A Quirrenbach

  • Landessternwarte, Universität Heidelberg, Königstuhl, D 69117 Heidelberg, Germany.

Publications (10)

Revealing x-ray and gamma ray temporal and spectral similarities in the GRB 190829A afterglow.

Science (New York, N.Y.)
Avec: Auteur inconnu , H Abdalla , F Aharonian , F Ait Benkhali , E O Angüner , C Arcaro , C Armand , T Armstrong , H Ashkar , M Backes , V Baghmanyan , V Barbosa Martins , A Barnacka , M Barnard , Y Becherini , D Berge , K Bernlöhr , B Bi , E Bissaldi , M Böttcher , C Boisson , J Bolmont , M de Bony de Lavergne , M Breuhaus , F Brun , P Brun , M Bryan , M Büchele , T Bulik , T Bylund , S Caroff , A Carosi , S Casanova , T Chand , S Chandra , A Chen , G Cotter , M Curyło , J Damascene Mbarubucyeye , I D Davids , J Davies , C Deil , J Devin , L Dirson , A Djannati-Ataï , A Dmytriiev , A Donath , V Doroshenko , L Dreyer , C Duffy , J Dyks , K Egberts , F Eichhorn , S Einecke , G Emery , J-P Ernenwein , K Feijen , S Fegan , A Fiasson , G Fichet de Clairfontaine , G Fontaine , S Funk , M Füßling , S Gabici , Y A Gallant , G Giavitto , L Giunti , D Glawion , J F Glicenstein , M-H Grondin , J Hahn , M Haupt , G Hermann , J A Hinton , W Hofmann , C Hoischen , T L Holch , M Holler , M Hörbe , D Horns , D Huber , M Jamrozy , D Jankowsky , F Jankowsky , A Jardin-Blicq , V Joshi , I Jung-Richardt , E Kasai , M A Kastendieck , K Katarzyński , U Katz , D Khangulyan , B Khélifi , S Klepser , W Kluźniak , Nu Komin , R Konno , K Kosack , D Kostunin , M Kreter , G Lamanna , A Lemière , M Lemoine-Goumard , J-P Lenain , F Leuschner , C Levy , T Lohse , I Lypova , J Mackey , J Majumdar , D Malyshev , D Malyshev , V Marandon , P Marchegiani , A Marcowith , A Mares , G Martí-Devesa , R Marx , G Maurin , P J Meintjes , M Meyer , A Mitchell , R Moderski , L Mohrmann , A Montanari , C Moore , P Morris , E Moulin , J Muller , T Murach , K Nakashima , A Nayerhoda , M de Naurois , H Ndiyavala , J Niemiec , L Oakes , P O'Brien , H Odaka , S Ohm , L Olivera-Nieto , E de Ona Wilhelmi , M Ostrowski , S Panny , M Panter , R D Parsons , G Peron , B Peyaud , Q Piel , S Pita , V Poireau , A Priyana Noel , D A Prokhorov , H Prokoph , G Pühlhofer , M Punch , A Quirrenbach , S Raab , R Rauth , P Reichherzer , A Reimer , O Reimer , Q Remy , M Renaud , F Rieger , L Rinchiuso , C Romoli , G Rowell , B Rudak , E Ruiz-Velasco , V Sahakian , S Sailer , H Salzmann , D A Sanchez , A Santangelo , M Sasaki , M Scalici , J Schäfer , F Schüssler , H M Schutte , U Schwanke , M Seglar-Arroyo , M Senniappan , A S Seyffert , N Shafi , J N S Shapopi , K Shiningayamwe , R Simoni , A Sinha , H Sol , A Specovius , S Spencer , M Spir-Jacob , Ł Stawarz , L Sun , R Steenkamp , C Stegmann , S Steinmassl , C Steppa , T Takahashi , T Tam , T Tavernier , A M Taylor , R Terrier , J H E Thiersen , D Tiziani , M Tluczykont , L Tomankova , M Tsirou , R Tuffs , Y Uchiyama , D J van der Walt , C van Eldik , C van Rensburg , B van Soelen , G Vasileiadis , J Veh , C Venter , P Vincent , J Vink , H J Völk , Z Wadiasingh , S J Wagner , J Watson , F Werner , R White , A Wierzcholska , Yu Wun Wong , A Yusafzai , M Zacharias , R Zanin , D Zargaryan , A A Zdziarski , A Zech , S J Zhu , J Zorn , S Zouari , N Żywucka , P Evans , K Page

A giant exoplanet orbiting a very-low-mass star challenges planet formation models.

