Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation
The Journal of chemical physics
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of computational chemistry
Journal of chemical theory and computation
The journal of physical chemistry. A
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)
The Journal of chemical physics
Journal of chemical theory and computation
The journal of physical chemistry. A
The Journal of chemical physics
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation
The Journal of chemical physics
The journal of physical chemistry. A
Journal of chemical theory and computation
ACS omega
Eszter Antal
Zsuzsanna Varga
Miklós Kállay
Szabina Steckl
Péter Bodor-Pesti
István Fazekas
Annamária Sólyom-Leskó
Barnabás Zoltán Kovács
Balázs Nagy
Áron Pál Szövényi
Diána Ágnes Nyitrai-Sárdy
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Transplantation proceedings
Balázs Nemes
Katalin Pető
Norbert Németh
Anita Mester
Zsuzsanna Magyar
Souleiman Ghanem
Viktória Sógor
Bence Tánczos
Ádám Deák
Márk Kállay
László Bidiga
Ede Frecska
The journal of physical chemistry. A
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of the American Chemical Society
The Journal of chemical physics
Péter R Nagy
Dávid Mester
Zoltán Rolik
Gyula Samu
József Csontos
József Csóka
P Bernát Szabó
László Gyevi-Nagy
Bence Hégely
István Ladjánszki
Lóránt Szegedy
Bence Ladóczki
Klára Petrov
Máté Farkas
Pál D Mezei
Ádám Ganyecz
Journal of chemical theory and computation
The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of chemical theory and computation