liu
X Liu
Y Liu
Z Liu
T Ljubicic
W J Llope
M Lomnitz
R S Longacre
S Luo
X Luo
G L Ma
L Ma
R Ma
Y G Ma
N Magdy
R Majka
D Mallick
S Margetis
C Markert
H S Matis
O Matonoha
J A Mazer
K Meehan
J C Mei
N G Minaev
S Mioduszewski
D Mishra
B Mohanty
M M Mondal
I Mooney
Z Moravcova
D A Morozov
Md Nasim
K Nayak
J M Nelson
D B Nemes
M Nie
G Nigmatkulov
T Niida
L V Nogach
T Nonaka
G Odyniec
A Ogawa
S Oh
V A Okorokov
B S Page
R Pak
Y Panebratsev
B Pawlik
D Pawlowska
H Pei
C Perkins
R L Pintér
J Pluta
J Porter
M Posik
N K Pruthi
M Przybycien
J Putschke
A Quintero
S K Radhakrishnan
S Ramachandran
R L Ray
R Reed
H G Ritter
J B Roberts
O V Rogachevskiy
J L Romero
L Ruan
J Rusnak
O Rusnakova
N R Sahoo
P K Sahu
S Salur
J Sandweiss
J Schambach
W B Schmidke
N Schmitz
B R Schweid
F Seck
J Seger
M Sergeeva
R Seto
P Seyboth
N Shah
E Shahaliev
P V Shanmuganathan
M Shao
F Shen
W Q Shen
S S Shi
Q Y Shou
E P Sichtermann
S Siejka
R Sikora
M Simko
J Singh
S Singha
D Smirnov
N Smirnov
W Solyst
P Sorensen
H M Spinka
B Srivastava
T D S Stanislaus
M Stefaniak
D J Stewart
M Strikhanov
B Stringfellow
A A P Suaide
T Sugiura
M Sumbera
B Summa
X M Sun
Y Sun
Y Sun
B Surrow
D N Svirida
M A Szelezniak
P Szymanski
A H Tang
Z Tang
A Taranenko
T Tarnowsky
A Tawfik
J H Thomas
A R Timmins
D Tlusty
M Tokarev
C A Tomkiel
S Trentalange
R E Tribble
P Tribedy
S K Tripathy
O D Tsai
B Tu
Z Tu
T Ullrich
D G Underwood
I Upsal
G Van Buren
J Vanek
A N Vasiliev
I Vassiliev
F Videbæk
S Vokal
S A Voloshin
F Wang
G Wang
P Wang
Y Wang
Y Wang
J C Webb
L Wen
G D Westfall
H Wieman
S W Wissink
R Witt
Y Wu
Z G Xiao
G Xie
W Xie
H Xu
N Xu
Q H Xu
Y F Xu
Z Xu
C Yang
Q Yang
S Yang
Y Yang
Z Yang
Z Ye
Z Ye
L Yi
K Yip
H Zbroszczyk
W Zha
D Zhang
L Zhang
S Zhang
S Zhang
X P Zhang
Y Zhang
Z Zhang
J Zhao
C Zhong
C Zhou
X Zhu
Z Zhu
M Zurek
M Zyzak
Auteur inconnu
Crystal structure and configuration revision of 9-hydroxy-7,8-dehydro-sarcotrocheliol and sarcotrocheliol.
Natural product research
Abdelaaty Hamed
Marwa Y Issa
Mohamed A Ghani
Marcel Frese
Beate Neumann
Hans Georg Stammler
Norbert Sewald
Mohamed Shaaban
Antiviral Action of Native and Methylated Lactoferrin and β-Lactoglobulin against Potato Virus Y (PVY) Infected into Potato Plants Grown in an Open Field.
Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)
Mahmoud Sitohy
Soad Taha
Ali Osman
Mahmoud Abdel-Hamid
Ali Hamed
Ashraf Abdelbacki
Food safety knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices among food handlers in Sohag Governorate, Egypt.
Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de sante de la Mediterranee orientale = al-Majallah al-sihhiyah li-sharq al-mutawassit
Ahmed Hamed
Nesreen Mohammed
First Measurement of Λ_{c} Baryon Production in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200 GeV.
