Melillo Luciana

  • Servicio de Hematología, Instituto de Oncología "Ángel Roffo", Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Publications (37)

Baseline brain function in the preadolescents of the ABCD Study.

Nature neuroscience
Avec: B Chaarani , S Hahn , N Allgaier , S Adise , M M Owens , A C Juliano , D K Yuan , H Loso , A Ivanciu , M D Albaugh , J Dumas , S Mackey , J Laurent , M Ivanova , D J Hagler , M D Cornejo , S Hatton , A Agrawal , L Aguinaldo , L Ahonen , W Aklin , A P Anokhin , J Arroyo , S Avenevoli , D Babcock , K Bagot , F C Baker , M T Banich , D M Barch , H Bartsch , A Baskin-Sommers , J M Bjork , D Blachman-Demner , M Bloch , R Bogdan , S Y Bookheimer , F Breslin , S Brown , F J Calabro , V Calhoun , B J Casey , L Chang , D B Clark , C Cloak , R T Constable , K Constable , R Corley , L B Cottler , S Coxe , R K Dagher , A M Dale , M Dapretto , R Delcarmen-Wiggins , A S Dick , E K Do , N U F Dosenbach , G J Dowling , S Edwards , T M Ernst , D A Fair , C C Fan , E Feczko , S W Feldstein-Ewing , P Florsheim , J J Foxe , E G Freedman , N P Friedman , S Friedman-Hill , B F Fuemmeler , A Galvan , D G Gee , J Giedd , M Glantz , P Glaser , J Godino , M Gonzalez , R Gonzalez , S Grant , K M Gray , F Haist , M P Harms , S Hawes , A C Heath , S Heeringa , M M Heitzeg , R Hermosillo , M M Herting , J M Hettema , J K Hewitt , C Heyser , E Hoffman , K Howlett , R S Huber , M A Huestis , L W Hyde , W G Iacono , M A Infante , O Irfanoglu , A Isaiah , S Iyengar , J Jacobus , R James , B Jean-Francois , T Jernigan , N R Karcher , A Kaufman , B Kelley , B Kit , A Ksinan , J Kuperman , A R Laird , C Larson , K LeBlanc , C Lessov-Schlagger , N Lever , D A Lewis , K Lisdahl , A R Little , M Lopez , M Luciana , B Luna , P A Madden , H H Maes , C Makowski , A T Marshall , M J Mason , J Matochik , B D McCandliss , E McGlade , I Montoya , G Morgan , A Morris , C Mulford , P Murray , B J Nagel , M C Neale , G Neigh , A Nencka , A Noronha , S J Nixon , C E Palmer , V Pariyadath , M P Paulus , W E Pelham , D Pfefferbaum , C Pierpaoli , A Prescot , D Prouty , L I Puttler , N Rajapaske , K M Rapuano , G Reeves , P F Renshaw , M C Riedel , P Rojas , M de la Rosa , M D Rosenberg , M J Ross , M Sanchez , C Schirda , D Schloesser , J Schulenberg , K J Sher , C Sheth , P D Shilling , W K Simmons , E R Sowell , N Speer , M Spittel , L M Squeglia , C Sripada , J Steinberg , C Striley , M T Sutherland , J Tanabe , S F Tapert , W Thompson , R L Tomko , K A Uban , S Vrieze , N E Wade , R Watts , S Weiss , B A Wiens , O D Williams , A Wilbur , D Wing , D Wolff-Hughes , R Yang , D A Yurgelun-Todd , R A Zucker , A Potter , H P Garavan , Auteur inconnu

Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents.

Avec: Rachel S Gross , Tanayott Thaweethai , Lawrence C Kleinman , Jessica N Snowden , Erika B Rosenzweig , Joshua D Milner , Kelan G Tantisira , Kyung E Rhee , Terry L Jernigan , Patricia A Kinser , Amy L Salisbury , David Warburton , Sindhu Mohandas , John C Wood , Jane W Newburger , Dongngan T Truong , Valerie J Flaherman , Torri D Metz , Elizabeth W Karlson , Lori B Chibnik , Deepti B Pant , Aparna Krishnamoorthy , Richard Gallagher , Michelle F Lamendola-Essel , Denise C Hasson , Stuart D Katz , Shonna Yin , Benard P Dreyer , Megan Carmilani , K Coombs , Megan L Fitzgerald , Nick Güthe , Mady Hornig , Rebecca J Letts , Aimee K Peddie , Brittany D Taylor , Andrea S Foulkes , Melissa S Stockwell , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Venkataraman Balaraman , Amanda Bogie , Hulya Bukulmez , Allen J Dozor , Daniel Eckrich , Amy J Elliott , Danielle N Evans , Jonathan S Farkas , E Vincent S Faustino , Laura Fischer , Sunanda Gaur , Ashraf S Harahsheh , Uzma N Hasan , Daniel S Hsia , Gredia Huerta-Montañez , Kathy D Hummel , Matt P Kadish , David C Kaelber , Sankaran Krishnan , Jessica S Kosut , Jerry Larrabee , Peter Paul C Lim , Ian C Michelow , Carlos R Oliveira , Hengameh Raissy , Zaira Rosario-Pabon , Judith L Ross , Alice I Sato , Michelle D Stevenson , Maria M Talavera-Barber , Ronald J Teufel , Kathryn E Weakley , Emily Zimmerman , Marie-Abele C Bind , James Chan , Zoe Guan , Richard E Morse , Harrison T Reeder , Natascha Akshoomoff , Judy L Aschner , Rakesh Bhattacharjee , Lesley A Cottrell , Kelly Cowan , Viren A D'Sa , Alexander G Fiks , Maria L Gennaro , Katherine Irby , Manaswitha Khare , Jeremy Landeo Guttierrez , Russell J McCulloh , Shalu Narang , Manette Ness-Cochinwala , Sheila Nolan , Paul Palumbo , Julie Ryu , Juan C Salazar , Rangaraj Selvarangan , Cheryl R Stein , Alan Werzberger , William T Zempsky , Robin Aupperle , Fiona C Baker , Marie T Banich , Deanna M Barch , Arielle Baskin-Sommers , James M Bjork , Susan Y Bookheimer , Sandra A Brown , B J Casey , Linda Chang , Duncan B Clark , Anders M Dale , Mirella Dapretto , Thomas M Ernst , Damien A Fair , Sarah W Feldstein Ewing , John J Foxe , Edward G Freedman , Naomi P Friedman , Hugh Garavan , Dylan G Gee , Raul Gonzalez , Kevin M Gray , Mary M Heitzeg , Megan M Herting , Joanna Jacobus , Angela R Laird , Christine L Larson , Krista M Lisdahl , Monica Luciana , Beatriz Luna , Pamela A F Madden , Erin C McGlade , Eva M Müller-Oehring , Bonnie J Nagel , Michael C Neale , Martin P Paulus , Alexandra S Potter , Perry F Renshaw , Elizabeth R Sowell , Lindsay M Squeglia , Susan Tapert , Lucina Q Uddin , Sylia Wilson , Deborah A Yurgelun-Todd

