Morten Brodahl
Morten Brodahl
Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Concurrent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders and Mental Health Division, Innlandet Hospital Trust, Brumunddal, Norway.
Publications (10)
How Social Relationships Influence Substance Use Disorder Recovery: A Collaborative Narrative Study.
Substance abuse : research and treatment
Henning Pettersen
Anne Landheim
Ivar Skeie
Stian Biong
Jeppe Oute
Larry Davidson
How did the first COVID-19 lockdown affect persons with concurrent mental health and substance use disorders in Norway? A qualitative study.
BMC psychiatry
Marja Leonhardt
Nicola Cogan
Lars Lien
Patients' experiences with coercive mental health treatment in Flexible Assertive Community Treatment: a qualitative study.
BMC psychiatry
Eva Brekke
Hanne Clausen
Anne S Landheim
Multiple senses of community and recovery processes. A pilot study for a national evaluation of the experiences of persons with substance use problems receiving help and services from Norwegian municipalities.
Journal of community psychology
Nina Kavita Heggen Bahl
Hilde Eileen Nafstad
Rolv Mikkel Blakar
Anne Signe Landheim
Partnering with persons in long-term recovery from substance use disorder: experiences from a collaborative research project.
Harm reduction journal
Henning Pettersen
Jeanette Rundgren
Larry Davidson
Ingrid Amalia Havnes
Helpful Ingredients in the Treatment of Long-Term Substance Use Disorders: A Collaborative Narrative Study.
Substance abuse : research and treatment
Henning Pettersen
Anne Landheim
Ivar Skeie
Stian Biong
Victoria Benson
Larry Davidson
How older adults recovering from substance use problems experience mattering.
BMC health services research
Nina Kavita Heggen Bahl
Hilde Eileen Nafstad
Rolv Mikkel Blakar
Emil Øversveen
Ottar Ness
Isaac Prilleltensky
Multiple psychological senses of community and community influences on personal recovery processes from substance use problems in later life: a collaborative and deductive reflexive thematic analysis.
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being
Nina Kavita Heggen Bahl
Emil Øversveen
Hilde Eileen Nafstad
Rolv Mikkel Blakar
Anne Signe Landheim
Kristin Tømmervik
Service User Experiences of How Flexible Assertive Community Treatment May Support or Inhibit Citizenship: A Qualitative Study.
Frontiers in psychology
Eva Brekke
Hanne K Clausen
Annika Lexén
Rene Keet
Cornelis L Mulder
Anne S Landheim
In what ways do emerging adults with substance use problems experience their communities as influencing their personal recovery processes?
Journal of community psychology
Nina Kavita Heggen Bahl
Emil Øversveen
Hilde E Nafstad
Rolv M Blakar
Ottar Ness
Anne S Landheim
Kristin Tømmervik
Réseau de co-auteurs
Nina Kavita Heggen Bahl
4 collaborations
Henning Pettersen
3 collaborations
Larry Davidson
3 collaborations
Anne S Landheim
3 collaborations
Hilde Eileen Nafstad
3 collaborations
Rolv Mikkel Blakar
3 collaborations
Emil Øversveen
3 collaborations
Anne Landheim
2 collaborations
Ivar Skeie
2 collaborations
Stian Biong
2 collaborations
Eva Brekke
2 collaborations
Anne Signe Landheim
2 collaborations
Ottar Ness
2 collaborations
Kristin Tømmervik
2 collaborations
Jeppe Oute
1 collaboration
Marja Leonhardt
1 collaboration
Nicola Cogan
1 collaboration
Lars Lien
1 collaboration
Hanne Clausen
1 collaboration
Jeanette Rundgren
1 collaboration
Ingrid Amalia Havnes
1 collaboration
Victoria Benson
1 collaboration
Isaac Prilleltensky
1 collaboration
Hanne K Clausen
1 collaboration
Annika Lexén
1 collaboration
Rene Keet
1 collaboration
Cornelis L Mulder
1 collaboration
Hilde E Nafstad
1 collaboration
Rolv M Blakar
1 collaboration