William L Holzemer
- School of Nursing, The State University of New Jersey, Rutgers, Newark, USA.
Nursing ethics
Motshedisi B Sabone
Keitshokile Dintle Mogobe
Ellah Matshediso
Sheila Shaibu
Esther I Ntsayagae
Inge B Corless
Yvette P Cuca
Carol Dawson-Rose
Solymar S Soliz Baez
Marta Rivero-Mendz
Allison R Webel
Lucille Sanzero Eller
Paula Reid
Mallory O Johnson
Jeanne Kemppainen
Darcel Reyes
Kathleen Nokes
Dean Wantland
Patrice K Nicholas
Teri Lingren
Carmen J Portillo
Elizabeth Sefcik
Ellen Long-Middleton