Roua Walha
Roua Walha
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada.
Publications (6)
Spatiotemporal parameters and gait variability in people with psoriatic arthritis (PsA): a cross-sectional study.
Journal of foot and ankle research
Nathaly Gaudreault
Pierre Dagenais
Patrick Boissy
Intrarater and interrater reliability of the first metatarsophalangeal joint dorsiflexion resistance test.
Musculoskeletal care
Gabriel Moisan
Sean McBride
Pier-Luc Isabelle
Dominic Chicoine
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Prevents the Age-Related Shifts of the Distribution of HDL Subclasses and Improves Their Functionality.
Alyann Otrante
Amal Trigui
Hicham Berrougui
Tamas Fulop
Abdelouahed Khalil
The Accuracy and Precision of Gait Spatio-Temporal Parameters Extracted from an Instrumented Sock during Treadmill and Overground Walking in Healthy Subjects and Patients with a Foot Impairment Secondary to Psoriatic Arthritis.
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Karina Lebel
Nathaly Gaudreault
Pierre Dagenais
Andrea Cereatti
Ugo Della Croce
Patrick Boissy
The effects of custom-made foot orthoses on foot pain, foot function, gait function, and free-living walking activities in people with psoriatic arthritis (PsA): a pre-experimental trial.
Arthritis research & therapy
Pierre Dagenais
Nathaly Gaudreault
Gabriel Beaudoin-Côté
Patrick Boissy
Comparison of Three Motion Capture-Based Algorithms for Spatiotemporal Gait Characteristics: How Do Algorithms Affect Accuracy and Precision of Clinical Outcomes?
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Amélie Caron-Laramée
Patrick Boissy
Nathaly Gaudreault
Nikola Zelovic
Karina Lebel
Réseau de co-auteurs
Nathaly Gaudreault
4 collaborations
Patrick Boissy
4 collaborations
Pierre Dagenais
3 collaborations
Karina Lebel
2 collaborations
Gabriel Moisan
1 collaboration
Sean McBride
1 collaboration
Pier-Luc Isabelle
1 collaboration
Dominic Chicoine
1 collaboration
Alyann Otrante
1 collaboration
Amal Trigui
1 collaboration
Hicham Berrougui
1 collaboration
Tamas Fulop
1 collaboration
Abdelouahed Khalil
1 collaboration
Andrea Cereatti
1 collaboration
Ugo Della Croce
1 collaboration
Gabriel Beaudoin-Côté
1 collaboration
Amélie Caron-Laramée
1 collaboration
Nikola Zelovic
1 collaboration