Rates of Incidental Findings in Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Children.

JAMA neurology
Avec: Yi Li , Wesley K Thompson , Chase Reuter , Ryan Nillo , Terry Jernigan , Anders Dale , Leo P Sugrue , Auteur inconnu , Julian Brown , Robert F Dougherty , Andreas Rauschecker , Jeffrey Rudie , Deanna M Barch , Vince Calhoun , Donald Hagler , Sean Hatton , Jody Tanabe , Andrew Marshall , Kenneth J Sher , Steven Heeringa , Robert Hermosillo , Marie T Banich , Lindsay Squeglia , James Bjork , Robert Zucker , Michael Neale , Megan Herting , Chandni Sheth , Rebeka Huber , Gloria Reeves , John M Hettema , Katia Delrahim Howlett , Christine Cloak , Arielle Baskin-Sommers , Kristina Rapuano , Raul Gonzalez , Nicole Karcher , Angela Laird , Fiona Baker , Regina James , Elizabeth Sowell , Anthony Dick , Samuel Hawes , Matthew Sutherland , Kara Bagot , Jerzy Bodurka , Florence Breslin , Amanda Morris , Martin Paulus , Kevin Gray , Elizabeth Hoffman , Susan Weiss , Nishadi Rajapakse , Meyer Glantz , Bonnie Nagel , Sarah Feldstein Ewing , Aimee Goldstone , Adolf Pfefferbaum , Devin Prouty , Monica Rosenberg , Susan Bookheimer , Susan Tapert , Maria Infante , Joanna Jacobus , Jay Giedd , Paul Shilling , Natasha Wade , Kristina Uban , Frank Haist , Charles Heyser , Clare Palmer , Joshua Kuperman , John Hewitt , Linda Cottler , Amal Isaiah , Linda Chang , Sarah Edwards , Thomas Ernst , Mary Heitzeg , Leon Puttler , Chandra Sripada , William Iacono , Monica Luciana , Duncan Clark , Beatriz Luna , Claudiu Schirda , John Foxe , Edward Freedman , Michael Mason , Erin McGlade , Perry Renshaw , Deborah Yurgelun-Todd , Matthew Albaugh , Nicholas Allgaier , Bader Chaarani , Alexandra Potter , Masha Ivanova , Krista Lisdahl , Elizabeth Do , Hermine Maes , Ryan Bogdan , Andrey Anokhin , Nico Dosenbach , Paul Glaser , Andrew Heath , Betty J Casey , Dylan Gee , Hugh P Garavan , Gaya Dowling , Sandra Brown

Image processing and analysis methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.

Avec: Donald J Hagler , SeanN Hatton , M Daniela Cornejo , Carolina Makowski , Damien A Fair , Anthony Steven Dick , Matthew T Sutherland , B J Casey , Deanna M Barch , Michael P Harms , Richard Watts , James M Bjork , Hugh P Garavan , Laura Hilmer , Christopher J Pung , Chelsea S Sicat , Joshua Kuperman , Hauke Bartsch , Feng Xue , Mary M Heitzeg , Angela R Laird , Thanh T Trinh , Raul Gonzalez , Susan F Tapert , Michael C Riedel , Lindsay M Squeglia , Luke W Hyde , Monica D Rosenberg , Eric A Earl , Katia D Howlett , Fiona C Baker , Mary Soules , Jazmin Diaz , Octavio Ruiz de Leon , Wesley K Thompson , Michael C Neale , Megan Herting , Elizabeth R Sowell , Ruben P Alvarez , Samuel W Hawes , Mariana Sanchez , Jerzy Bodurka , Florence J Breslin , Amanda Sheffield Morris , Martin P Paulus , W Kyle Simmons , Jonathan R Polimeni , Andre van der Kouwe , Andrew S Nencka , Kevin M Gray , Carlo Pierpaoli , John A Matochik , Antonio Noronha , Will M Aklin , Kevin Conway , Meyer Glantz , Elizabeth Hoffman , Roger Little , Marsha Lopez , Vani Pariyadath , Susan Rb Weiss , Dana L Wolff-Hughes , Rebecca DelCarmen-Wiggins , Sarah W Feldstein Ewing , Oscar Miranda-Dominguez , Bonnie J Nagel , Anders J Perrone , Darrick T Sturgeon , Aimee Goldstone , Adolf Pfefferbaum , Kilian M Pohl , Devin Prouty , Kristina Uban , Susan Y Bookheimer , Mirella Dapretto , Adriana Galvan , Kara Bagot , Jay Giedd , M Alejandra Infante , Joanna Jacobus , Kevin Patrick , Paul D Shilling , Rahul Desikan , Yi Li , Leo Sugrue , Marie T Banich , Naomi Friedman , John K Hewitt , Christian Hopfer , Joseph Sakai , Jody Tanabe , Linda B Cottler , Sara Jo Nixon , Linda Chang , Christine Cloak , Thomas Ernst , Gloria Reeves , David N Kennedy , Steve Heeringa , Scott Peltier , John Schulenberg , Chandra Sripada , Robert A Zucker , William G Iacono , Monica Luciana , Finnegan J Calabro , Duncan B Clark , David A Lewis , Beatriz Luna , Claudiu Schirda , Tufikameni Brima , John J Foxe , Edward G Freedman , Daniel W Mruzek , Michael J Mason , Rebekah Huber , Erin McGlade , Andrew Prescot , Perry F Renshaw , Deborah A Yurgelun-Todd , Nicholas A Allgaier , Julie A Dumas , Masha Ivanova , Alexandra Potter , Paul Florsheim , Christine Larson , Krista Lisdahl , Michael E Charness , Bernard Fuemmeler , John M Hettema , Hermine H Maes , Joel Steinberg , Andrey P Anokhin , Paul Glaser , Andrew C Heath , Pamela A Madden , Arielle Baskin-Sommers , R Todd Constable , Steven J Grant , Gayathri J Dowling , Sandra A Brown , Terry L Jernigan , Anders M Dale