Science (New York, N.Y.)
Avec: J C Morales , A J Mustill , I Ribas , M B Davies , A Reiners , F F Bauer , D Kossakowski , E Herrero , E Rodríguez , M J López-González , C Rodríguez-López , V J S Béjar , L González-Cuesta , R Luque , E Pallé , M Perger , D Baroch , A Johansen , H Klahr , C Mordasini , G Anglada-Escudé , J A Caballero , M Cortés-Contreras , S Dreizler , M Lafarga , E Nagel , V M Passegger , S Reffert , A Rosich , A Schweitzer , L Tal-Or , T Trifonov , M Zechmeister , A Quirrenbach , P J Amado , E W Guenther , H-J Hagen , T Henning , S V Jeffers , A Kaminski , M Kürster , D Montes , W Seifert , F J Abellán , M Abril , J Aceituno , F J Aceituno , F J Alonso-Floriano , M Ammler-von Eiff , R Antona , B Arroyo-Torres , M Azzaro , D Barrado , S Becerril-Jarque , D Benítez , Z M Berdiñas , G Bergond , M Brinkmöller , C Del Burgo , R Burn , R Calvo-Ortega , J Cano , M C Cárdenas , C Cardona Guillén , J Carro , E Casal , V Casanova , N Casasayas-Barris , P Chaturvedi , C Cifuentes , A Claret , J Colomé , S Czesla , E Díez-Alonso , R Dorda , A Emsenhuber , M Fernández , A Fernández-Martín , I M Ferro , B Fuhrmeister , D Galadí-Enríquez , I Gallardo Cava , M L García Vargas , A Garcia-Piquer , L Gesa , E González-Álvarez , J I González Hernández , R González-Peinado , J Guàrdia , A Guijarro , E de Guindos , A P Hatzes , P H Hauschildt , R P Hedrosa , I Hermelo , R Hernández Arabi , F Hernández Otero , D Hintz , G Holgado , A Huber , P Huke , E N Johnson , E de Juan , M Kehr , J Kemmer , M Kim , J Klüter , A Klutsch , F Labarga , N Labiche , S Lalitha , M Lampón , L M Lara , R Launhardt , F J Lázaro , J-L Lizon , M Llamas , N Lodieu , M López Del Fresno , J F López Salas , J López-Santiago , H Magán Madinabeitia , U Mall , L Mancini , H Mandel , E Marfil , J A Marín Molina , E L Martín , P Martín-Fernández , S Martín-Ruiz , H Martínez-Rodríguez , C J Marvin , E Mirabet , A Moya , V Naranjo , R P Nelson , L Nortmann , G Nowak , A Ofir , J Pascual , A Pavlov , S Pedraz , D Pérez Medialdea , A Pérez-Calpena , M A C Perryman , O Rabaza , A Ramón Ballesta , R Rebolo , P Redondo , H-W Rix , F Rodler , A Rodríguez Trinidad , S Sabotta , S Sadegi , M Salz , E Sánchez-Blanco , M A Sánchez Carrasco , A Sánchez-López , J Sanz-Forcada , P Sarkis , L F Sarmiento , S Schäfer , M Schlecker , J H M M Schmitt , P Schöfer , E Solano , A Sota , O Stahl , S Stock , T Stuber , J Stürmer , J C Suárez , H M Tabernero , S M Tulloch , G Veredas , J I Vico-Linares , F Vilardell , K Wagner , J Winkler , V Wolthoff , F Yan , M R Zapatero Osorio

Time-resolved hadronic particle acceleration in the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi.

Science (New York, N.Y.)
Avec: Auteur inconnu , F Aharonian , F Ait Benkhali , E O Angüner , H Ashkar , M Backes , V Baghmanyan , V Barbosa Martins , R Batzofin , Y Becherini , D Berge , K Bernlöhr , B Bi , M Böttcher , C Boisson , J Bolmont , M de Bony de Lavergne , M Breuhaus , R Brose , F Brun , S Caroff , S Casanova , M Cerruti , T Chand , A Chen , G Cotter , J Damascene Mbarubucyeye , A Djannati-Ataï , A Dmytriiev , V Doroshenko , C Duffy , K Egberts , J-P Ernenwein , S Fegan , K Feijen , A Fiasson , G Fichet de Clairfontaine , G Fontaine , M Füßling , S Funk , S Gabici , Y A Gallant , S Ghafourizadeh , G Giavitto , L Giunti , D Glawion , J F Glicenstein , M-H Grondin , G Hermann , J A Hinton , M Hörbe , W Hofmann , C Hoischen , T L Holch , M Holler , D Horns , Zhiqiu Huang , M Jamrozy , F Jankowsky , I Jung-Richardt , E Kasai , K Katarzyński , U Katz , D Khangulyan , B Khélifi , S Klepser , W Kluźniak , Nu Komin , R Konno , K Kosack , D Kostunin , S Le Stum , A Lemière , M Lemoine-Goumard , J-P Lenain , F Leuschner , T Lohse , A Luashvili , I Lypova , J Mackey , D Malyshev , D Malyshev , V Marandon , P Marchegiani , A Marcowith , G Martí-Devesa , R Marx , G Maurin , M Meyer , A Mitchell , R Moderski , L Mohrmann , A Montanari , E Moulin , J Muller , T Murach , K Nakashima , M de Naurois , A Nayerhoda , J Niemiec , A Priyana Noel , P O'Brien , S Ohm , L Olivera-Nieto , E de Ona Wilhelmi , M Ostrowski , S Panny , M Panter , R D Parsons , G Peron , S Pita , V Poireau , D A Prokhorov , H Prokoph , G Pühlhofer , M Punch , A Quirrenbach , P Reichherzer , A Reimer , O Reimer , M Renaud , B Reville , F Rieger , G Rowell , B Rudak , H Rueda Ricarte , E Ruiz-Velasco , V Sahakian , S Sailer , H Salzmann , D A Sanchez , A Santangelo , M Sasaki , J Schäfer , F Schüssler , H M Schutte , U Schwanke , M Senniappan , J N S Shapopi , R Simoni , A Sinha , H Sol , A Specovius , S Spencer , Ł Stawarz , S Steinmassl , C Steppa , T Takahashi , T Tanaka , A M Taylor , R Terrier , C Thorpe-Morgan , M Tsirou , N Tsuji , R Tuffs , Y Uchiyama , T Unbehaun , C van Eldik , B van Soelen , J Veh , C Venter , J Vink , S J Wagner , F Werner , R White , A Wierzcholska , Yu Wun Wong , A Yusafzai , M Zacharias , D Zargaryan , A A Zdziarski , A Zech , S J Zhu , S Zouari , N Żywucka

Search for Dark Matter Annihilation Signals in the H.E.S.S. Inner Galaxy Survey.