Physical review letters
J Adam
L Adamczyk
J R Adams
J K Adkins
G Agakishiev
M M Aggarwal
Z Ahammed
I Alekseev
D M Anderson
A Aparin
E C Aschenauer
M U Ashraf
F G Atetalla
A Attri
G S Averichev
V Bairathi
K Barish
A Behera
R Bellwied
A Bhasin
J Bielcik
J Bielcikova
L C Bland
I G Bordyuzhin
J D Brandenburg
A V Brandin
J Butterworth
H Caines
M Calderón de la Barca Sánchez
D Cebra
I Chakaberia
P Chaloupka
B K Chan
F-H Chang
Z Chang
N Chankova-Bunzarova
A Chatterjee
D Chen
J H Chen
X Chen
Z Chen
J Cheng
M Cherney
M Chevalier
S Choudhury
W Christie
H J Crawford
M Csanád
M Daugherity
T G Dedovich
I M Deppner
A A Derevschikov
L Didenko
X Dong
J L Drachenberg
J C Dunlop
T Edmonds
N Elsey
J Engelage
G Eppley
R Esha
S Esumi
O Evdokimov
J Ewigleben
O Eyser
R Fatemi
S Fazio
P Federic
J Fedorisin
C J Feng
Y Feng
P Filip
E Finch
Y Fisyak
A Francisco
L Fulek
C A Gagliardi
T Galatyuk
F Geurts
A Gibson
K Gopal
D Grosnick
W Guryn
A I Hamad
A Hamed
J W Harris
W He
X He
S Heppelmann
S Heppelmann
N Herrmann
E Hoffman
L Holub
Y Hong
S Horvat
Y Hu
H Z Huang
S L Huang
T Huang
X Huang
T J Humanic
P Huo
G Igo
D Isenhower
W W Jacobs
C Jena
A Jentsch
Y Ji
J Jia
K Jiang
S Jowzaee
X Ju
E G Judd
S Kabana
M L Kabir
S Kagamaster
D Kalinkin
K Kang
D Kapukchyan
K Kauder
H W Ke
D Keane
A Kechechyan
M Kelsey
Y V Khyzhniak
D P Kikoła
C Kim
B Kimelman
D Kincses
T A Kinghorn
I Kisel
A Kiselev
A Kisiel
M Kocan
L Kochenda
L K Kosarzewski
L Kramarik
P Kravtsov
K Krueger
N Kulathunga Mudiyanselage
L Kumar
R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
J H Kwasizur
R Lacey
S Lan
J M Landgraf
J Lauret
A Lebedev
R Lednicky
J H Lee
Y H Leung
C Li
W Li
W Li
X Li
Y Li
Y Liang
R Licenik
T Lin
Y Lin
M A Lisa
F Liu
H Liu
P Liu
P Liu
T Liu
X Liu
Y Liu
Z Liu
T Ljubicic
W J Llope
R S Longacre
N S Lukow
S Luo
X Luo
G L Ma
L Ma
R Ma
Y G Ma
N Magdy
R Majka
D Mallick
S Margetis
C Markert
H S Matis
J A Mazer
N G Minaev
S Mioduszewski
B Mohanty
I Mooney
Z Moravcova
D A Morozov
M Nagy
J D Nam
Md Nasim
K Nayak
D Neff
J M Nelson
D B Nemes
M Nie
G Nigmatkulov
T Niida
L V Nogach
T Nonaka
G Odyniec
A Ogawa
S Oh
V A Okorokov
B S Page
R Pak
A Pandav
Y Panebratsev
B Pawlik
D Pawlowska
H Pei
C Perkins
L Pinsky
R L Pintér
J Pluta
J Porter
M Posik
N K Pruthi
M Przybycien
J Putschke
H Qiu
A Quintero
S K Radhakrishnan
S Ramachandran
R L Ray
R Reed
H G Ritter
J B Roberts
O V Rogachevskiy
J L Romero
L Ruan
J Rusnak
N R Sahoo
H Sako
S Salur
J Sandweiss
S Sato
W B Schmidke
N Schmitz
B R Schweid
F Seck
J Seger
M Sergeeva
R Seto
P Seyboth
N Shah
E Shahaliev
P V Shanmuganathan
M Shao
F Shen
W Q Shen
S S Shi
Q Y Shou
E P Sichtermann
R Sikora
M Simko
J Singh
S Singha
N Smirnov
W Solyst
P Sorensen
H M Spinka
B Srivastava
T D S Stanislaus
M Stefaniak
D J Stewart
M Strikhanov
B Stringfellow
A A P Suaide
M Sumbera
B Summa
X M Sun
Y Sun
Y Sun
B Surrow
D N Svirida
P Szymanski
A H Tang
Z Tang
A Taranenko
T Tarnowsky
J H Thomas
A R Timmins
D Tlusty
M Tokarev
C A Tomkiel
S Trentalange
R E Tribble
P Tribedy
S K Tripathy
O D Tsai
Z Tu
T Ullrich
D G Underwood
I Upsal
G Van Buren
J Vanek
A N Vasiliev
I Vassiliev
F Videbæk
S Vokal
S A Voloshin
F Wang
G Wang
J S Wang
P Wang
Y Wang
Y Wang
Z Wang
J C Webb
P C Weidenkaff
L Wen
G D Westfall
H Wieman
S W Wissink
