Ulrich Liener

  • Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Marienhospital, 70199 Stuttgart, Germany.

Publications (7)

Réseau de co-auteurs

Katherine Rascher 2 collaborations
Carl Neuerburg 2 collaborations
Robert Schappacher 2 collaborations
Matthias Rapp 2 collaborations
Claus-Martin Muth 2 collaborations
Lance Amrehn 2 collaborations
Ulf Bökeler 2 collaborations
Thomas Fillies 2 collaborations
Johannes Gleich 1 collaboration
Evi Fleischhacker 1 collaboration
Thomas Friess 1 collaboration
Christian Kammerlander 1 collaboration
Wolfgang Böcker 1 collaboration
Benjamin Bücking 1 collaboration
Michael Drey 1 collaboration
Christine Höfer 1 collaboration
Markus Walz 1 collaboration
Christof Burger 1 collaboration
Koroush Kabir 1 collaboration
Kristian Welle 1 collaboration
Hans Goost 1 collaboration
B Bücking 1 collaboration
C Neuerburg 1 collaboration
M Knobe 1 collaboration
U Liener 1 collaboration
Kilian Rapp 1 collaboration
Clemens Becker 1 collaboration
Chris Todd 1 collaboration
Dietrich Rothenbacher 1 collaboration
Claudia Schulz 1 collaboration
Hans-Helmut König 1 collaboration
Erich Hartwig 1 collaboration
Gisela Büchele 1 collaboration
Carsten Schoeneberg 1 collaboration
Laura Heuser 1 collaboration
Sven Lendemans 1 collaboration
Matthias Knobe 1 collaboration
Daphne Eschbach 1 collaboration
Benjamin Buecking 1 collaboration
Bastian Pass 1 collaboration
Daniel Schmitz 1 collaboration
None None 1 collaboration
Michael Schön 1 collaboration
Silvia Sander 1 collaboration
Jan Nölke 1 collaboration
Matthias Orth 1 collaboration