PloS one
Aakshi Kalra
Debadutta Parija
Neeraj Raizada
K S Sachdeva
Raghuram Rao
Soumya Swaminathan
Ashwani Khanna
Kamal Kishore Chopra
M Hanif
Varinder Singh
K R Umadevi
K N Sheladia
Rama Rao
N Vasundhara
Anil S
Nirmala A R
Abdul Azeem
Vijay Chhajlani
Jyoti Khurana
N J Das
Bandana Choudhury
Sreenivas Achuthan Nair
Shalini Mall
Rajashree Sen
Sarabjit Singh Chadha
Claudia M Denkinger
Catharina Boehme
Sanjay Sarin
New directions for child and adolescent development
Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene
Maternal and child health journal
Journal of community genetics
Journal of affective disorders