R Witt
Y Wu
Z G Xiao
G Xie
W Xie
H Xu
N Xu
Q H Xu
Y F Xu
Y Xu
Z Xu
Z Xu
C Yang
Q Yang
S Yang
Y Yang
Z Yang
Z Ye
Z Ye
L Yi
K Yip
H Zbroszczyk
W Zha
D Zhang
S Zhang
S Zhang
X P Zhang
Y Zhang
Z J Zhang
Z Zhang
J Zhao
C Zhong
C Zhou
X Zhu
Z Zhu
M Zurek
M Zyzak
Auteur inconnu
Purification and characterization of seven bioactive compounds from the newly isolated Streptomyces cavourensis TN638 strain via solid-state fermentation.
Microbial pathogenesis
Fatma Kaaniche
Abdelaaty Hamed
Lobna Elleuch
Ahlem Chakchouk-Mtibaa
Slim Smaoui
Ines Karray-Rebai
Imed Koubaa
Guillaume Arcile
Noureddine Allouche
Lotfi Mellouli
Synthesis of novel feruloyl dipeptides with proapoptotic potential against different cancer cell lines.
Bioorganic chemistry
Abdelaaty Hamed
Marcel Frese
Menna Elgaafary
Tatiana Syrovets
Norbert Sewald
Thomas Simmet
Mohamed Shaaban
Prolonged Consumption of Sweetened Beverages Lastingly Deteriorates Cognitive Functions and Reward Processing in Mice.
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Héloïse Hamelin
Ghislaine Poizat
Cédrick Florian
Miron Bartosz Kursa
Elsa Pittaras
Jacques Callebert
Claire Rampon
Mohammed Taouis
Adam Hamed
Sylvie Granon
Réseau de co-auteurs
S Heppelmann
4 collaborations
W Li
4 collaborations
P Liu
4 collaborations
Y Sun
4 collaborations
Y Wang
4 collaborations
Z Ye
4 collaborations
S Zhang
4 collaborations
Z Xu
3 collaborations
Abdelaaty Hamed
3 collaborations
J Adam
2 collaborations
L Adamczyk
2 collaborations
J R Adams
2 collaborations
J K Adkins
2 collaborations
G Agakishiev
2 collaborations
M M Aggarwal
2 collaborations
Z Ahammed
2 collaborations
I Alekseev
2 collaborations
D M Anderson
2 collaborations
A Aparin
2 collaborations
E C Aschenauer
2 collaborations
M U Ashraf
2 collaborations
F G Atetalla
2 collaborations
A Attri
2 collaborations
G S Averichev
2 collaborations
V Bairathi
2 collaborations
K Barish
2 collaborations
A Behera
2 collaborations
R Bellwied
2 collaborations
A Bhasin
2 collaborations
J Bielcik
2 collaborations
J Bielcikova
2 collaborations
L C Bland
2 collaborations
I G Bordyuzhin
2 collaborations
J D Brandenburg
2 collaborations
A V Brandin
2 collaborations
J Butterworth
2 collaborations
H Caines
2 collaborations
M Calderón de la Barca Sánchez
2 collaborations
D Cebra
2 collaborations
I Chakaberia
2 collaborations
P Chaloupka
2 collaborations
B K Chan
2 collaborations
F-H Chang
2 collaborations
Z Chang
2 collaborations
N Chankova-Bunzarova
2 collaborations
A Chatterjee
2 collaborations
J H Chen
2 collaborations
X Chen
2 collaborations
J Cheng
2 collaborations
M Cherney
2 collaborations
W Christie
2 collaborations
H J Crawford
2 collaborations
M Csanád
2 collaborations
T G Dedovich
2 collaborations
I M Deppner
2 collaborations
A A Derevschikov
2 collaborations
L Didenko
2 collaborations
X Dong
2 collaborations
J L Drachenberg
2 collaborations
J C Dunlop
2 collaborations
T Edmonds
2 collaborations
N Elsey
2 collaborations
J Engelage
2 collaborations
G Eppley
2 collaborations
R Esha
2 collaborations
S Esumi
2 collaborations
O Evdokimov
2 collaborations
J Ewigleben
2 collaborations
O Eyser
2 collaborations
R Fatemi
2 collaborations
S Fazio
2 collaborations
P Federic
2 collaborations
J Fedorisin
2 collaborations
