S H Elwen
S H Elwen
Sea Search Research and Conservation NPC, 4 Bath Rd, Muizenberg, Cape Town, 7945, South Africa.
Department of Zoology and Entomology, Mammal Research Institute, University of Pretoria, Hatfield, Pretoria , 0002, South Africa.
Publications (9)
Identification of potential signature whistles from free-ranging common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in South Africa.
Animal cognition
J Fearey
B S James
T Gridley
Echolocation click parameters and biosonar behaviour of the dwarf sperm whale (
The Journal of experimental biology
Chloe E Malinka
Pernille Tønnesen
Charlotte A Dunn
Diane E Claridge
Tess Gridley
Simon H Elwen
Peter Teglberg Madsen
Mutual mother-pup vocal recognition in the highly colonial Cape fur seal: evidence of discrimination of calls with a high acoustic similarity.
Animal cognition
Mathilde Martin
Tess Gridley
Dorothy Fourie
Simon Harvey Elwen
Isabelle Charrier
Feel the beat: cape fur seal males encode their arousal state in their bark rate.
Die Naturwissenschaften
Mathilde Martin
Tess Gridley
Simon Harvey Elwen
Isabelle Charrier
Vocal correlates of arousal in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) in human care.
PloS one
Rachel Probert
Anna Bastian
Simon H Elwen
Bridget S James
Tess Gridley
Natal origin of Namibian grey whale implies new distance record for in-water migration.
Biology letters
A Rus Hoelzel
Fatih Sarigol
Tess Gridley
Simon H Elwen
Entanglement of Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) at colonies in central Namibia.
Marine pollution bulletin
S Curtis
N Dreyer
T Gridley
Detection of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) non-song vocalizations around the Vema Seamount, southeast Atlantic Ocean.
JASA express letters
E C Ross-Marsh
J Fearey
K F Thompson
T Maack
T Gridley
Use of acoustic signals in Cape fur seal mother-pup reunions: individual signature, signal propagation and pup home range.
The Journal of experimental biology
Mathilde Martin
Tess Gridley
Antonia Immerz
Simon H Elwen
Isabelle Charrier
Réseau de co-auteurs
Tess Gridley
6 collaborations
Simon H Elwen
4 collaborations
T Gridley
3 collaborations
Mathilde Martin
3 collaborations
Isabelle Charrier
3 collaborations
J Fearey
2 collaborations
Simon Harvey Elwen
2 collaborations
B S James
1 collaboration
Chloe E Malinka
1 collaboration
Pernille Tønnesen
1 collaboration
Charlotte A Dunn
1 collaboration
Diane E Claridge
1 collaboration
Peter Teglberg Madsen
1 collaboration
Dorothy Fourie
1 collaboration
Rachel Probert
1 collaboration
Anna Bastian
1 collaboration
Bridget S James
1 collaboration
A Rus Hoelzel
1 collaboration
Fatih Sarigol
1 collaboration
S Curtis
1 collaboration
N Dreyer
1 collaboration
E C Ross-Marsh
1 collaboration
K F Thompson
1 collaboration
T Maack
1 collaboration
Antonia Immerz
1 collaboration