Tewachew Muche Liyeh
Tewachew Muche Liyeh
Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia.
Publications (13)
The effect of substance use during pregnancy on neonatal outcomes in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Wubet Alebachew Bayih
Demeke Mesfin Belay
Metadel Yibeltal Ayalew
Misganaw Abie Tassew
Ermiyas Sisay Chanie
Dejen Getaneh Feleke
Sintayehu Asnakew
Getasew Legas
Amsalu Belete
Maru Mekie
Getachew Yideg Yitbarek
Tigabu Munye Aytenew
Tigabu Dessie
Nigus Selomon
Solomon Demis Kebede
Binyam Minuye Birhanie
Magnitude of Gender-Based Violence and Its Associated Factors among Female Night Students in Bahir Dar City, Amhara Region, Ethiopia.
International journal of reproductive medicine
Habtamu Gebrehana Belay
Habtamu Abie Tassew
Abeba Belay Ayalew
Yitayal Ayalew Goshu
Gedefaye Nibret Mihretie
Knowledge of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV among women of reproductive age group and associated factors at Mecha district, Northwest Ethiopia.
BMC research notes
Endeshaw Admasu Cherkose
Miteku Andualem Limenih
Tigist Seid Yimer
Hailemariam Demewozu Tebeje
Determinant factor of married women's knowledge on vertical transmission of HIV in Mecha district, Ethiopia; a community-based study.
PloS one
Youth Reproductive Health Service Utilization and Associated Factors among Amhara Region Female Night Students, Ethiopia.
BioMed research international
Yitayal Ayalew Goshu
Habtamu Gebrehana Belay
Habtamu Abie Tasew
Gedefaye Nibret Mihiretie
Abeba Belay Ayalew
Knowledge and willingness of parents towards child girl HPV vaccination in Debre Tabor Town, Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study.
Reproductive health
Gedefaye Nibret Mihretie
Alemu Degu Ayele
Habtamu Gebrehana Belay
Tigist Seid Yimer
Agernesh Dereje Miskr
Active management of the third stage of labour in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PloS one
Gedefaye Nibret Mihretie
Alemu Degu Ayele
Fentahun Yenealem Beyene
Bekalu Getnet Kassa
Dawit Tiruneh Arega
Habtamu Gebrehana Belay
Mulugeta Dile Worke
Knowledge and skills of newborn resuscitation among health care professionals in East Africa. A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PloS one
Gedefaye Nibret Mihretie
Alemu Degu Ayele
Bekalu Getnet Kassa
Habtamu Gebrehana Belay
Tigabu Munye Aytenew
Dagne Addisu Sewuye
Binyam Minuye Birhane
Agenesh Dereje Misk
Bekalu Kassie Alemu
Interventions to improve the quality of maternal care in Ethiopia: a scoping review.
Frontiers in global women's health
Binyam Minuye Birhane
Yibeltal Assefa
Demeke Mesfin Belay
Gedefaye Nibret
Tigabu Munye Aytenew
Kelemu Abebe Gelaw
Yenework Mulu Tiruneh
Determinants of obstructed labor among women attending intrapartum care in Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia: A hospital-based unmatched case-control study.
Women's health (London, England)
Mulugeta Dile
Habtamu Demelash
Lealem Meseret
Fantu Abebe
Mulat Adefris
Yitayal Ayalew Goshu
Amare Simegn Ayele
Level of adherence to option B+ program and associated factors among HIV-positive women in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PloS one
Alemu Degu Ayele
Bekalu Getnet Kassa
Gedefaye Nibret Mihretie
Habtamu Gebrehana Belay
Dagne Addisu Sewyew
Abenezer Melkie Semahegn
Enyew Dagnew Yehuala
Gebrehiwot Ayalew Tiruneh
Lebeza Alemu Tenaw
Abrham Debeb Sendekie
Adanech Getie Teffera
Eden Workneh Aychew
Yismaw Yimam Belachew
Mulugeta Dile Worke
Female adolescents' knowledge and acceptability of human papillomavirus vaccine in Debre Tabor Town, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study.
