International journal of cancer
Revista panamericana de salud publica = Pan American journal of public health
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Diabetes research and clinical practice
Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Advances in radiation oncology
Joseph A Miccio
Vikram Jairam
Sarah Gao
Alexander Augustyn
Oluwadamilola T Oladeru
Benjamin E Onderdonk
Mudit Chowdhary
Dale Han
Sajid Khan
Gary Friedlaender
Dieter M Lindskog
Hari A Desphande
Heather Osborn
Kenneth B Roberts
Kirtesh R Patel
Anticancer research
Vikram Jairam
Benjamin H Kann
Henry S Park
Joseph A Miccio
Jason M Beckta
James B Yu
Roshan S Prabhu
Sarah J Gao
Minesh P Mehta
Walter J Curran
Ranjit S Bindra
Joseph N Contessa
Kirtesh R Patel
American journal of clinical oncology
Journal of radiosurgery and SBRT
Practical radiation oncology
Advances in radiation oncology
Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases
The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
Translational lung cancer research
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.)
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Laura Van Metre Baum
Madhav K C
Pamela R Soulos
Molly M Jeffery
Kathryn J Ruddy
Catherine C Lerro
Hana Lee
David J Graham
Donna R Rivera
Michael S Leapman
Vikram Jairam
Michaela A Dinan
Cary P Gross
Henry S Park