Sylvester Ukabam

  • Cumming School of Medicine (Coffin, Lethebe, Congly, Haylock-Jacobs), University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta.; Division of Gastroenterology (Ramji, Ko), Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Division of Infectious Diseases (Cooper), University of Ottawa, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; Division of Gastroenterology (Kelly), Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ont.; Department of Medicine (Doucette, Ma), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta.; Division of Gastroenterology (P. Wong), Department of Medicine, McGill University, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montréal, Que.; LAIR Centre (Tam), Vancouver, BC; Department of Medicine (D. Wong, Janssen, Fung), University of Toronto, Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Toronto, Ont.; Department of Medicine (A. Wong), University of Saskatchewan; Regina General Hospital (Ukabam), Regina, Sask.; Bailey Health Clinic (Bailey), Edmonton, Alta.; Department of Medicine (Tsoi), McMaster University, St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton, Ont.; Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre (Conway), Vancouver, BC; Division of Infectious Diseases (Barrett), Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS; Faculty of Medicine (Michalak), Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Nfld.; Department of Internal Medicine (Minuk, Uhanova, Miles, Kaita), University of Manitoba; National Microbiology Laboratory (Osiowy), Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg, Man.

Réseau de co-auteurs

Carla S Coffin 1 collaboration
Alnoor Ramji 1 collaboration
Curtis L Cooper 1 collaboration
David Miles 1 collaboration
Karen E Doucette 1 collaboration
Philip Wong 1 collaboration
Edward Tam 1 collaboration
David K Wong 1 collaboration
Alexander Wong 1 collaboration
Robert J Bailey 1 collaboration
Keith Tsoi 1 collaboration
Brian Conway 1 collaboration
Lisa Barrett 1 collaboration
Tomasz I Michalak 1 collaboration
Stephen E Congly 1 collaboration
Gerald Minuk 1 collaboration
Kelly Kaita 1 collaboration
Erin Kelly 1 collaboration
Hin Hin Ko 1 collaboration
Harry L A Janssen 1 collaboration
Julia Uhanova 1 collaboration
Brendan C Lethebe 1 collaboration
Sarah Haylock-Jacobs 1 collaboration
Mang M Ma 1 collaboration
Carla Osiowy 1 collaboration
Scott K Fung 1 collaboration
None None 1 collaboration