Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)
Family medicine and community health
European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe
Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)
Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association
Special care in dentistry : official publication of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped, and the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry
JCPP advances
Thomas W Frazier
Lacey Chetcuti
Fouad A Al-Shaban
Nick Haslam
Iman Ghazal
Eric W Klingemier
Mohammed Aldosari
Andrew J O Whitehouse
Eric A Youngstrom
Antonio Y Hardan
Mirko Uljarević
International journal of surgery case reports
Neurophysiologie clinique = Clinical neurophysiology
S Dionisio
I Althubaiti
M Aldosari
F Alsallom
N Alomar
F Babtain
A Alkhotani
S Baeesa
A Najjar
A Sabbagh
Z Althani
F Alotaibi
K Alqadi
Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry
The Journal of craniofacial surgery