Physical review letters
Avec: H Abdalla , F Aharonian , F Ait Benkhali , E O Angüner , C Armand , H Ashkar , M Backes , V Baghmanyan , V Barbosa Martins , R Batzofin , Y Becherini , D Berge , K Bernlöhr , B Bi , M Böttcher , J Bolmont , M de Bony de Lavergne , R Brose , F Brun , F Cangemi , S Caroff , M Cerruti , T Chand , A Chen , G Cotter , J Damascene Mbarubucyeye , J Devin , A Djannati-Ataï , A Dmytriiev , V Doroshenko , K Egberts , A Fiasson , G Fichet de Clairfontaine , G Fontaine , S Funk , S Gabici , G Giavitto , D Glawion , J F Glicenstein , M-H Grondin , J A Hinton , W Hofmann , T L Holch , M Holler , D Horns , Zhiqiu Huang , M Jamrozy , F Jankowsky , E Kasai , K Katarzyński , U Katz , B Khélifi , W Kluźniak , Nu Komin , K Kosack , D Kostunin , G Lamanna , M Lemoine-Goumard , J-P Lenain , F Leuschner , T Lohse , A Luashvili , I Lypova , J Mackey , D Malyshev , D Malyshev , V Marandon , P Marchegiani , G Martí-Devesa , R Marx , G Maurin , M Meyer , A Mitchell , R Moderski , A Montanari , E Moulin , J Muller , M de Naurois , J Niemiec , A Priyana Noel , S Ohm , L Olivera-Nieto , E de Ona Wilhelmi , M Ostrowski , S Panny , M Panter , R D Parsons , G Peron , V Poireau , H Prokoph , G Pühlhofer , M Punch , A Quirrenbach , P Reichherzer , A Reimer , O Reimer , M Renaud , F Rieger , G Rowell , B Rudak , H Rueda Ricarte , E Ruiz-Velasco , V Sahakian , H Salzmann , A Santangelo , M Sasaki , F Schüssler , H M Schutte , U Schwanke , M Senniappan , J N S Shapopi , H Sol , A Specovius , S Spencer , Ł Stawarz , C Stegmann , S Steinmassl , C Steppa , T Takahashi , T Tanaka , R Terrier , C Thorpe-Morgan , M Tluczykont , M Tsirou , N Tsuji , Y Uchiyama , C van Eldik , J Veh , J Vink , S J Wagner , R White , A Wierzcholska , Yu Wun Wong , M Zacharias , D Zargaryan , A A Zdziarski , A Zech , S J Zhu , S Zouari , N Żywucka , Auteur inconnu

A very-high-energy component deep in the γ-ray burst afterglow.

Avec: H Abdalla , R Adam , F Aharonian , F Ait Benkhali , E O Angüner , M Arakawa , C Arcaro , C Armand , H Ashkar , M Backes , V Barbosa Martins , M Barnard , Y Becherini , D Berge , K Bernlöhr , E Bissaldi , R Blackwell , M Böttcher , C Boisson , J Bolmont , S Bonnefoy , J Bregeon , M Breuhaus , F Brun , P Brun , M Bryan , M Büchele , T Bulik , T Bylund , M Capasso , S Caroff , A Carosi , S Casanova , M Cerruti , T Chand , S Chandra , A Chen , S Colafrancesco , M Curyło , I D Davids , C Deil , J Devin , P deWilt , L Dirson , A Djannati-Ataï , A Dmytriiev , A Donath , V Doroshenko , J Dyks , K Egberts , G Emery , J-P Ernenwein , S Eschbach , K Feijen , S Fegan , A Fiasson , G Fontaine , S Funk , M Füßling , S Gabici , Y A Gallant , F Gaté , G Giavitto , L Giunti , D Glawion , J F Glicenstein , D Gottschall , M-H Grondin , J Hahn , M Haupt , G Heinzelmann , G Henri , G Hermann , J A Hinton , W Hofmann , C Hoischen , T L Holch , M Holler , D Horns , D Huber , H Iwasaki , M Jamrozy , D Jankowsky , F Jankowsky , A Jardin-Blicq , I Jung-Richardt , M A Kastendieck , K Katarzyński , M Katsuragawa , U Katz , D Khangulyan , B Khélifi , J King , S Klepser , W Kluźniak , Nu Komin , K Kosack , D Kostunin , M Kreter , G Lamanna , A Lemière , M Lemoine-Goumard , J-P Lenain , E Leser , C Levy , T Lohse , I Lypova , J Mackey , J Majumdar , D Malyshev , V Marandon , A Marcowith , A Mares , C Mariaud , G Martí-Devesa , R Marx , G Maurin , P J Meintjes , A M W Mitchell , R Moderski , M Mohamed , L Mohrmann , C Moore , E Moulin , J Muller , T Murach , S Nakashima , M de Naurois , H Ndiyavala , F Niederwanger , J Niemiec , L Oakes , P O'Brien , H Odaka , S Ohm , E de Ona Wilhelmi , M Ostrowski , I Oya , M Panter , R D Parsons , C Perennes , P-O Petrucci , B Peyaud , Q Piel , S Pita , V Poireau , A Priyana Noel , D A Prokhorov , H Prokoph , G Pühlhofer , M Punch , A Quirrenbach , S Raab , R Rauth , A Reimer , O Reimer , Q Remy , M Renaud , F Rieger , L Rinchiuso , C Romoli , G Rowell , B Rudak , E Ruiz-Velasco , V Sahakian , S Sailer , S Saito , D A Sanchez , A Santangelo , M Sasaki , R Schlickeiser , F Schüssler , A Schulz , H M Schutte , U Schwanke , S Schwemmer , M Seglar-Arroyo , M Senniappan , A S Seyffert , N Shafi , K Shiningayamwe , R Simoni , A Sinha , H Sol , A Specovius , M Spir-Jacob , Ł Stawarz , R Steenkamp , C Stegmann , C Steppa , T Takahashi , T Tavernier , A M Taylor , R Terrier , D Tiziani , M Tluczykont , C Trichard , M Tsirou , N Tsuji , R Tuffs , Y Uchiyama , D J van der Walt , C van Eldik , C van Rensburg , B van Soelen , G Vasileiadis , J Veh , C Venter , P Vincent , J Vink , H J Völk , T Vuillaume , Z Wadiasingh , S J Wagner , R White , A Wierzcholska , R Yang , H Yoneda , M Zacharias , R Zanin , A A Zdziarski , A Zech , A Ziegler , J Zorn , N Żywucka , F de Palma , M Axelsson , O J Roberts

Acceleration and transport of relativistic electrons in the jets of the microquasar SS 433.