Substance use patterns in 9-10 year olds: Baseline findings from the adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study.

Drug and alcohol dependence
Avec: Krista M Lisdahl , Susan Tapert , Kenneth J Sher , Raul Gonzalez , Sara Jo Nixon , Sarah W Feldstein Ewing , Kevin P Conway , Alex Wallace , Ryan Sullivan , Kelah Hatcher , Christine Kaiver , Wes Thompson , Chase Reuter , Hauke Bartsch , Natasha E Wade , Joanna Jacobus , M D Albaugh , N Allgaier , A P Anokhin , K Bagot , F C Baker , M T Banich , D M Barch , A Baskin-Sommers , F J Breslin , S A Brown , V Calhoun , B J Casey , B Chaarani , L Chang , D B Clark , C Cloak , R T Constable , L B Cottler , R K Dagher , M Dapretto , A Dick , E K Do , N U F Dosenbach , G J Dowling , D A Fair , P Florsheim , J J Foxe , E G Freedman , N P Friedman , H P Garavan , D G Gee , M D Glantz , P Glaser , M R Gonzalez , K M Gray , S Grant , F Haist , S Hawes , S G Heeringa , R Hermosillo , M M Herting , J M Hettema , J K Hewitt , C Heyser , E A Hoffman , K D Howlett , R S Huber , M A Huestis , L W Hyde , W G Iacono , A Isaiah , M Y Ivanova , R S James , T L Jernigan , N R Karcher , J M Kuperman , A R Laird , C L Larson , K H LeBlanc , M F Lopez , M Luciana , B Luna , H H Maes , A T Marshall , M J Mason , E McGlade , A S Morris , C Mulford , B J Nagel , G Neigh , C E Palmer , M P Paulus , D Pecheva , D Prouty , A Potter , L I Puttler , N Rajapakse , J M Ross , M Sanchez , C Schirda , J Schulenberg , C Sheth , P D Shilling , E R Sowell , N Speer , L Squeglia , C Sripada , J Steinberg , M T Sutherland , R Tomko , K Uban , S Vrieze , S R B Weiss , D Wing , D A Yurgelun-Todd , R A Zucker , Mary M Heitzeg , Auteur inconnu

Correspondence Between Perceived Pubertal Development and Hormone Levels in 9-10 Year-Olds From the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.

Frontiers in endocrinology
Avec: Megan M Herting , Kristina A Uban , Marybel Robledo Gonzalez , Fiona C Baker , Eric C Kan , Wesley K Thompson , Douglas A Granger , Matthew D Albaugh , Andrey P Anokhin , Kara S Bagot , Marie T Banich , Deanna M Barch , Arielle Baskin-Sommers , Florence J Breslin , B J Casey , Bader Chaarani , Linda Chang , Duncan B Clark , Christine C Cloak , R Todd Constable , Linda B Cottler , Rada K Dagher , Mirella Dapretto , Anthony S Dick , Nico Dosenbach , Gayathri J Dowling , Julie A Dumas , Sarah Edwards , Thomas Ernst , Damien A Fair , Sarah W Feldstein-Ewing , Edward G Freedman , Bernard F Fuemmeler , Hugh Garavan , Dylan G Gee , Jay N Giedd , Paul E A Glaser , Aimee Goldstone , Kevin M Gray , Samuel W Hawes , Andrew C Heath , Mary M Heitzeg , John K Hewitt , Charles J Heyser , Elizabeth A Hoffman , Rebekah S Huber , Marilyn A Huestis , Luke W Hyde , M Alejandra Infante , Masha Y Ivanova , Joanna Jacobus , Terry L Jernigan , Nicole R Karcher , Angela R Laird , Kimberly H LeBlanc , Krista Lisdahl , Monica Luciana , Beatriz Luna , Hermine H Maes , Andrew T Marshall , Michael J Mason , Erin C McGlade , Amanda S Morris , Bonnie J Nagel , Gretchen N Neigh , Clare E Palmer , Martin P Paulus , Alexandra S Potter , Leon I Puttler , Nishadi Rajapakse , Kristina Rapuano , Gloria Reeves , Perry F Renshaw , Claudiu Schirda , Kenneth J Sher , Chandni Sheth , Paul D Shilling , Lindsay M Squeglia , Matthew T Sutherland , Susan F Tapert , Rachel L Tomko , Deborah Yurgelun-Todd , Natasha E Wade , Susan R B Weiss , Robert A Zucker , Elizabeth R Sowell