BMJ open
Gedefaye Nibret Mihretie
Alemu Degu Ayele
Habtamu Gebrehana Belay
Tigist Seid Yimer
Agernesh Dereje Miskr
Bekalu Getnet Kassa
Adanech Getie Tefera
Enyew Dagnaw
Yismaw Yimam Belachew
Gebrehiwot Ayalew Tiruneh
Worku Necho Asferi
Sisay Getu
Tigabu Munye Aytenew
Transactional sex among women in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PloS one
Gedefaye Nibret Mihretie
Bekalu Getnet Kassa
Alemu Degu Ayele
Habtamu Gebrehana Belay
Agernesh Dereje Miskr
Binyam Minuye
Melkalem Mamuye Azanaw
Mulugeta Dile Worke
Réseau de co-auteurs
Habtamu Gebrehana Belay
8 collaborations
Gedefaye Nibret Mihretie
7 collaborations
Alemu Degu Ayele
6 collaborations
Bekalu Getnet Kassa
5 collaborations
Tigabu Munye Aytenew
4 collaborations
Yitayal Ayalew Goshu
3 collaborations
Tigist Seid Yimer
3 collaborations
Agernesh Dereje Miskr
3 collaborations
Mulugeta Dile Worke
3 collaborations
Demeke Mesfin Belay
2 collaborations
Abeba Belay Ayalew
2 collaborations
Binyam Minuye Birhane
2 collaborations
Gebrehiwot Ayalew Tiruneh
2 collaborations
Yismaw Yimam Belachew
2 collaborations
Wubet Alebachew Bayih
1 collaboration
Metadel Yibeltal Ayalew
1 collaboration
Misganaw Abie Tassew
1 collaboration
Ermiyas Sisay Chanie
1 collaboration
Dejen Getaneh Feleke
1 collaboration
Sintayehu Asnakew
1 collaboration
Getasew Legas
1 collaboration
Amsalu Belete
1 collaboration
Maru Mekie
1 collaboration
Getachew Yideg Yitbarek
1 collaboration
Tigabu Dessie
1 collaboration
Nigus Selomon
1 collaboration
Solomon Demis Kebede
1 collaboration
Binyam Minuye Birhanie
1 collaboration
Habtamu Abie Tassew
1 collaboration
Endeshaw Admasu Cherkose
1 collaboration
Miteku Andualem Limenih
1 collaboration
Hailemariam Demewozu Tebeje
1 collaboration
Habtamu Abie Tasew
1 collaboration
Gedefaye Nibret Mihiretie
1 collaboration
Fentahun Yenealem Beyene
1 collaboration
Dawit Tiruneh Arega
1 collaboration
Dagne Addisu Sewuye
1 collaboration
Agenesh Dereje Misk
1 collaboration
Bekalu Kassie Alemu
1 collaboration
Yibeltal Assefa
1 collaboration
Gedefaye Nibret
1 collaboration
Kelemu Abebe Gelaw
1 collaboration
Yenework Mulu Tiruneh
1 collaboration
Mulugeta Dile
1 collaboration
Habtamu Demelash
1 collaboration
Lealem Meseret
1 collaboration
Fantu Abebe
1 collaboration
Mulat Adefris
1 collaboration
Amare Simegn Ayele
1 collaboration
Dagne Addisu Sewyew
1 collaboration
Abenezer Melkie Semahegn
1 collaboration
Enyew Dagnew Yehuala
1 collaboration
Lebeza Alemu Tenaw
1 collaboration
Abrham Debeb Sendekie
1 collaboration
Adanech Getie Teffera
1 collaboration
Eden Workneh Aychew
1 collaboration
Adanech Getie Tefera
1 collaboration
Enyew Dagnaw
1 collaboration
Worku Necho Asferi
1 collaboration
Sisay Getu
1 collaboration
Binyam Minuye
1 collaboration
Melkalem Mamuye Azanaw
1 collaboration