Science (New York, N.Y.)
Avec: Auteur inconnu , F Aharonian , F Ait Benkhali , J Aschersleben , H Ashkar , M Backes , V Barbosa Martins , R Batzofin , Y Becherini , D Berge , K Bernlöhr , B Bi , M Böttcher , C Boisson , J Bolmont , M de Bony de Lavergne , J Borowska , M Bouyahiaoui , M Breuhaus , R Brose , A M Brown , F Brun , B Bruno , T Bulik , C Burger-Scheidlin , S Caroff , S Casanova , R Cecil , J Celic , M Cerruti , T Chand , S Chandra , A Chen , J Chibueze , O Chibueze , G Cotter , S Dai , J Damascene Mbarubucyeye , A Djannati-Ataï , A Dmytriiev , V Doroshenko , K Egberts , S Einecke , J-P Ernenwein , M Filipovic , G Fontaine , M Füßling , S Funk , S Gabici , S Ghafourizadeh , G Giavitto , D Glawion , J-F Glicenstein , G Grolleron , L Haerer , J A Hinton , W Hofmann , T L Holch , M Holler , D Horns , M Jamrozy , F Jankowsky , A Jardin-Blicq , V Joshi , I Jung-Richardt , E Kasai , K Katarzyński , R Khatoon , B Khélifi , S Klepser , W Kluźniak , Nu Komin , K Kosack , D Kostunin , A Kundu , R G Lang , S Le Stum , F Leitl , A Lemière , J-P Lenain , F Leuschner , T Lohse , A Luashvili , I Lypova , J Mackey , D Malyshev , D Malyshev , V Marandon , P Marchegiani , A Marcowith , G Martí-Devesa , R Marx , A Mehta , A Mitchell , R Moderski , L Mohrmann , A Montanari , E Moulin , T Murach , K Nakashima , M de Naurois , J Niemiec , A Priyana Noel , S Ohm , L Olivera-Nieto , E de Ona Wilhelmi , M Ostrowski , S Panny , M Panter , R D Parsons , G Peron , D A Prokhorov , G Pühlhofer , M Punch , A Quirrenbach , P Reichherzer , A Reimer , O Reimer , H Ren , M Renaud , B Reville , F Rieger , G Rowell , B Rudak , H Rueda Ricarte , E Ruiz-Velasco , V Sahakian , H Salzmann , A Santangelo , M Sasaki , J Schäfer , F Schüssler , U Schwanke , J N S Shapopi , H Sol , A Specovius , S Spencer , L Stawarz , R Steenkamp , S Steinmassl , C Steppa , K Streil , I Sushch , H Suzuki , T Takahashi , T Tanaka , A M Taylor , R Terrier , M Tsirou , N Tsuji , T Unbehaun , C van Eldik , M Vecchi , J Veh , C Venter , J Vink , T Wach , S J Wagner , F Werner , R White , A Wierzcholska , Yu Wun Wong , M Zacharias , D Zargaryan , A A Zdziarski , A Zech , S Zouari , N Żywucka

A resonant sextuplet of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright star HD 110067.

Avec: R Luque , H P Osborn , A Leleu , E Pallé , A Bonfanti , O Barragán , T G Wilson , C Broeg , A Collier Cameron , M Lendl , P F L Maxted , Y Alibert , D Gandolfi , J-B Delisle , M J Hooton , J A Egger , G Nowak , M Lafarga , D Rapetti , J D Twicken , J C Morales , I Carleo , J Orell-Miquel , V Adibekyan , R Alonso , A Alqasim , P J Amado , D R Anderson , G Anglada-Escudé , T Bandy , T Bárczy , D Barrado Navascues , S C C Barros , W Baumjohann , D Bayliss , J L Bean , M Beck , T Beck , W Benz , N Billot , X Bonfils , L Borsato , A W Boyle , A Brandeker , E M Bryant , J Cabrera , S Carrazco-Gaxiola , D Charbonneau , S Charnoz , D R Ciardi , W D Cochran , K A Collins , I J M Crossfield , Sz Csizmadia , P E Cubillos , F Dai , M B Davies , H J Deeg , M Deleuil , A Deline , L Delrez , O D S Demangeon , B-O Demory , D Ehrenreich , A Erikson , E Esparza-Borges , B Falk , A Fortier , L Fossati , M Fridlund , A Fukui , J Garcia-Mejia , S Gill , M Gillon , E Goffo , Y Gómez Maqueo Chew , M Güdel , E W Guenther , M N Günther , A P Hatzes , Ch Helling , K M Hesse , S B Howell , S Hoyer , K Ikuta , K G Isaak , J M Jenkins , T Kagetani , L L Kiss , T Kodama , J Korth , K W F Lam , J Laskar , D W Latham , A Lecavelier des Etangs , J P D Leon , J H Livingston , D Magrin , R A Matson , E C Matthews , C Mordasini , M Mori , M Moyano , M Munari , F Murgas , N Narita , V Nascimbeni , G Olofsson , H L M Osborne , R Ottensamer , I Pagano , H Parviainen , G Peter , G Piotto , D Pollacco , D Queloz , S N Quinn , A Quirrenbach , R Ragazzoni , N Rando , F Ratti , H Rauer , S Redfield , I Ribas , G R Ricker , A Rudat , L Sabin , S Salmon , N C Santos , G Scandariato , N Schanche , J E Schlieder , S Seager , D Ségransan , A Shporer , A E Simon , A M S Smith , S G Sousa , M Stalport , Gy M Szabó , N Thomas , A Tuson , S Udry , A M Vanderburg , V Van Eylen , V Van Grootel , J Venturini , I Walter , N A Walton , N Watanabe , J N Winn , T Zingales

