Steven Kragten
Steven Kragten
Syngenta Agro GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany.
Publications (5)
Use of dry bean fields by birds and mammals in Brazil: Insights from a field study and its use in pesticide risk assessment.
Integrated environmental assessment and management
Gustavo Souza Santos
Mariana Coletty Artal
Mario Del Giudice Paniago
Ana P Paola Cione
Fábio Casallanovo
Eamonn Farrelly
Jonathan D Maul
Decline of pesticide residue on treated crop seeds: An analysis of comprehensive industry data and implications of the current risk assessment scheme for plant protection products.
Integrated environmental assessment and management
Jörg Hahne
Manousos Foudoulakis
David Patterson
Dennis Sprenger
Kai Ristau
Anja Guckland
Magnus Wang
Assessing the Portion of Diet Taken by Birds and Mammals from a Pesticide-Treated Area-Proposal for a Joint Way Forward.
Environmental toxicology and chemistry
Jan-Dieter Ludwigs
Markus Ebeling
Sonja Haaf
Availability of pesticide-treated seeds on the soil surface in different crops and countries: A comprehensive data set reflecting modern agronomic practice.
Integrated environmental assessment and management
Jörg Hahne
Manousos Foudoulakis
Dennis Sprenger
Kai Ristau
Christian Dietrich
Magnus Wang
Energy Content, Moisture Content, and Energy Assimilation Efficiency by Birds and Mammals of Oil-Containing Seeds and Implications for Seed Treatment Risk Assessments for Birds and Mammals.
Environmental toxicology and chemistry
Carlos Gutiérrez-Expósito
Anja Russ
Raquel Sainz-Elipe
Christian Wolf
Réseau de co-auteurs
Jörg Hahne
2 collaborations
Manousos Foudoulakis
2 collaborations
Dennis Sprenger
2 collaborations
Kai Ristau
2 collaborations
Magnus Wang
2 collaborations
Gustavo Souza Santos
1 collaboration
Mariana Coletty Artal
1 collaboration
Mario Del Giudice Paniago
1 collaboration
Ana P Paola Cione
1 collaboration
Fábio Casallanovo
1 collaboration
Eamonn Farrelly
1 collaboration
Jonathan D Maul
1 collaboration
David Patterson
1 collaboration
Anja Guckland
1 collaboration
Jan-Dieter Ludwigs
1 collaboration
Markus Ebeling
1 collaboration
Sonja Haaf
1 collaboration
Christian Dietrich
1 collaboration
Carlos Gutiérrez-Expósito
1 collaboration
Anja Russ
1 collaboration
Raquel Sainz-Elipe
1 collaboration
Christian Wolf
1 collaboration