Y Feng
2 collaborations
P Filip
2 collaborations
E Finch
2 collaborations
Y Fisyak
2 collaborations
L Fulek
2 collaborations
C A Gagliardi
2 collaborations
T Galatyuk
2 collaborations
F Geurts
2 collaborations
A Gibson
2 collaborations
K Gopal
2 collaborations
D Grosnick
2 collaborations
W Guryn
2 collaborations
A I Hamad
2 collaborations
A Hamed
2 collaborations
J W Harris
2 collaborations
N Herrmann
2 collaborations
L Holub
2 collaborations
Y Hong
2 collaborations
S Horvat
2 collaborations
H Z Huang
2 collaborations
S L Huang
2 collaborations
T Huang
2 collaborations
X Huang
2 collaborations
T J Humanic
2 collaborations
P Huo
2 collaborations
G Igo
2 collaborations
W W Jacobs
2 collaborations
C Jena
2 collaborations
A Jentsch
2 collaborations
Y Ji
2 collaborations
J Jia
2 collaborations
K Jiang
2 collaborations
S Jowzaee
2 collaborations
X Ju
2 collaborations
E G Judd
2 collaborations
S Kabana
2 collaborations
S Kagamaster
2 collaborations
D Kalinkin
2 collaborations
K Kang
2 collaborations
D Kapukchyan
2 collaborations
K Kauder
2 collaborations
H W Ke
2 collaborations
D Keane
2 collaborations
A Kechechyan
2 collaborations
M Kelsey
2 collaborations
Y V Khyzhniak
2 collaborations
D P Kikoła
2 collaborations
C Kim
2 collaborations
T A Kinghorn
2 collaborations
I Kisel
2 collaborations
A Kisiel
2 collaborations
M Kocan
2 collaborations
L Kochenda
2 collaborations
L K Kosarzewski
2 collaborations
L Kramarik
2 collaborations
P Kravtsov
2 collaborations
K Krueger
2 collaborations
N Kulathunga Mudiyanselage
2 collaborations
L Kumar
2 collaborations
R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
2 collaborations
J H Kwasizur
2 collaborations
R Lacey
2 collaborations
J M Landgraf
2 collaborations
J Lauret
2 collaborations
A Lebedev
2 collaborations
R Lednicky
2 collaborations
J H Lee
2 collaborations
C Li
2 collaborations
X Li
2 collaborations
Y Li
2 collaborations
Y Liang
2 collaborations
R Licenik
2 collaborations
T Lin
2 collaborations
M A Lisa
2 collaborations
F Liu
2 collaborations
H Liu
2 collaborations
T Liu
2 collaborations
X Liu
2 collaborations
Y Liu
2 collaborations
Z Liu
2 collaborations
T Ljubicic
2 collaborations
W J Llope
2 collaborations
R S Longacre
2 collaborations
S Luo
2 collaborations
X Luo
2 collaborations
G L Ma
2 collaborations
L Ma
2 collaborations
R Ma
2 collaborations
Y G Ma
2 collaborations
N Magdy
2 collaborations
R Majka
2 collaborations
D Mallick
2 collaborations
S Margetis
2 collaborations
C Markert
2 collaborations
H S Matis
2 collaborations
J A Mazer
2 collaborations
N G Minaev
2 collaborations
S Mioduszewski
2 collaborations
B Mohanty
2 collaborations
I Mooney
2 collaborations
Z Moravcova
2 collaborations
D A Morozov
2 collaborations
Md Nasim
2 collaborations
K Nayak
2 collaborations
J M Nelson
2 collaborations
D B Nemes
2 collaborations
M Nie
2 collaborations
G Nigmatkulov
2 collaborations
T Niida
2 collaborations
L V Nogach
2 collaborations
T Nonaka
2 collaborations
G Odyniec
2 collaborations
A Ogawa
2 collaborations
S Oh
2 collaborations
V A Okorokov
2 collaborations
B S Page
2 collaborations
R Pak
2 collaborations
Y Panebratsev
2 collaborations
B Pawlik
2 collaborations
D Pawlowska
2 collaborations
H Pei
2 collaborations