Réseau de co-auteurs

D Malyshev 9 collaborations
F Aharonian 5 collaborations
F Ait Benkhali 5 collaborations
H Ashkar 5 collaborations
M Backes 5 collaborations
V Barbosa Martins 5 collaborations
Y Becherini 5 collaborations
D Berge 5 collaborations
K Bernlöhr 5 collaborations
M Böttcher 5 collaborations
J Bolmont 5 collaborations
F Brun 5 collaborations
S Caroff 5 collaborations
T Chand 5 collaborations
A Chen 5 collaborations
A Djannati-Ataï 5 collaborations
A Dmytriiev 5 collaborations
V Doroshenko 5 collaborations
K Egberts 5 collaborations
G Fontaine 5 collaborations
S Funk 5 collaborations
S Gabici 5 collaborations
G Giavitto 5 collaborations
D Glawion 5 collaborations
J A Hinton 5 collaborations
W Hofmann 5 collaborations
T L Holch 5 collaborations
M Holler 5 collaborations
D Horns 5 collaborations
M Jamrozy 5 collaborations
F Jankowsky 5 collaborations
K Katarzyński 5 collaborations
B Khélifi 5 collaborations
W Kluźniak 5 collaborations
Nu Komin 5 collaborations
K Kosack 5 collaborations
D Kostunin 5 collaborations
J-P Lenain 5 collaborations
T Lohse 5 collaborations
I Lypova 5 collaborations
J Mackey 5 collaborations
V Marandon 5 collaborations
G Martí-Devesa 5 collaborations
R Marx 5 collaborations
R Moderski 5 collaborations
E Moulin 5 collaborations
M de Naurois 5 collaborations
J Niemiec 5 collaborations
S Ohm 5 collaborations
E de Ona Wilhelmi 5 collaborations
M Ostrowski 5 collaborations
M Panter 5 collaborations
R D Parsons 5 collaborations
A Priyana Noel 5 collaborations
G Pühlhofer 5 collaborations
M Punch 5 collaborations
A Reimer 5 collaborations
O Reimer 5 collaborations
M Renaud 5 collaborations
F Rieger 5 collaborations
G Rowell 5 collaborations
B Rudak 5 collaborations
E Ruiz-Velasco 5 collaborations
V Sahakian 5 collaborations
A Santangelo 5 collaborations
M Sasaki 5 collaborations
F Schüssler 5 collaborations
U Schwanke 5 collaborations
H Sol 5 collaborations
A Specovius 5 collaborations
C Steppa 5 collaborations
T Takahashi 5 collaborations
R Terrier 5 collaborations
M Tsirou 5 collaborations
C van Eldik 5 collaborations
J Veh 5 collaborations
J Vink 5 collaborations
S J Wagner 5 collaborations
R White 5 collaborations
A Wierzcholska 5 collaborations
M Zacharias 5 collaborations
A A Zdziarski 5 collaborations
A Zech 5 collaborations
N Żywucka 5 collaborations
None None 4 collaborations
E O Angüner 4 collaborations
B Bi 4 collaborations
C Boisson 4 collaborations
M de Bony de Lavergne 4 collaborations
M Breuhaus 4 collaborations
S Casanova 4 collaborations
G Cotter 4 collaborations
J-P Ernenwein 4 collaborations
A Fiasson 4 collaborations
M Füßling 4 collaborations
J F Glicenstein 4 collaborations
M-H Grondin 4 collaborations
I Jung-Richardt 4 collaborations
E Kasai 4 collaborations
U Katz 4 collaborations
S Klepser 4 collaborations
A Lemière 4 collaborations
M Lemoine-Goumard 4 collaborations
F Leuschner 4 collaborations
P Marchegiani 4 collaborations
A Marcowith 4 collaborations
G Maurin 4 collaborations
A Mitchell 4 collaborations
L Mohrmann 4 collaborations
A Montanari 4 collaborations
J Muller 4 collaborations
T Murach 4 collaborations
L Olivera-Nieto 4 collaborations
S Panny 4 collaborations
G Peron 4 collaborations
V Poireau 4 collaborations
D A Prokhorov 4 collaborations
H Prokoph 4 collaborations
P Reichherzer 4 collaborations
H Salzmann 4 collaborations
H M Schutte 4 collaborations
M Senniappan 4 collaborations
J N S Shapopi 4 collaborations
S Spencer 4 collaborations
Ł Stawarz 4 collaborations
S Steinmassl 4 collaborations
A M Taylor 4 collaborations
Y Uchiyama 4 collaborations
C Venter 4 collaborations
Yu Wun Wong 4 collaborations
D Zargaryan 4 collaborations
S Zouari 4 collaborations
M Cerruti 4 collaborations
N Tsuji 4 collaborations
H Abdalla 3 collaborations
C Armand 3 collaborations
V Baghmanyan 3 collaborations
T Bulik 3 collaborations
S Chandra 3 collaborations
J Devin 3 collaborations
K Feijen 3 collaborations
S Fegan 3 collaborations
Y A Gallant 3 collaborations
L Giunti 3 collaborations
G Hermann 3 collaborations
C Hoischen 3 collaborations
A Jardin-Blicq 3 collaborations
D Khangulyan 3 collaborations
G Lamanna 3 collaborations
M Meyer 3 collaborations
K Nakashima 3 collaborations
P O'Brien 3 collaborations
S Pita 3 collaborations
S Sailer 3 collaborations
D A Sanchez 3 collaborations
J Schäfer 3 collaborations
R Simoni 3 collaborations
A Sinha 3 collaborations
R Steenkamp 3 collaborations
C Stegmann 3 collaborations
M Tluczykont 3 collaborations
R Tuffs 3 collaborations
B van Soelen 3 collaborations
F Werner 3 collaborations
S J Zhu 3 collaborations
J C Morales 3 collaborations
I Ribas 3 collaborations
R Luque 3 collaborations
E Pallé 3 collaborations
G Anglada-Escudé 3 collaborations
M Lafarga 3 collaborations
P J Amado 3 collaborations
A P Hatzes 3 collaborations
R Batzofin 3 collaborations
R Brose 3 collaborations
A Luashvili 3 collaborations
H Rueda Ricarte 3 collaborations
