International journal of molecular sciences
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Reviews in cardiovascular medicine
Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)
Árpád Kovács
Melissa Herwig
Heidi Budde
Simin Delalat
Detmar Kolijn
Beáta Bódi
Roua Hassoun
Melina Tangos
Saltanat Zhazykbayeva
Ágnes Balogh
Dániel Czuriga
Sophie Van Linthout
Carsten Tschöpe
Andreas Mügge
Attila Tóth
Zoltán Papp
Judit Barta
Nazha Hamdani
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
International journal of molecular sciences
Tanya Ravingerova
Adriana Adameova
Lubomir Lonek
Veronika Farkasova
Miroslav Ferko
Natalia Andelova
Branislav Kura
Jan Slezak
Eleftheria Galatou
Antigone Lazou
Vladislava Zohdi
International journal of molecular sciences
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Free radical biology & medicine
International journal of molecular sciences
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Reviews in cardiovascular medicine
Reviews in cardiovascular medicine
Journal of cardiovascular development and disease
International journal of molecular sciences
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology