Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM
Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice
Infection and drug resistance
Infection and drug resistance
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism
Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy
Pediatric diabetes
Angelica Cristello Sarteau
Katherine Janine Souris
Jessica Wang
Amira A Ramadan
Ananta Addala
Deborah Bowlby
Sarah Corathers
Gun Forsander
Bruce King
Jennifer R Law
Wei Liu
Faisal Malik
Catherine Pihoker
Michael Seid
Carmel Smart
Frida Sundberg
Nikhil Tandon
Michael Yao
Terry Headley
Elizabeth Mayer-Davis
Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society
Learning health systems
Jennie David
Catalina Berenblum Tobi
Samantha Kennedy
Alexander Jofriet
Madeleine Huwe
Rosa Kelekian
Melissa Neihart
Michelle Spotts
Michael Seid
Peter Margolis
Auteur inconnu
BMJ open quality
Dana Albon
Lacrecia Thomas
Lindsay Hoberg
Sophia Stamper
Lindsay Somerville
Prigi Varghese
Ella Balasa
Matthew Roman
Maria T Britto
Melanie Miner
Emily Gehring
Clifford Gammon
Raouf S Amin
Michael Seid
Mike Powers
Auteur inconnu
Diabetes research and clinical practice