T Tanaka 3 collaborations
C Arcaro 2 collaborations
M Barnard 2 collaborations
E Bissaldi 2 collaborations
P Brun 2 collaborations
M Bryan 2 collaborations
M Büchele 2 collaborations
T Bylund 2 collaborations
A Carosi 2 collaborations
M Curyło 2 collaborations
I D Davids 2 collaborations
C Deil 2 collaborations
L Dirson 2 collaborations
A Donath 2 collaborations
C Duffy 2 collaborations
J Dyks 2 collaborations
S Einecke 2 collaborations
G Emery 2 collaborations
J Hahn 2 collaborations
M Haupt 2 collaborations
M Hörbe 2 collaborations
D Huber 2 collaborations
D Jankowsky 2 collaborations
V Joshi 2 collaborations
M A Kastendieck 2 collaborations
R Konno 2 collaborations
M Kreter 2 collaborations
C Levy 2 collaborations
J Majumdar 2 collaborations
A Mares 2 collaborations
P J Meintjes 2 collaborations
C Moore 2 collaborations
A Nayerhoda 2 collaborations
H Ndiyavala 2 collaborations
L Oakes 2 collaborations
H Odaka 2 collaborations
B Peyaud 2 collaborations
Q Piel 2 collaborations
S Raab 2 collaborations
R Rauth 2 collaborations
Q Remy 2 collaborations
L Rinchiuso 2 collaborations
C Romoli 2 collaborations
M Seglar-Arroyo 2 collaborations
A S Seyffert 2 collaborations
N Shafi 2 collaborations
K Shiningayamwe 2 collaborations
M Spir-Jacob 2 collaborations
T Tavernier 2 collaborations
D Tiziani 2 collaborations
D J van der Walt 2 collaborations
C van Rensburg 2 collaborations
G Vasileiadis 2 collaborations
P Vincent 2 collaborations
H J Völk 2 collaborations
Z Wadiasingh 2 collaborations
A Yusafzai 2 collaborations
R Zanin 2 collaborations
J Zorn 2 collaborations
Andreas Quirrenbach 2 collaborations
M B Davies 2 collaborations
A Reiners 2 collaborations
D Kossakowski 2 collaborations
E Herrero 2 collaborations
V J S Béjar 2 collaborations
C Mordasini 2 collaborations
J A Caballero 2 collaborations
M Cortés-Contreras 2 collaborations
S Dreizler 2 collaborations
V M Passegger 2 collaborations
A Schweitzer 2 collaborations
T Trifonov 2 collaborations
M Zechmeister 2 collaborations
E W Guenther 2 collaborations
S V Jeffers 2 collaborations
A Kaminski 2 collaborations
M Kürster 2 collaborations
D Montes 2 collaborations
M Azzaro 2 collaborations
N Casasayas-Barris 2 collaborations
C Cifuentes 2 collaborations
G Nowak 2 collaborations
J Sanz-Forcada 2 collaborations
S Stock 2 collaborations
J Stürmer 2 collaborations
S Ghafourizadeh 2 collaborations
Zhiqiu Huang 2 collaborations
S Le Stum 2 collaborations
B Reville 2 collaborations
C Thorpe-Morgan 2 collaborations
T Unbehaun 2 collaborations
J L Bean 2 collaborations
H Parviainen 2 collaborations
K A Collins 2 collaborations
E Esparza-Borges 2 collaborations
A Fukui 2 collaborations
J M Jenkins 2 collaborations
D W Latham 2 collaborations
F Murgas 2 collaborations
N Narita 2 collaborations
D Pollacco 2 collaborations
S N Quinn 2 collaborations
G R Ricker 2 collaborations
S Seager 2 collaborations
A Shporer 2 collaborations
J D Twicken 2 collaborations
J N Winn 2 collaborations
T Armstrong 1 collaboration
A Barnacka 1 collaboration
J Davies 1 collaboration
L Dreyer 1 collaboration
F Eichhorn 1 collaboration
P Morris 1 collaboration
M Scalici 1 collaboration
L Sun 1 collaboration
T Tam 1 collaboration
J H E Thiersen 1 collaboration
L Tomankova 1 collaboration
J Watson 1 collaboration
P Evans 1 collaboration
K Page 1 collaboration
Christopher J Manser 1 collaboration
Boris T Gänsicke 1 collaboration
Siegfried Eggl 1 collaboration
Mark Hollands 1 collaboration
Paula Izquierdo 1 collaboration
Detlev Koester 1 collaboration
John D Landstreet 1 collaboration
Wladimir Lyra 1 collaboration
Thomas R Marsh 1 collaboration
Farzana Meru 1 collaboration
Alexander J Mustill 1 collaboration
Pablo Rodríguez-Gil 1 collaboration
Odette Toloza 1 collaboration
Dimitri Veras 1 collaboration
David J Wilson 1 collaboration
Matthew R Burleigh 1 collaboration
Melvyn B Davies 1 collaboration
Jay Farihi 1 collaboration
Nicola Gentile Fusillo 1 collaboration
Domitilla de Martino 1 collaboration
Steven G Parsons 1 collaboration
Roberto Raddi 1 collaboration
Sabine Reffert 1 collaboration
Melania Del Santo 1 collaboration
Matthias R Schreiber 1 collaboration
Roberto Silvotti 1 collaboration
Silvia Toonen 1 collaboration
Eva Villaver 1 collaboration
Mark Wyatt 1 collaboration
Siyi Xu 1 collaboration
Simon Portegies Zwart 1 collaboration
Theodoros Anagnos 1 collaboration
Mareike Trappen 1 collaboration
Blaise C Kuo Tiong 1 collaboration
Tobias Feger 1 collaboration
Stephanos Yerolatsitis 1 collaboration
Robert J Harris 1 collaboration
Julien Lozi 1 collaboration
Nemanja Jovanovic 1 collaboration
Tim A Birks 1 collaboration
Sébastien Vievard 1 collaboration
Olivier Guyon 1 collaboration
Sergio G Leon-Saval 1 collaboration
Barnaby Norris 1 collaboration
Sebastiaan Y Haffert 1 collaboration
Phillip Hottinger 1 collaboration
Matthias Blaicher 1 collaboration
Yilin Xu 1 collaboration
Christopher H Betters 1 collaboration
