PLoS computational biology
Evidence-based mental health
Sheena Kristine Au-Yeung
James Griffiths
Sophie Roberts
Chloe Edwards
Ly-Mee Yu
Jennifer Rendell
Mary-Jane Attenburrow
Stuart Watson
Fiona Chan
Andrea Cipriani
Anthony Cleare
Catherine J Harmer
David Kessler
Jonathan Evans
Glyn Lewis
Ilina Singh
Judit Simon
Paul J Harrison
Phil Cowen
Milensu Shanyinde
John Geddes
Michael Browning
PLoS computational biology
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Journal of mathematical psychology
PLoS computational biology
Nature neuroscience
Blake A Richards
Timothy P Lillicrap
Philippe Beaudoin
Yoshua Bengio
Amelia Christensen
Claudia Clopath
Rui Ponte Costa
Archy de Berker
Surya Ganguli
Colleen J Gillon
Danijar Hafner
Adam Kepecs
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
Peter Latham
Grace W Lindsay
Kenneth D Miller
Richard Naud
Christopher C Pack
Panayiota Poirazi
Pieter Roelfsema
João Sacramento
Andrew Saxe
Benjamin Scellier
Anna C Schapiro
Walter Senn
Greg Wayne
Daniel Yamins
Friedemann Zenke
Joel Zylberberg
Denis Therien
Konrad P Kording
Journal of neural engineering
PLoS computational biology
Advances in neural information processing systems
Journal of mathematical neuroscience
PLoS computational biology
Advances in neural information processing systems
Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PLoS computational biology
Advances in neural information processing systems
PLoS computational biology
Trends in cognitive sciences
PLoS computational biology
Nature communications
Ashwini Oswal
Chunyan Cao
Chien-Hung Yeh
Wolf-Julian Neumann
James Gratwicke
Harith Akram
Andreas Horn
Dianyou Li
Shikun Zhan
Chao Zhang
Qiang Wang
Ludvic Zrinzo
Tom Foltynie
Patricia Limousin
Bomin Sun
Masud Husain
Peter Brown
Vladimir Litvak
Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience
Frontiers in neuroscience
Mayela Zamora
Sebastian Meller
Filip Kajin
James J Sermon
Robert Toth
Moaad Benjaber
Derk-Jan Dijk
Gregory A Worrell
Antonio Valentin
Benoit Duchet
Holger A Volk
Timothy Denison
Proceedings of machine learning research
Advances in neural information processing systems
PLoS computational biology