Réseau de co-auteurs

Monica Luciana 33 collaborations
Deanna M Barch 7 collaborations
Raul Gonzalez 7 collaborations
Paul F Collins 7 collaborations
None None 6 collaborations
Marie T Banich 6 collaborations
James M Bjork 6 collaborations
Joanna Jacobus 6 collaborations
B J Casey 5 collaborations
Wesley K Thompson 5 collaborations
Andrea Wiglesworth 4 collaborations
Kathryn R Cullen 4 collaborations
Bonnie Klimes-Dougan 4 collaborations
Arielle Baskin-Sommers 4 collaborations
Linda Chang 4 collaborations
Sarah W Feldstein Ewing 4 collaborations
Mary M Heitzeg 4 collaborations
Beatriz Luna 4 collaborations
Bonnie J Nagel 4 collaborations
Susan Tapert 4 collaborations
Hannah Weiss 4 collaborations
John K Hewitt 4 collaborations
Sandra Thijssen 4 collaborations
Sara Jo Nixon 4 collaborations
Krista Lisdahl 4 collaborations
Paul Collins 3 collaborations
Terry L Jernigan 3 collaborations
Fiona C Baker 3 collaborations
Duncan B Clark 3 collaborations
Mirella Dapretto 3 collaborations
Damien A Fair 3 collaborations
Edward G Freedman 3 collaborations
Naomi P Friedman 3 collaborations
Kevin M Gray 3 collaborations
Angela R Laird 3 collaborations
Erin C McGlade 3 collaborations
Michael C Neale 3 collaborations
Martin P Paulus 3 collaborations
Alexandra S Potter 3 collaborations
Perry F Renshaw 3 collaborations
Elizabeth R Sowell 3 collaborations
Lindsay M Squeglia 3 collaborations
Sylia Wilson 3 collaborations
Andrew C Heath 3 collaborations
William G Iacono 3 collaborations
Chandra Sripada 3 collaborations
Kenneth J Sher 3 collaborations
Gloria Reeves 3 collaborations
Aimee Goldstone 3 collaborations
Thomas Ernst 3 collaborations
Claudiu Schirda 3 collaborations
Erin McGlade 3 collaborations
Andrey P Anokhin 3 collaborations
Mark B Fiecas 3 collaborations
B Chaarani 2 collaborations
N Allgaier 2 collaborations
M D Albaugh 2 collaborations
A P Anokhin 2 collaborations
K Bagot 2 collaborations
F C Baker 2 collaborations
M T Banich 2 collaborations
D M Barch 2 collaborations
A Baskin-Sommers 2 collaborations
V Calhoun 2 collaborations
L Chang 2 collaborations
D B Clark 2 collaborations
C Cloak 2 collaborations
R T Constable 2 collaborations
L B Cottler 2 collaborations
R K Dagher 2 collaborations
M Dapretto 2 collaborations
E K Do 2 collaborations
N U F Dosenbach 2 collaborations
G J Dowling 2 collaborations
D A Fair 2 collaborations
P Florsheim 2 collaborations
J J Foxe 2 collaborations
E G Freedman 2 collaborations
N P Friedman 2 collaborations
D G Gee 2 collaborations
P Glaser 2 collaborations
S Grant 2 collaborations
K M Gray 2 collaborations
F Haist 2 collaborations
S Hawes 2 collaborations
R Hermosillo 2 collaborations
M M Herting 2 collaborations
J M Hettema 2 collaborations
J K Hewitt 2 collaborations
C Heyser 2 collaborations
R S Huber 2 collaborations
M A Huestis 2 collaborations
L W Hyde 2 collaborations
W G Iacono 2 collaborations
A Isaiah 2 collaborations
N R Karcher 2 collaborations
A R Laird 2 collaborations
M Luciana 2 collaborations
B Luna 2 collaborations
H H Maes 2 collaborations
A T Marshall 2 collaborations
M J Mason 2 collaborations
E McGlade 2 collaborations
C Mulford 2 collaborations
B J Nagel 2 collaborations
G Neigh 2 collaborations
C E Palmer 2 collaborations
M P Paulus 2 collaborations
D Prouty 2 collaborations
L I Puttler 2 collaborations
M Sanchez 2 collaborations
C Schirda 2 collaborations
J Schulenberg 2 collaborations
C Sheth 2 collaborations
P D Shilling 2 collaborations
E R Sowell 2 collaborations
N Speer 2 collaborations
C Sripada 2 collaborations
J Steinberg 2 collaborations
M T Sutherland 2 collaborations
S Vrieze 2 collaborations
D Wing 2 collaborations
D A Yurgelun-Todd 2 collaborations
R A Zucker 2 collaborations
A Potter 2 collaborations
H P Garavan 2 collaborations
Bing Xu 2 collaborations
John Flournoy 2 collaborations
Gerda Bortsova 2 collaborations
Brenden Tervo-Clemmens 2 collaborations
Marleen de Bruijne 2 collaborations
Andre Marquand 2 collaborations
Hao Wang 2 collaborations
Henning Tiemeier 2 collaborations
Ryan L Muetzel 2 collaborations
Susan Y Bookheimer 2 collaborations
Sandra A Brown 2 collaborations
Anders M Dale 2 collaborations
John J Foxe 2 collaborations
Hugh Garavan 2 collaborations
Dylan G Gee 2 collaborations
Megan M Herting 2 collaborations
Krista M Lisdahl 2 collaborations
Deborah A Yurgelun-Todd 2 collaborations
Pamela A Madden 2 collaborations
Mariana Sanchez 2 collaborations
