The Pan African medical journal
The Canadian journal of cardiology
Journal of gastrointestinal cancer
Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
The Pan African medical journal
Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP
Cardiovascular journal of Africa
Computers in biology and medicine
Clinical microbiology reviews
International journal of surgery case reports
Annals of medicine and surgery (2012)
Mabrouk Abdelali
Mohamed Ali Chaouch
Sadok Ben Jabra
Jamal Saad
Maha Ben Mansour
Sawsen Chakroun
Yasmine Khouni
Fadwa Aguir
Asma Achour
Ahmed Zrig
Faouzi Noomane
International journal of surgery case reports
International journal of surgery case reports
The international journal of cardiovascular imaging
Annals of medicine and surgery (2012)
Annals of medicine and surgery (2012)
International journal of surgery case reports
Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery