Journal of developmental origins of health and disease
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology
Journal of clinical medicine
Cell reports. Medicine
Clara Savary
Léa Luciana
Paul Huchedé
Arthur Tourbez
Claire Coquet
Maëlle Broustal
Alejandro Lopez Gonzalez
Clémence Deligne
Thomas Diot
Olivier Naret
Mariana Costa
Nina Meynard
Virginie Barbet
Kevin Müller
Laurie Tonon
Nicolas Gadot
Cyril Degletagne
Valéry Attignon
Sophie Léon
Christophe Vanbelle
Alexandra Bomane
Isabelle Rochet
Virginie Mournetas
Luciana Oliveira
Paul Rinaudo
Christophe Bergeron
Aurélie Dutour
Martine Cordier-Bussat
Aline Roch
Nathalie Brandenberg
Sophie El Zein
Sarah Watson
Daniel Orbach
Olivier Delattre
Frédérique Dijoud
Nadège Corradini
Cécile Picard
Delphine Maucort-Boulch
Marion Le Grand
Eddy Pasquier
Jean-Yves Blay
Marie Castets
Laura Broutier
Journal of neuroscience research
Human reproduction (Oxford, England)
Current opinion in pharmacology
Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics
Journal of neuroscience research
Thomas Prukop
Stephanie Wernick
Lydie Boussicault
David Ewers
Karoline Jäger
Julia Adam
Lorenz Winter
Susanne Quintes
Lisa Linhoff
Alonso Barrantes-Freer
Michael Bartl
Dirk Czesnik
Jana Zschüntzsch
Jens Schmidt
Gwenaël Primas
Julien Laffaire
Philippe Rinaudo
Anthony Brureau
Serguei Nabirotchkin
Markus H Schwab
Klaus-Armin Nave
Rodolphe Hajj
Daniel Cohen
Michael W Sereda
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)
Molecular human reproduction