C Perkins
2 collaborations
R L Pintér
2 collaborations
J Pluta
2 collaborations
J Porter
2 collaborations
M Posik
2 collaborations
N K Pruthi
2 collaborations
M Przybycien
2 collaborations
J Putschke
2 collaborations
A Quintero
2 collaborations
S K Radhakrishnan
2 collaborations
S Ramachandran
2 collaborations
R L Ray
2 collaborations
R Reed
2 collaborations
H G Ritter
2 collaborations
J B Roberts
2 collaborations
O V Rogachevskiy
2 collaborations
J L Romero
2 collaborations
L Ruan
2 collaborations
J Rusnak
2 collaborations
N R Sahoo
2 collaborations
S Salur
2 collaborations
J Sandweiss
2 collaborations
W B Schmidke
2 collaborations
N Schmitz
2 collaborations
B R Schweid
2 collaborations
F Seck
2 collaborations
J Seger
2 collaborations
M Sergeeva
2 collaborations
R Seto
2 collaborations
P Seyboth
2 collaborations
N Shah
2 collaborations
E Shahaliev
2 collaborations
P V Shanmuganathan
2 collaborations
M Shao
2 collaborations
F Shen
2 collaborations
W Q Shen
2 collaborations
S S Shi
2 collaborations
Q Y Shou
2 collaborations
E P Sichtermann
2 collaborations
R Sikora
2 collaborations
M Simko
2 collaborations
J Singh
2 collaborations
S Singha
2 collaborations
N Smirnov
2 collaborations
W Solyst
2 collaborations
P Sorensen
2 collaborations
H M Spinka
2 collaborations
B Srivastava
2 collaborations
T D S Stanislaus
2 collaborations
M Stefaniak
2 collaborations
D J Stewart
2 collaborations
M Strikhanov
2 collaborations
B Stringfellow
2 collaborations
A A P Suaide
2 collaborations
M Sumbera
2 collaborations
B Summa
2 collaborations
X M Sun
2 collaborations
B Surrow
2 collaborations
D N Svirida
2 collaborations
P Szymanski
2 collaborations
A H Tang
2 collaborations
Z Tang
2 collaborations
A Taranenko
2 collaborations
T Tarnowsky
2 collaborations
J H Thomas
2 collaborations
A R Timmins
2 collaborations
D Tlusty
2 collaborations
M Tokarev
2 collaborations
C A Tomkiel
2 collaborations
S Trentalange
2 collaborations
R E Tribble
2 collaborations
P Tribedy
2 collaborations
S K Tripathy
2 collaborations
O D Tsai
2 collaborations
Z Tu
2 collaborations
T Ullrich
2 collaborations
D G Underwood
2 collaborations
I Upsal
2 collaborations
G Van Buren
2 collaborations
J Vanek
2 collaborations
A N Vasiliev
2 collaborations
I Vassiliev
2 collaborations
F Videbæk
2 collaborations
S Vokal
2 collaborations
S A Voloshin
2 collaborations
F Wang
2 collaborations
G Wang
2 collaborations
P Wang
2 collaborations
J C Webb
2 collaborations
L Wen
2 collaborations
G D Westfall
2 collaborations
H Wieman
2 collaborations
S W Wissink
2 collaborations
R Witt
2 collaborations
Y Wu
2 collaborations
Z G Xiao
2 collaborations
G Xie
2 collaborations
W Xie
2 collaborations
H Xu
2 collaborations
N Xu
2 collaborations
Q H Xu
2 collaborations
Y F Xu
2 collaborations
C Yang
2 collaborations
Q Yang
2 collaborations
S Yang
2 collaborations
Y Yang
2 collaborations
Z Yang
2 collaborations
L Yi
2 collaborations
K Yip
2 collaborations
H Zbroszczyk
2 collaborations
W Zha
2 collaborations
D Zhang
2 collaborations
X P Zhang
2 collaborations
Y Zhang
2 collaborations
Z Zhang
2 collaborations
J Zhao
2 collaborations
C Zhong
2 collaborations
C Zhou
2 collaborations
X Zhu
2 collaborations
Z Zhu
2 collaborations
M Zurek
