Uwe Kippnich
Uwe Kippnich
Landesgeschäftsstelle, Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz, München, Deutschland.
Publications (3)
[Advanced medical post within hospitals as possible tactical instrument for handling mass casualty incidents].
Der Anaesthesist
M Kippnich
U Kippnich
C Markus
S Dietz
R Braun
G Pierags
M Hack
M Kraus
T Wurmb
[Further developments in disaster control: goal, strategy and tactic using the example of the 2021 flood disaster in the Ahr valley].
Notfall & rettungsmedizin
Maximilian Kippnich
Harald Erhard
Patrick Meybohm
Thomas Wurmb
[Drones in medical care : A new member of the rescue chain?]
Der Unfallchirurg
Réseau de co-auteurs
M Kippnich
1 collaboration
U Kippnich
1 collaboration
C Markus
1 collaboration
S Dietz
1 collaboration
R Braun
1 collaboration
G Pierags
1 collaboration
M Hack
1 collaboration
M Kraus
1 collaboration
T Wurmb
1 collaboration
Maximilian Kippnich
1 collaboration
Harald Erhard
1 collaboration
Patrick Meybohm
1 collaboration
Thomas Wurmb
1 collaboration