Orvosi hetilap
Klára Werling
Krisztina Nemesi
Gábor Horváth
Ferenc Schneider
Ildikó Bali
Judit Enyedi
Viktor Jancsik
András Káfony
Miklós Lesch
Béla Lombay
Zsófia Müller
Zsófia Ozsvár
Árpád Patai
Zoltán Péterfi
Margit Pusztay
Olga Szabó
János Szlávik
Tamás Tóth
Márta Varga
Judit Gács
Eszter Újhelyi
Anna Nemes Nagy
Veterinary radiology & ultrasound : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Radiology and the International Veterinary Radiology Association
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
Markus Peck-Radosavljevic
Krzysztof Simon
Angelo Iacobellis
Tarek Hassanein
Zeid Kayali
Albert Tran
Mihaly Makara
Ziv Ben Ari
Marius Braun
Paul Mitrut
Sheng-Shun Yang
Meral Akdogan
Mario Pirisi
Ajay Duggal
Toshimitsu Ochiai
Tomoko Motomiya
Takeshi Kano
Tsutae Nagata
Nezam Afdhal
American journal of ophthalmology
Veterinary radiology & ultrasound : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Radiology and the International Veterinary Radiology Association
American journal of veterinary research
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of clinical medicine
Robert Flisiak
Dorota Zarębska-Michaluk
Egle Ciupkeviciene
Sylvia Drazilova
Sona Frankova
Ivica Grgurevic
Bela Hunyady
Peter Jarcuska
Limas Kupčinskas
Michael Makara
Gunita Saulite-Vanaga
Marieta Simonova
Jan Sperl
Ieva Tolmane
Adriana Vince
Journal of feline medicine and surgery
Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia
Clinical and experimental hepatology
Robert Flisiak
Sona Frankova
Ivica Grgurevic
Bela Hunyady
Peter Jarcuska
Limas Kupčinskas
Michael Makara
Marieta Simonova
Jan Sperl
Ieva Tolmane
Adriana Vince
Dorota Zarębska-Michaluk
Augustine S Lee
R Hal Scofield
Katherine Morland Hammitt
Nishant Gupta
Donald E Thomas
Teng Moua
Kamonpun Ussavarungsi
E William St Clair
Richard Meehan
Kieron Dunleavy
Matt Makara
Steven E Carsons
Nancy L Carteron
Auteur inconnu
Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver
Robert Flisiak
Dorota Zarębska-Michaluk
Sona Frankova
Ivica Grgurevic
Bela Hunyady
Peter Jarcuska
Limas Kupčinskas
Michael Makara
Marieta Simonova
Jan Sperl
Ieva Tolmane
Adriana Vince
Klára Werling
Béla Hunyady
Krisztina Nemesi
Gábor Horváth
Ferenc Schneider
Judit Enyedi
Zsófia Müller
Miklós Lesch
Zoltán Péterfi
Tamás Tóth
Judit Gács
Zsuzsanna Fehér
Eszter Ujhelyi
Emese Molnár
Anna Nemes Nagy