Mary Heitzeg 2 collaborations
Matt McGue 2 collaborations
Yi Li 2 collaborations
Chase Reuter 2 collaborations
Jody Tanabe 2 collaborations
Megan Herting 2 collaborations
Chandni Sheth 2 collaborations
John M Hettema 2 collaborations
Christine Cloak 2 collaborations
Kristina Rapuano 2 collaborations
Kara Bagot 2 collaborations
Jerzy Bodurka 2 collaborations
Elizabeth Hoffman 2 collaborations
Nishadi Rajapakse 2 collaborations
Meyer Glantz 2 collaborations
Bonnie Nagel 2 collaborations
Adolf Pfefferbaum 2 collaborations
Devin Prouty 2 collaborations
Jay Giedd 2 collaborations
Kristina Uban 2 collaborations
Frank Haist 2 collaborations
Joshua Kuperman 2 collaborations
John Hewitt 2 collaborations
Sarah Edwards 2 collaborations
Deborah Yurgelun-Todd 2 collaborations
Bader Chaarani 2 collaborations
Alexandra Potter 2 collaborations
Masha Ivanova 2 collaborations
Nico Dosenbach 2 collaborations
Paul Glaser 2 collaborations
Hugh P Garavan 2 collaborations
Joshua J Stim 2 collaborations
Erin L Maresh 2 collaborations
Abraham C Van Voorhis 2 collaborations
Seung Suk Kang 2 collaborations
Scott R Sponheim 2 collaborations
Snežana Urošević 2 collaborations
Matthew T Sutherland 2 collaborations
Hauke Bartsch 2 collaborations
Susan F Tapert 2 collaborations
Luke W Hyde 2 collaborations
Samuel W Hawes 2 collaborations
Florence J Breslin 2 collaborations
M Alejandra Infante 2 collaborations
Paul D Shilling 2 collaborations
Linda B Cottler 2 collaborations
Robert A Zucker 2 collaborations
Michael J Mason 2 collaborations
Julie A Dumas 2 collaborations
Hermine H Maes 2 collaborations
R Todd Constable 2 collaborations
Gayathri J Dowling 2 collaborations
Natasha E Wade 2 collaborations
Donovan J Roediger 2 collaborations
Bryon A Mueller 2 collaborations
S Hahn 1 collaboration
S Adise 1 collaboration
M M Owens 1 collaboration
A C Juliano 1 collaboration
D K Yuan 1 collaboration
H Loso 1 collaboration
A Ivanciu 1 collaboration
J Dumas 1 collaboration
S Mackey 1 collaboration
J Laurent 1 collaboration
M Ivanova 1 collaboration
D J Hagler 1 collaboration
M D Cornejo 1 collaboration
S Hatton 1 collaboration
A Agrawal 1 collaboration
L Aguinaldo 1 collaboration
L Ahonen 1 collaboration
W Aklin 1 collaboration
J Arroyo 1 collaboration
S Avenevoli 1 collaboration
D Babcock 1 collaboration
H Bartsch 1 collaboration
J M Bjork 1 collaboration
D Blachman-Demner 1 collaboration
M Bloch 1 collaboration
R Bogdan 1 collaboration
S Y Bookheimer 1 collaboration
F Breslin 1 collaboration
S Brown 1 collaboration
F J Calabro 1 collaboration
K Constable 1 collaboration
R Corley 1 collaboration
S Coxe 1 collaboration
A M Dale 1 collaboration
R Delcarmen-Wiggins 1 collaboration
A S Dick 1 collaboration
S Edwards 1 collaboration
T M Ernst 1 collaboration
C C Fan 1 collaboration
E Feczko 1 collaboration
S W Feldstein-Ewing 1 collaboration
S Friedman-Hill 1 collaboration
B F Fuemmeler 1 collaboration
A Galvan 1 collaboration
J Giedd 1 collaboration
M Glantz 1 collaboration
J Godino 1 collaboration
M Gonzalez 1 collaboration
R Gonzalez 1 collaboration
M P Harms 1 collaboration
A C Heath 1 collaboration
S Heeringa 1 collaboration
M M Heitzeg 1 collaboration
E Hoffman 1 collaboration
K Howlett 1 collaboration
M A Infante 1 collaboration
O Irfanoglu 1 collaboration
S Iyengar 1 collaboration
J Jacobus 1 collaboration
R James 1 collaboration
B Jean-Francois 1 collaboration
T Jernigan 1 collaboration
A Kaufman 1 collaboration
B Kelley 1 collaboration
B Kit 1 collaboration
A Ksinan 1 collaboration
J Kuperman 1 collaboration
C Larson 1 collaboration
K LeBlanc 1 collaboration
C Lessov-Schlagger 1 collaboration
N Lever 1 collaboration
D A Lewis 1 collaboration
K Lisdahl 1 collaboration
A R Little 1 collaboration
M Lopez 1 collaboration
P A Madden 1 collaboration
C Makowski 1 collaboration
J Matochik 1 collaboration
B D McCandliss 1 collaboration
I Montoya 1 collaboration
G Morgan 1 collaboration
A Morris 1 collaboration
P Murray 1 collaboration
M C Neale 1 collaboration
A Nencka 1 collaboration
A Noronha 1 collaboration
S J Nixon 1 collaboration
V Pariyadath 1 collaboration
W E Pelham 1 collaboration
D Pfefferbaum 1 collaboration
C Pierpaoli 1 collaboration
A Prescot 1 collaboration
N Rajapaske 1 collaboration
K M Rapuano 1 collaboration
G Reeves 1 collaboration
P F Renshaw 1 collaboration
M C Riedel 1 collaboration
P Rojas 1 collaboration
M de la Rosa 1 collaboration
M D Rosenberg 1 collaboration