2 collaborations
M Zyzak
2 collaborations
None None
2 collaborations
Marcel Frese
2 collaborations
Norbert Sewald
2 collaborations
Mohamed Shaaban
2 collaborations
Shereef Abdelwahab
1 collaboration
Abdelmonem Hamed
1 collaboration
Ahmed Elshahat
1 collaboration
Soliman Rashad
1 collaboration
Maha Elfauyomi
1 collaboration
Almutasem Hamed
1 collaboration
Olivia Bosshardt Hughes
1 collaboration
Elizabeth L Palavecino
1 collaboration
Niyati Jakharia
1 collaboration
Alaa Hamed
1 collaboration
Christopher Curran
1 collaboration
Chad Gwaltney
1 collaboration
Pronabesh DasMahapatra
1 collaboration
R Aoyama
1 collaboration
A J Bassill
1 collaboration
A K Bhati
1 collaboration
J Bryslawskyj
1 collaboration
I Bunzarov
1 collaboration
S Chattopadhyay
1 collaboration
G Contin
1 collaboration
S Das
1 collaboration
C Dilks
1 collaboration
L Greiner
1 collaboration
A Gupta
1 collaboration
L He
1 collaboration
B Huang
1 collaboration
A Lipiec
1 collaboration
M Lomnitz
1 collaboration
O Matonoha
1 collaboration
K Meehan
1 collaboration
J C Mei
1 collaboration
D Mishra
1 collaboration
M M Mondal
1 collaboration
O Rusnakova
1 collaboration
P K Sahu
1 collaboration
J Schambach
1 collaboration
S Siejka
1 collaboration
D Smirnov
1 collaboration
T Sugiura
1 collaboration
M A Szelezniak
1 collaboration
A Tawfik
1 collaboration
B Tu
1 collaboration
L Zhang
1 collaboration
Marwa Y Issa
1 collaboration
Mohamed A Ghani
1 collaboration
Beate Neumann
1 collaboration
Hans Georg Stammler
1 collaboration
Mahmoud Sitohy
1 collaboration
Soad Taha
1 collaboration
Ali Osman
1 collaboration
Mahmoud Abdel-Hamid
1 collaboration
Ali Hamed
1 collaboration
Ashraf Abdelbacki
1 collaboration
Nesreen Mohammed
1 collaboration
D Chen
1 collaboration
Z Chen
1 collaboration
M Chevalier
1 collaboration
S Choudhury
1 collaboration
M Daugherity
1 collaboration
C J Feng
1 collaboration
A Francisco
1 collaboration
W He
1 collaboration
X He
1 collaboration
E Hoffman
1 collaboration
Y Hu
1 collaboration
D Isenhower
1 collaboration
M L Kabir
1 collaboration
B Kimelman
1 collaboration
D Kincses
1 collaboration
A Kiselev
1 collaboration
S Lan
1 collaboration
Y H Leung
1 collaboration
Y Lin
1 collaboration
N S Lukow
1 collaboration
M Nagy
1 collaboration
J D Nam
1 collaboration
D Neff
1 collaboration
A Pandav
1 collaboration
L Pinsky
1 collaboration
H Qiu
1 collaboration
H Sako
1 collaboration
S Sato
1 collaboration
J S Wang
1 collaboration
Z Wang
1 collaboration
P C Weidenkaff
1 collaboration
Y Xu
1 collaboration
Z J Zhang
1 collaboration
Fatma Kaaniche
1 collaboration
Lobna Elleuch
1 collaboration
Ahlem Chakchouk-Mtibaa
1 collaboration
Slim Smaoui
1 collaboration
Ines Karray-Rebai
1 collaboration
Imed Koubaa
1 collaboration
Guillaume Arcile
1 collaboration
Noureddine Allouche
1 collaboration
Lotfi Mellouli
1 collaboration
Menna Elgaafary
1 collaboration
Tatiana Syrovets
1 collaboration
Thomas Simmet
1 collaboration
Héloïse Hamelin
1 collaboration
Ghislaine Poizat
1 collaboration
Cédrick Florian
1 collaboration
Miron Bartosz Kursa
1 collaboration
Elsa Pittaras
1 collaboration
Jacques Callebert
1 collaboration
Claire Rampon
1 collaboration
Mohammed Taouis
1 collaboration
Adam Hamed
1 collaboration
Sylvie Granon
1 collaboration