Frontiers in psychology
Stéfanie André
Ridwan Maulana
Michelle Helms-Lorenz
Sibel Telli
Seyeoung Chun
Carmen-María Fernández-García
Thelma de Jager
Yulia Irnidayanti
Mercedes Inda-Caro
Okhwa Lee
Rien Safrina
Thys Coetzee
Meae Jeon
Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung
Molecular and clinical oncology
Journal of hepatology
Philippe Ichai
Astrid Laurent-Bellue
Christophe Camus
David Moreau
Mathieu Boutonnet
Faouzi Saliba
Jean Marie Peron
Carole Ichai
Emilie Gregoire
Luc Aigle
Julien Cousty
Alice Quinart
Bertrand Pons
Marc Boudon
Stephane André
Audrey Coilly
Teresa Antonini
Catherine Guettier
Didier Samuel
Child and adolescent mental health