M J Ross 1 collaboration
D Schloesser 1 collaboration
K J Sher 1 collaboration
W K Simmons 1 collaboration
M Spittel 1 collaboration
L M Squeglia 1 collaboration
C Striley 1 collaboration
J Tanabe 1 collaboration
S F Tapert 1 collaboration
W Thompson 1 collaboration
R L Tomko 1 collaboration
K A Uban 1 collaboration
N E Wade 1 collaboration
R Watts 1 collaboration
S Weiss 1 collaboration
B A Wiens 1 collaboration
O D Williams 1 collaboration
A Wilbur 1 collaboration
D Wolff-Hughes 1 collaboration
R Yang 1 collaboration
Ion Petre 1 collaboration
Corina Vernic 1 collaboration
Izabella Petre 1 collaboration
Simona Ioana Sipos 1 collaboration
Anca Bordianu 1 collaboration
Marc Luciana 1 collaboration
Radu Dumitru Dragomir 1 collaboration
Lorenza Dallâ Aglio 1 collaboration
Conner A Falke 1 collaboration
Mark Fiecas 1 collaboration
Rachel S Gross 1 collaboration
Tanayott Thaweethai 1 collaboration
Lawrence C Kleinman 1 collaboration
Jessica N Snowden 1 collaboration
Erika B Rosenzweig 1 collaboration
Joshua D Milner 1 collaboration
Kelan G Tantisira 1 collaboration
Kyung E Rhee 1 collaboration
Patricia A Kinser 1 collaboration
Amy L Salisbury 1 collaboration
David Warburton 1 collaboration
Sindhu Mohandas 1 collaboration
John C Wood 1 collaboration
Jane W Newburger 1 collaboration
Dongngan T Truong 1 collaboration
Valerie J Flaherman 1 collaboration
Torri D Metz 1 collaboration
Elizabeth W Karlson 1 collaboration
Lori B Chibnik 1 collaboration
Deepti B Pant 1 collaboration
Aparna Krishnamoorthy 1 collaboration
Richard Gallagher 1 collaboration
Denise C Hasson 1 collaboration
Stuart D Katz 1 collaboration
Shonna Yin 1 collaboration
Benard P Dreyer 1 collaboration
Megan Carmilani 1 collaboration
K Coombs 1 collaboration
Megan L Fitzgerald 1 collaboration
Nick Güthe 1 collaboration
Mady Hornig 1 collaboration
Rebecca J Letts 1 collaboration
Aimee K Peddie 1 collaboration
Brittany D Taylor 1 collaboration
Andrea S Foulkes 1 collaboration
Melissa S Stockwell 1 collaboration
Venkataraman Balaraman 1 collaboration
Amanda Bogie 1 collaboration
Hulya Bukulmez 1 collaboration
Allen J Dozor 1 collaboration
Daniel Eckrich 1 collaboration
Amy J Elliott 1 collaboration
Danielle N Evans 1 collaboration
Jonathan S Farkas 1 collaboration
E Vincent S Faustino 1 collaboration
Laura Fischer 1 collaboration
Sunanda Gaur 1 collaboration
Ashraf S Harahsheh 1 collaboration
Uzma N Hasan 1 collaboration
Daniel S Hsia 1 collaboration
Kathy D Hummel 1 collaboration
Matt P Kadish 1 collaboration
David C Kaelber 1 collaboration
Sankaran Krishnan 1 collaboration
Jessica S Kosut 1 collaboration
Jerry Larrabee 1 collaboration
Peter Paul C Lim 1 collaboration
Ian C Michelow 1 collaboration
Carlos R Oliveira 1 collaboration
Hengameh Raissy 1 collaboration
Zaira Rosario-Pabon 1 collaboration
Judith L Ross 1 collaboration
Alice I Sato 1 collaboration
Michelle D Stevenson 1 collaboration
Ronald J Teufel 1 collaboration
Kathryn E Weakley 1 collaboration
Emily Zimmerman 1 collaboration
Marie-Abele C Bind 1 collaboration
James Chan 1 collaboration
Zoe Guan 1 collaboration
Richard E Morse 1 collaboration
Harrison T Reeder 1 collaboration
Natascha Akshoomoff 1 collaboration
Judy L Aschner 1 collaboration
Rakesh Bhattacharjee 1 collaboration
Lesley A Cottrell 1 collaboration
Kelly Cowan 1 collaboration
Viren A D'Sa 1 collaboration
Alexander G Fiks 1 collaboration
Maria L Gennaro 1 collaboration
Katherine Irby 1 collaboration
Manaswitha Khare 1 collaboration
Russell J McCulloh 1 collaboration
Shalu Narang 1 collaboration
Sheila Nolan 1 collaboration
Paul Palumbo 1 collaboration
Julie Ryu 1 collaboration
Juan C Salazar 1 collaboration
Rangaraj Selvarangan 1 collaboration
Cheryl R Stein 1 collaboration
Alan Werzberger 1 collaboration
William T Zempsky 1 collaboration
Robin Aupperle 1 collaboration
Thomas M Ernst 1 collaboration
Christine L Larson 1 collaboration
Pamela A F Madden 1 collaboration
Eva M Müller-Oehring 1 collaboration
Lucina Q Uddin 1 collaboration
Nirvi Ajmera 1 collaboration
Carolina Mahuad 1 collaboration
Otero Victoria 1 collaboration
Korin Laura 1 collaboration
Martinez Enriqueta 1 collaboration
Warley Fernando 1 collaboration
Cristaldo Nancy 1 collaboration
Kohan Dana 1 collaboration
Zerga Marta 1 collaboration
Garate Gonzalo 1 collaboration
Aizpurua Florencia 1 collaboration
Rojas Bilbao Erica 1 collaboration
Cerana Susana 1 collaboration
Funes Maria Eugenia 1 collaboration