Christian Koos 1 collaboration
David W Coutts 1 collaboration
Christian Schwab 1 collaboration
A J Mustill 1 collaboration
F F Bauer 1 collaboration
E Rodríguez 1 collaboration
M J López-González 1 collaboration
C Rodríguez-López 1 collaboration
L González-Cuesta 1 collaboration
M Perger 1 collaboration
D Baroch 1 collaboration
A Johansen 1 collaboration
H Klahr 1 collaboration
E Nagel 1 collaboration
S Reffert 1 collaboration
A Rosich 1 collaboration
L Tal-Or 1 collaboration
H-J Hagen 1 collaboration
T Henning 1 collaboration
W Seifert 1 collaboration
F J Abellán 1 collaboration
M Abril 1 collaboration
J Aceituno 1 collaboration
F J Aceituno 1 collaboration
F J Alonso-Floriano 1 collaboration
M Ammler-von Eiff 1 collaboration
R Antona 1 collaboration
B Arroyo-Torres 1 collaboration
D Barrado 1 collaboration
S Becerril-Jarque 1 collaboration
D Benítez 1 collaboration
Z M Berdiñas 1 collaboration
G Bergond 1 collaboration
M Brinkmöller 1 collaboration
C Del Burgo 1 collaboration
R Burn 1 collaboration
R Calvo-Ortega 1 collaboration
J Cano 1 collaboration
M C Cárdenas 1 collaboration
C Cardona Guillén 1 collaboration
J Carro 1 collaboration
E Casal 1 collaboration
V Casanova 1 collaboration
P Chaturvedi 1 collaboration
A Claret 1 collaboration
J Colomé 1 collaboration
S Czesla 1 collaboration
E Díez-Alonso 1 collaboration
R Dorda 1 collaboration
A Emsenhuber 1 collaboration
M Fernández 1 collaboration
A Fernández-Martín 1 collaboration
I M Ferro 1 collaboration
B Fuhrmeister 1 collaboration
D Galadí-Enríquez 1 collaboration
I Gallardo Cava 1 collaboration
M L García Vargas 1 collaboration
A Garcia-Piquer 1 collaboration
L Gesa 1 collaboration
E González-Álvarez 1 collaboration
R González-Peinado 1 collaboration
J Guàrdia 1 collaboration
A Guijarro 1 collaboration
E de Guindos 1 collaboration
P H Hauschildt 1 collaboration
R P Hedrosa 1 collaboration
I Hermelo 1 collaboration
R Hernández Arabi 1 collaboration
F Hernández Otero 1 collaboration
D Hintz 1 collaboration
G Holgado 1 collaboration
A Huber 1 collaboration
P Huke 1 collaboration
E N Johnson 1 collaboration
E de Juan 1 collaboration
M Kehr 1 collaboration
J Kemmer 1 collaboration
M Kim 1 collaboration
J Klüter 1 collaboration
A Klutsch 1 collaboration
F Labarga 1 collaboration
N Labiche 1 collaboration
S Lalitha 1 collaboration
M Lampón 1 collaboration
L M Lara 1 collaboration
R Launhardt 1 collaboration
F J Lázaro 1 collaboration
J-L Lizon 1 collaboration
M Llamas 1 collaboration
N Lodieu 1 collaboration
M López Del Fresno 1 collaboration
J F López Salas 1 collaboration
J López-Santiago 1 collaboration
H Magán Madinabeitia 1 collaboration
U Mall 1 collaboration
L Mancini 1 collaboration
H Mandel 1 collaboration
E Marfil 1 collaboration
J A Marín Molina 1 collaboration
E L Martín 1 collaboration
P Martín-Fernández 1 collaboration
S Martín-Ruiz 1 collaboration
H Martínez-Rodríguez 1 collaboration
C J Marvin 1 collaboration
E Mirabet 1 collaboration
A Moya 1 collaboration
V Naranjo 1 collaboration
R P Nelson 1 collaboration
L Nortmann 1 collaboration
A Ofir 1 collaboration
J Pascual 1 collaboration
A Pavlov 1 collaboration
S Pedraz 1 collaboration
D Pérez Medialdea 1 collaboration
A Pérez-Calpena 1 collaboration
M A C Perryman 1 collaboration
O Rabaza 1 collaboration
A Ramón Ballesta 1 collaboration
R Rebolo 1 collaboration
P Redondo 1 collaboration
H-W Rix 1 collaboration
F Rodler 1 collaboration
A Rodríguez Trinidad 1 collaboration
S Sabotta 1 collaboration
S Sadegi 1 collaboration
M Salz 1 collaboration
E Sánchez-Blanco 1 collaboration
M A Sánchez Carrasco 1 collaboration
A Sánchez-López 1 collaboration
P Sarkis 1 collaboration
L F Sarmiento 1 collaboration
S Schäfer 1 collaboration
M Schlecker 1 collaboration
J H M M Schmitt 1 collaboration
P Schöfer 1 collaboration
E Solano 1 collaboration
A Sota 1 collaboration
O Stahl 1 collaboration
T Stuber 1 collaboration
J C Suárez 1 collaboration
H M Tabernero 1 collaboration
S M Tulloch 1 collaboration
G Veredas 1 collaboration
J I Vico-Linares 1 collaboration
F Vilardell 1 collaboration
K Wagner 1 collaboration
J Winkler 1 collaboration
V Wolthoff 1 collaboration
F Yan 1 collaboration
M R Zapatero Osorio 1 collaboration
F Cangemi 1 collaboration
R Adam 1 collaboration
M Arakawa 1 collaboration
R Blackwell 1 collaboration
S Bonnefoy 1 collaboration
J Bregeon 1 collaboration
M Capasso 1 collaboration
S Colafrancesco 1 collaboration
P deWilt 1 collaboration
S Eschbach 1 collaboration
F Gaté 1 collaboration
D Gottschall 1 collaboration
G Heinzelmann 1 collaboration
G Henri 1 collaboration
H Iwasaki 1 collaboration
M Katsuragawa 1 collaboration
J King 1 collaboration
E Leser 1 collaboration
C Mariaud 1 collaboration
A M W Mitchell 1 collaboration
M Mohamed 1 collaboration
S Nakashima 1 collaboration
F Niederwanger 1 collaboration
I Oya 1 collaboration
C Perennes 1 collaboration
P-O Petrucci 1 collaboration
