AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education
Harm reduction journal
R J Fredericksen
R Baker
A Sibley
A T Estadt
D Colston
L S Mixson
S Walters
J Bresett
X A Levander
G Leichtling
T Davy-Mendez
M Powell
T J Stopka
M Pho
J Feinberg
J Ezell
D Seal
H L F Cooper
B M Whitney
J A C Delaney
H M Crane
J I Tsui
Harm reduction journal
Suzan M Walters
Robin Baker
David Frank
Monica Fadanelli
Abby E Rudolph
William Zule
Rob J Fredericksen
Rebecca Bolinski
Adams L Sibley
Vivian F Go
Lawrence J Ouellet
Mai T Pho
David W Seal
Judith Feinberg
Gordon Smith
April M Young
Thomas J Stopka
Journal of substance use and addiction treatment
The International journal on drug policy
Exploratory research in clinical and social pharmacy
Social science & medicine (1982)
T J Stopka
A T Estadt
G Leichtling
J C Schleicher
L S Mixson
J Bresett
E Romo
P Dowd
S M Walters
A M Young
P D Friedmann
V F Go
R Baker
R J Fredericksen
Drug and alcohol dependence
Journal of substance use and addiction treatment
R J Fredericksen
L S Mixson
A T Estadt
G Leichtling
J Bresett
S M Walters
P D Friedmann
E Romo
B M Whitney
J A C Delaney
H M Crane
J I Tsui
A Young
D Seal
T J Stopka
Exploratory research in clinical and social pharmacy