Plaza Iliana 1 collaboration
Foncuberta Cecilia 1 collaboration
Vijnovich Baron Anahí 1 collaboration
Cranco Santiago 1 collaboration
Vitriu Adriana 1 collaboration
Gomez Mariela 1 collaboration
Lavalle Justina 1 collaboration
Casali Claudia 1 collaboration
Clavijo Manuela 1 collaboration
Miroli Augusto 1 collaboration
Fischman Laura 1 collaboration
Pavlove Maximiliano 1 collaboration
Miodosky Marcela 1 collaboration
Cugliari Silvana 1 collaboration
Hermine H M Maes 1 collaboration
Dana M Lapato 1 collaboration
J Eric Schmitt 1 collaboration
Wes K Thompson 1 collaboration
Saige Rutherford 1 collaboration
Mike Angstadt 1 collaboration
Alexander Weigard 1 collaboration
Luke H Hyde 1 collaboration
Kevin Haroian 1 collaboration
Robert F Krueger 1 collaboration
James J Lee 1 collaboration
Stephen M Malone 1 collaboration
Glenn I Roisman 1 collaboration
Scott Vrieze 1 collaboration
Ryan Nillo 1 collaboration
Terry Jernigan 1 collaboration
Anders Dale 1 collaboration
Leo P Sugrue 1 collaboration
Julian Brown 1 collaboration
Robert F Dougherty 1 collaboration
Andreas Rauschecker 1 collaboration
Jeffrey Rudie 1 collaboration
Vince Calhoun 1 collaboration
Donald Hagler 1 collaboration
Sean Hatton 1 collaboration
Andrew Marshall 1 collaboration
Steven Heeringa 1 collaboration
Robert Hermosillo 1 collaboration
Lindsay Squeglia 1 collaboration
James Bjork 1 collaboration
Robert Zucker 1 collaboration
Michael Neale 1 collaboration
Rebeka Huber 1 collaboration
Katia Delrahim Howlett 1 collaboration
Nicole Karcher 1 collaboration
Angela Laird 1 collaboration
Fiona Baker 1 collaboration
Regina James 1 collaboration
Elizabeth Sowell 1 collaboration
Anthony Dick 1 collaboration
Samuel Hawes 1 collaboration
Matthew Sutherland 1 collaboration
Florence Breslin 1 collaboration
Amanda Morris 1 collaboration
Martin Paulus 1 collaboration
Kevin Gray 1 collaboration
Susan Weiss 1 collaboration
Sarah Feldstein Ewing 1 collaboration
Monica Rosenberg 1 collaboration
Susan Bookheimer 1 collaboration
Maria Infante 1 collaboration
Paul Shilling 1 collaboration
Natasha Wade 1 collaboration
Charles Heyser 1 collaboration
Clare Palmer 1 collaboration
Linda Cottler 1 collaboration
Amal Isaiah 1 collaboration
Leon Puttler 1 collaboration
William Iacono 1 collaboration
Duncan Clark 1 collaboration
John Foxe 1 collaboration
Edward Freedman 1 collaboration
Michael Mason 1 collaboration
Perry Renshaw 1 collaboration
Matthew Albaugh 1 collaboration
Nicholas Allgaier 1 collaboration
Elizabeth Do 1 collaboration
Hermine Maes 1 collaboration
Ryan Bogdan 1 collaboration
Andrey Anokhin 1 collaboration
Andrew Heath 1 collaboration
Betty J Casey 1 collaboration
Dylan Gee 1 collaboration
Gaya Dowling 1 collaboration
Sandra Brown 1 collaboration
Donald J Hagler 1 collaboration
SeanN Hatton 1 collaboration
M Daniela Cornejo 1 collaboration
Carolina Makowski 1 collaboration
Anthony Steven Dick 1 collaboration
Michael P Harms 1 collaboration
Richard Watts 1 collaboration
Laura Hilmer 1 collaboration
Christopher J Pung 1 collaboration
Chelsea S Sicat 1 collaboration
Feng Xue 1 collaboration
Thanh T Trinh 1 collaboration
Michael C Riedel 1 collaboration
Monica D Rosenberg 1 collaboration
Eric A Earl 1 collaboration
Katia D Howlett 1 collaboration
Mary Soules 1 collaboration
Jazmin Diaz 1 collaboration
Octavio Ruiz de Leon 1 collaboration
Ruben P Alvarez 1 collaboration
W Kyle Simmons 1 collaboration
Jonathan R Polimeni 1 collaboration
Andre van der Kouwe 1 collaboration
Andrew S Nencka 1 collaboration
Carlo Pierpaoli 1 collaboration
John A Matochik 1 collaboration
Antonio Noronha 1 collaboration
Will M Aklin 1 collaboration
Kevin Conway 1 collaboration
Roger Little 1 collaboration
Marsha Lopez 1 collaboration
Vani Pariyadath 1 collaboration
Susan Rb Weiss 1 collaboration
Dana L Wolff-Hughes 1 collaboration
Anders J Perrone 1 collaboration
Darrick T Sturgeon 1 collaboration
Kilian M Pohl 1 collaboration
Adriana Galvan 1 collaboration
Kevin Patrick 1 collaboration
Rahul Desikan 1 collaboration
Leo Sugrue 1 collaboration
Naomi Friedman 1 collaboration
Christian Hopfer 1 collaboration
Joseph Sakai 1 collaboration
David N Kennedy 1 collaboration
Steve Heeringa 1 collaboration
Scott Peltier 1 collaboration
John Schulenberg 1 collaboration
Finnegan J Calabro 1 collaboration
David A Lewis 1 collaboration
Tufikameni Brima 1 collaboration
Daniel W Mruzek 1 collaboration
Rebekah Huber 1 collaboration
