The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry
Paul B Fitzgerald
Shane Gill
Salam Hussain
Shanthi Sarma
Suneel Chamoli
Alan Weiss
David Garside
Subramanian Purushothaman
Matthew Fasnacht
Brett Simpson
Tibi Csizmadia
Carol Dean
Colleen Loo
Orbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry
Paul B Fitzgerald
Shane Gill
Michael Breakspear
Jayashri Kulkarni
Leo Chen
Saxby Pridmore
Subramanian Purushothaman
Cherrie Galletly
Patrick Clarke
Felicity Ng
Salam Hussain
Suneel Chamoli
Tibi Csizmadia
Patrick Tolan
Luca Cocchi
Samir Ibrahim Oam
Kavitha Shankar
Shanthi Sarma
Michael Lau
Colleen Loo
Tarun Yadav
Kate E Hoy
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
Daria Boscolo
Daria Kostyleva
Christoph Schuy
Uli Weber
Emma Haettner
Sivaji Purushothaman
Peter Dendooven
Timo Dickel
Vasyl Drozd
Bernhard Franczack
Hans Geissel
Christine Hornung
Felix Horst
Erika Kazantseva
Natalia Kuzminchuk-Feuerstein
Giulio Lovatti
Ivan Mukha
Chiara Nociforo
Stephane Pietri
Marco Pinto
Claire-Anne Reidel
Heidi Roesch
Olga Sokol
Yoshiki K Tanaka
Helmut Weick
Jianwei Zhao
Christoph Scheidenberger
Katia Parodi
Marco Durante
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry
Shane Gill
Salam Hussain
Subramanian Purushothaman
Shanthi Sarma
Alan Weiss
Suneel Chamoli
Matthew Fasnacht
Ashu Gandhi
Paul B Fitzgerald
Brett Simpson
Colleen K Loo
The journal of ECT
Subramanian Purushothaman
Brett Simpson
Salam Hussain
Colleen K Loo
Shane Gill
Suneel Chamoli
Alan Weiss
Shanthi Sarma
Paul B Fitzgerald
Matthew Fasnacht
Ashu Gandhi
Journal of infection and public health
Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases