The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine
The patient
Rachel S Bergmans
Keiyana Chambers-Peeple
Deena Aboul-Hassan
Samantha Dell'Imperio
Allie Martin
Riley Wegryn-Jones
Lillian Z Xiao
Christine Yu
David A Williams
Daniel J Clauw
Neurourology and urodynamics
American journal of clinical pathology
American journal of clinical pathology
Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP
The science of diabetes self-management and care
Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association
American journal of clinical pathology
Preventive medicine reports
Journal of medical Internet research
Dina H Griauzde
Grace Ling
Daniel Wray
Kara Mizokami Stout
Laura R Saslow
Jill Fenske
David Serlin
Spring Stonebraker
Tabassum Nisha
Colton Barry
Rodica Pop-Busui
Ananda Sen
Caroline R Richardson
Journal of clinical nursing
Rachel S Bergmans
Keiyana Chambers-Peeple
Christine Yu
Lillian Z Xiao
Riley Wegryn-Jones
Allie Martin
Samantha Dell'Imperio
Deena Aboul-Hassan
David A Williams
Daniel J Clauw
BMJ open diabetes research & care
Journal of mixed methods research
Digestive diseases and sciences
Research in nursing & health
Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology
Journal of substance abuse treatment
Journal of cannabis research
The Yale journal of biology and medicine
Annals of family medicine
Journal of interpersonal violence
Issues in mental health nursing
Family medicine and community health
The Journal of pediatrics
The science of diabetes self-management and care
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine
Annals of family medicine
Neurourology and urodynamics
Disability and health journal