Andrew Prescot 1 collaboration
Nicholas A Allgaier 1 collaboration
Paul Florsheim 1 collaboration
Christine Larson 1 collaboration
Michael E Charness 1 collaboration
Bernard Fuemmeler 1 collaboration
Joel Steinberg 1 collaboration
Steven J Grant 1 collaboration
Kevin P Conway 1 collaboration
Alex Wallace 1 collaboration
Ryan Sullivan 1 collaboration
Kelah Hatcher 1 collaboration
Christine Kaiver 1 collaboration
Wes Thompson 1 collaboration
F J Breslin 1 collaboration
S A Brown 1 collaboration
A Dick 1 collaboration
M D Glantz 1 collaboration
M R Gonzalez 1 collaboration
S G Heeringa 1 collaboration
E A Hoffman 1 collaboration
K D Howlett 1 collaboration
M Y Ivanova 1 collaboration
R S James 1 collaboration
T L Jernigan 1 collaboration
J M Kuperman 1 collaboration
C L Larson 1 collaboration
K H LeBlanc 1 collaboration
M F Lopez 1 collaboration
A S Morris 1 collaboration
D Pecheva 1 collaboration
N Rajapakse 1 collaboration
J M Ross 1 collaboration
L Squeglia 1 collaboration
R Tomko 1 collaboration
K Uban 1 collaboration
S R B Weiss 1 collaboration
Marie Banich 1 collaboration
Deanna Barch 1 collaboration
Marybel R Gonzalez 1 collaboration
Bruce McCandliss 1 collaboration
James T Kennedy 1 collaboration
Wesley Thompson 1 collaboration
Evan White 1 collaboration
Jason José Bendezu 1 collaboration
Meng Xu 1 collaboration
Aidan T Neher 1 collaboration
Laura Padilla 1 collaboration
Katherine A Carosella 1 collaboration
Jordan D Alexander 1 collaboration
Samantha M Freis 1 collaboration
Stephanie M Zellers 1 collaboration
Robin Corley 1 collaboration
Amy Ledbetter 1 collaboration
Rachel K Schneider 1 collaboration
Chanda Phelan 1 collaboration
Hariharan Subramonyam 1 collaboration
Maia Frieser 1 collaboration
Gianna Rea-Sandin 1 collaboration
Michelle E Stocker 1 collaboration
Helen Vernier 1 collaboration
Ming Jiang 1 collaboration
Yan Luo 1 collaboration
Qi Zhao 1 collaboration
Sally Ann Rhea 1 collaboration
Paul Resnick 1 collaboration
Scott I Vrieze 1 collaboration
Kristina A Uban 1 collaboration
Eric C Kan 1 collaboration
Douglas A Granger 1 collaboration
Matthew D Albaugh 1 collaboration
Kara S Bagot 1 collaboration
Christine C Cloak 1 collaboration
Rada K Dagher 1 collaboration
Anthony S Dick 1 collaboration
Bernard F Fuemmeler 1 collaboration
Jay N Giedd 1 collaboration
Paul E A Glaser 1 collaboration
Charles J Heyser 1 collaboration
Elizabeth A Hoffman 1 collaboration
Rebekah S Huber 1 collaboration
Marilyn A Huestis 1 collaboration
Masha Y Ivanova 1 collaboration
Nicole R Karcher 1 collaboration
Kimberly H LeBlanc 1 collaboration
Andrew T Marshall 1 collaboration
Amanda S Morris 1 collaboration
Gretchen N Neigh 1 collaboration
Clare E Palmer 1 collaboration
Leon I Puttler 1 collaboration
Rachel L Tomko 1 collaboration
Susan R B Weiss 1 collaboration
Rebecca Umbach 1 collaboration
Noelle R Leonard 1 collaboration
Shichun Ling 1 collaboration
Christina Laitner 1 collaboration
Francis X Shen 1 collaboration
Susan M Wolf 1 collaboration
Supriya Bhavnani 1 collaboration
Sean Deoni 1 collaboration
Jed T Elison 1 collaboration
Damien Fair 1 collaboration
Michael Garwood 1 collaboration
Michael S Gee 1 collaboration
Sairam Geethanath 1 collaboration
Kendrick Kay 1 collaboration
Kelvin O Lim 1 collaboration
David Peloquin 1 collaboration
Karen Rommelfanger 1 collaboration
Nicoline Schiess 1 collaboration
Khan Siddiqui 1 collaboration
Efraín Torres 1 collaboration
J Thomas Vaughan 1 collaboration
Harry R Smolker 1 collaboration
Kai Wang 1 collaboration
Roselinde H Kaiser 1 collaboration
Samuel D Klein 1 collaboration
Michael I Demidenko 1 collaboration
Dominic P Kelly 1 collaboration
Felicia A Hardi 1 collaboration
Ka I Ip 1 collaboration
Sujin Lee 1 collaboration
Hannah Becker 1 collaboration
Sunghyun Hong 1 collaboration
Daniel P Keating 1 collaboration
Kelly A Duffy 1 collaboration
Raghu Gandhi 1 collaboration
Chloe Falke 1 collaboration
Lorenza Dall'Aglio 1 collaboration
Julie A Kable 1 collaboration
Natacha Akshoomoff 1 collaboration
Patricia M Blasco 1 collaboration
Stefanie Bodson 1 collaboration
Lucia Ciciolla 1 collaboration
Sherry DeGray 1 collaboration
Zoe Hulce 1 collaboration
Emily S Kuschner 1 collaboration
Britley Learnard 1 collaboration
Alexandra Perez 1 collaboration
Miriam A Novack 1 collaboration
Tracy Riggins 1 collaboration
So Yeon Shin 1 collaboration
Sidney Smith 1 collaboration
Jennifer Vannest 1 collaboration
Eric H Zimak 1 collaboration