S Saito 1 collaboration
R Schlickeiser 1 collaboration
A Schulz 1 collaboration
S Schwemmer 1 collaboration
C Trichard 1 collaboration
T Vuillaume 1 collaboration
R Yang 1 collaboration
H Yoneda 1 collaboration
A Ziegler 1 collaboration
F de Palma 1 collaboration
M Axelsson 1 collaboration
O J Roberts 1 collaboration
A Seifahrt 1 collaboration
T Barclay 1 collaboration
P Bluhm 1 collaboration
K I Collins 1 collaboration
J de Leon 1 collaboration
C D Dressing 1 collaboration
N Espinoza 1 collaboration
M Fausnaugh 1 collaboration
C Hellier 1 collaboration
Th Henning 1 collaboration
C E Henze 1 collaboration
E L N Jensen 1 collaboration
D Kasper 1 collaboration
A W Mann 1 collaboration
K Molaverdikhani 1 collaboration
B T Montet 1 collaboration
M Oshagh 1 collaboration
C Rodríguez López 1 collaboration
R P Schwarz 1 collaboration
M Stangret 1 collaboration
T G Tan 1 collaboration
P Tenenbaum 1 collaboration
R Vanderspek 1 collaboration
J Aschersleben 1 collaboration
J Borowska 1 collaboration
M Bouyahiaoui 1 collaboration
A M Brown 1 collaboration
B Bruno 1 collaboration
C Burger-Scheidlin 1 collaboration
R Cecil 1 collaboration
J Celic 1 collaboration
J Chibueze 1 collaboration
O Chibueze 1 collaboration
S Dai 1 collaboration
M Filipovic 1 collaboration
J-F Glicenstein 1 collaboration
G Grolleron 1 collaboration
L Haerer 1 collaboration
R Khatoon 1 collaboration
A Kundu 1 collaboration
R G Lang 1 collaboration
F Leitl 1 collaboration
A Mehta 1 collaboration
H Ren 1 collaboration
L Stawarz 1 collaboration
K Streil 1 collaboration
I Sushch 1 collaboration
H Suzuki 1 collaboration
M Vecchi 1 collaboration
T Wach 1 collaboration
H P Osborn 1 collaboration
A Leleu 1 collaboration
A Bonfanti 1 collaboration
O Barragán 1 collaboration
T G Wilson 1 collaboration
C Broeg 1 collaboration
A Collier Cameron 1 collaboration
M Lendl 1 collaboration
P F L Maxted 1 collaboration
Y Alibert 1 collaboration
D Gandolfi 1 collaboration
J-B Delisle 1 collaboration
M J Hooton 1 collaboration
J A Egger 1 collaboration
D Rapetti 1 collaboration
I Carleo 1 collaboration
J Orell-Miquel 1 collaboration
V Adibekyan 1 collaboration
R Alonso 1 collaboration
A Alqasim 1 collaboration
D R Anderson 1 collaboration
T Bandy 1 collaboration
T Bárczy 1 collaboration
D Barrado Navascues 1 collaboration
S C C Barros 1 collaboration
W Baumjohann 1 collaboration
D Bayliss 1 collaboration
M Beck 1 collaboration
T Beck 1 collaboration
W Benz 1 collaboration
N Billot 1 collaboration
X Bonfils 1 collaboration
L Borsato 1 collaboration
A W Boyle 1 collaboration
A Brandeker 1 collaboration
E M Bryant 1 collaboration
J Cabrera 1 collaboration
S Carrazco-Gaxiola 1 collaboration
D Charbonneau 1 collaboration
S Charnoz 1 collaboration
D R Ciardi 1 collaboration
W D Cochran 1 collaboration
I J M Crossfield 1 collaboration
Sz Csizmadia 1 collaboration
P E Cubillos 1 collaboration
F Dai 1 collaboration
H J Deeg 1 collaboration
M Deleuil 1 collaboration
A Deline 1 collaboration
L Delrez 1 collaboration
O D S Demangeon 1 collaboration
B-O Demory 1 collaboration
D Ehrenreich 1 collaboration
A Erikson 1 collaboration
B Falk 1 collaboration
A Fortier 1 collaboration
L Fossati 1 collaboration
M Fridlund 1 collaboration
J Garcia-Mejia 1 collaboration
S Gill 1 collaboration
M Gillon 1 collaboration
E Goffo 1 collaboration
Y Gómez Maqueo Chew 1 collaboration
M Güdel 1 collaboration
M N Günther 1 collaboration
Ch Helling 1 collaboration
K M Hesse 1 collaboration
S B Howell 1 collaboration
S Hoyer 1 collaboration
K Ikuta 1 collaboration
K G Isaak 1 collaboration
T Kagetani 1 collaboration
L L Kiss 1 collaboration
T Kodama 1 collaboration
J Korth 1 collaboration
K W F Lam 1 collaboration
J Laskar 1 collaboration
J P D Leon 1 collaboration
J H Livingston 1 collaboration
D Magrin 1 collaboration
R A Matson 1 collaboration
E C Matthews 1 collaboration
M Mori 1 collaboration
M Moyano 1 collaboration
M Munari 1 collaboration
V Nascimbeni 1 collaboration
G Olofsson 1 collaboration
H L M Osborne 1 collaboration
R Ottensamer 1 collaboration
I Pagano 1 collaboration
G Peter 1 collaboration
G Piotto 1 collaboration
D Queloz 1 collaboration
R Ragazzoni 1 collaboration
N Rando 1 collaboration
F Ratti 1 collaboration
H Rauer 1 collaboration
S Redfield 1 collaboration
A Rudat 1 collaboration
L Sabin 1 collaboration
S Salmon 1 collaboration
N C Santos 1 collaboration
G Scandariato 1 collaboration
N Schanche 1 collaboration
J E Schlieder 1 collaboration
D Ségransan 1 collaboration
A E Simon 1 collaboration
A M S Smith 1 collaboration
S G Sousa 1 collaboration
M Stalport 1 collaboration
Gy M Szabó 1 collaboration
N Thomas 1 collaboration
A Tuson 1 collaboration
S Udry 1 collaboration
A M Vanderburg 1 collaboration
V Van Eylen 1 collaboration
V Van Grootel 1 collaboration
J Venturini 1 collaboration
I Walter 1 collaboration
N A Walton 1 collaboration
N Watanabe 1 collaboration
T Zingales 1 collaboration