Ubong Eduok

  • Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 57 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5A9, Canada.

Publications (11)

RSC advances

Réseau de co-auteurs

Amira Abdelrasoul 5 collaborations
Ahmed Shoker 5 collaborations
Shaghayegh Saadati 3 collaborations
Jerzy Szpunar 3 collaborations
Heloisa Westphalen 2 collaborations
Phillip Choi 2 collaborations
Huu Doan 2 collaborations
Farhad Ein-Mozaffari 2 collaborations
Omar Faye 2 collaborations
Heloisa Camara 1 collaboration
Sana Daneshamouz 1 collaboration
Ning Zhu 1 collaboration
Mazen Khaled 1 collaboration
Enyinnaya Ohaeri 1 collaboration
A A Tiamiyu 1 collaboration
J A Szpunar 1 collaboration
A G Odeshi 1 collaboration
Jerzy A Szpunar 1 collaboration