Peter N Mittwede

  • From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (Dr. Mittwede, Dr. Gibbs, and Dr. Tarkin); the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (Dr. Ahn); and the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS (Dr. Bergin).

Publications (10)

Research During Orthopaedic Training.

The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Réseau de co-auteurs

Jaimo Ahn 3 collaborations
Ivan S Tarkin 3 collaborations
Kenneth A Egol 2 collaborations
MaCalus V Hogan 2 collaborations
Christopher D Murawski 2 collaborations
Kenneth L Urish 2 collaborations
Christopher M Gibbs 1 collaboration
Patrick F Bergin 1 collaboration
Arun Aneja 1 collaboration
David C Landy 1 collaboration
Ashley Y Albano 1 collaboration
Robert J Teasdall 1 collaboration
Alexander Isla 1 collaboration
Matthew Kavolus 1 collaboration
Mitchell S Fourman 1 collaboration
Freddie H Fu 1 collaboration
Joon Y Lee 1 collaboration
Rajiv P Reddy 1 collaboration
Shaquille Charles 1 collaboration
Matthew Como 1 collaboration
Stephen R Chen 1 collaboration
Ajinkya Rai 1 collaboration
Gele B Moloney 1 collaboration
Soheil Sabzevari 1 collaboration
Albert Lin 1 collaboration
Lusha Xiang 1 collaboration
Michael S Thompson 1 collaboration
John S Clemmer 1 collaboration
Tazim Khan 1 collaboration
Robert L Hester 1 collaboration
Richard A Wawrose 1 collaboration
Rebekah Belayneh 1 collaboration
Sneha Prabha Narra 1 collaboration
Sandra DeVincent Wolf 1 collaboration
Haruyo Yagi 1 collaboration
Shinsuke Kihara 1 collaboration
Patrick L Maher 1 collaboration
Adam C Rothenberg 1 collaboration
Alyssa D C M Falcione 1 collaboration
Antonia Chen 1 collaboration
Rocky S Tuan 1 collaboration