Mehwish Nasim
Mehwish Nasim
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5005 Australia.
ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5005 Australia.
College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University, South Road, Tonsley, SA 5042 Australia.
Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia.
Publications (19)
Correction: Identifying obesity/overweight status in children and adolescents; A cross-sectional medical record review of physicians' weight screening practice in outpatient clinics, Saudi Arabia.
PloS one
Maliha Nasim
Mohammed Aldamry
Aamir Omair
Fadia AlBuhairan
Integrated metatranscriptome and transcriptome reveals the microbial community composition and physiological function of xylem sap on grapevine during bleeding period.
Genes & genomics
Ting Zheng
Kekun Zhang
Xudong Zhu
Le Guan
Songtao Jiu
Xiaopeng Li
Mazzullah Nasim
Haifeng Jia
Jinggui Fang
'They eat it like sweets': A mixed methods study of antibiotic perceptions and their use among patients, prescribers and pharmacists in a district hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan.
PloS one
Doris Burtscher
Rafael Van den Bergh
Masood Nasim
Gbane Mahama
Sokhieng Au
Anita Williams
Abdul Sattar
Suzanne Penfold
Catherine Van Overloop
Sahar Bajis
Landscape of Immune Checkpoint Inhibition in Carcinosarcoma (MMMT): Analysis of IDO-1, PD-L1 and PD-1.
Pathology, research and practice
Sean Hacking
Hector Chavarria
Cao Jin
Alexander Perry
Mansoor Nasim
Extraction and Characterization of Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers. (Dhaincha) Seed Oil for Potential Engineering Applications.
Journal of oleo science
Anshuman Mishra
Piyush Kuchhal
Madiha Nasim
Umesh Chandra Sharma
Expressional diversity of grapevine 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (VvHMGR) in different grapes genotypes.
BMC plant biology
Ting Zheng
Lubin Guan
Kun Yu
Muhammad Salman Haider
Maazullah Nasim
Zhongjie Liu
Teng Li
Kekun Zhang
Songtao Jiu
Haifeng Jia
Jinggui Fang
Promoting and countering misinformation during Australia's 2019-2020 bushfires: a case study of polarisation.
Social network analysis and mining
Derek Weber
Lucia Falzon
Lewis Mitchell
The (Mis)Information Game: A social media simulator.
Behavior research methods
Lucy H Butler
Padraig Lamont
Dean Law Yim Wan
Toby Prike
Bradley Walker
Nicolas Fay
Ullrich K H Ecker
Association of asthma exacerbations with paper mulberry (Broussenetia papyrifera) pollen in Islamabad: An observational study.
Journal of global health
Osman M Yusuf
Aimal T Rextin
Bakhtawar Ahmed
Rubina Aman
Tanveer Anjum
Saqib Mustafa
Shahida O Yusuf
Chun Lin
Summan Zahra
Hillary Pinnock
Jürgen Schwarze
Correction: 'They eat it like sweets': A mixed methods study of antibiotic perceptions and their use among patients, prescribers and pharmacists in a district hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan.
PloS one
Doris Burtscher
Rafael Van den Bergh
Masood Nasim
Gbane Mahama
Sokhieng Au
Anita Williams
Abdul Sattar
Suzanne Penfold
Catherine Van Overloop
Sahar Bajis
Food process contaminants: formation, occurrence, risk assessment and mitigation strategies - a review.
Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment
Ahmadullah Zahir
Ifikhar Ali Khan
Maazullah Nasim
Mohammad Naeem Azizi
Fidelis Azi
A Comparison of Death Domain-Associated Protein 6 in Different Endometrial Carcinomas Histotypes.
Biomarker insights
Cao Jin
Sean Hacking
Miglena K Komforti
Mansoor Nasim
Exploiting contextual information to improve call prediction.
PloS one
Mehk Fatima
Aimal Rextin
Shamaila Hayat
Association Between Gender, Surgery and Mortality for Patients Treated at Médecins Sans Frontières Trauma Centre in Kunduz, Afghanistan.
World journal of surgery
Linnea Latifa Tounsi
Hadjer Latif Daebes
Martin Gerdin Wärnberg
Maximilian Nerlander
Momer Jaweed
Bashir Ahmad Mamozai
Masood Nasim
Gustaf Drevin
Miguel Trelles
Johan von Schreeb
Azimuthal Harmonics in Small and Large Collision Systems at RHIC Top Energies.
Physical review letters
J Adam
L Adamczyk
J R Adams
J K Adkins
G Agakishiev
M M Aggarwal
Z Ahammed
I Alekseev
D M Anderson
R Aoyama
A Aparin
D Arkhipkin
E C Aschenauer
M U Ashraf
F Atetalla
A Attri
G S Averichev
X Bai
V Bairathi
K Barish
A J Bassill
A Behera
R Bellwied
A Bhasin
A K Bhati
J Bielcik
J Bielcikova
L C Bland
I G Bordyuzhin
J D Brandenburg
A V Brandin
D Brown
J Bryslawskyj
I Bunzarov
J Butterworth
H Caines
M Calderón de la Barca Sánchez
D Cebra
I Chakaberia
P Chaloupka
B K Chan
F-H Chang
Z Chang
N Chankova-Bunzarova
A Chatterjee
S Chattopadhyay
J H Chen
X Chen
X Chen
J Cheng
M Cherney
W Christie
G Contin
H J Crawford
M Csanad
S Das
T G Dedovich
I M Deppner
A A Derevschikov
L Didenko
C Dilks
X Dong
J L Drachenberg
J C Dunlop
L G Efimov
N Elsey
J Engelage
G Eppley
R Esha
S Esumi
O Evdokimov
J Ewigleben
O Eyser
R Fatemi
S Fazio
P Federic
P Federicova
J Fedorisin
P Filip
E Finch
Y Fisyak
C E Flores
L Fulek
C A Gagliardi
T Galatyuk
F Geurts
A Gibson
D Grosnick
D S Gunarathne
Y Guo
A Gupta
W Guryn
A I Hamad
A Hamed
A Harlenderova
J W Harris
L He
S Heppelmann
S Heppelmann
N Herrmann
A Hirsch
L Holub
Y Hong
S Horvat
B Huang
H Z Huang
S L Huang
T Huang
X Huang
T J Humanic
P Huo
G Igo
W W Jacobs
A Jentsch
J Jia
K Jiang
S Jowzaee
X Ju
E G Judd
S Kabana
S Kagamaster
D Kalinkin
K Kang
D Kapukchyan
K Kauder
H W Ke
D Keane
A Kechechyan
D P Kikoła
C Kim
T A Kinghorn
I Kisel
A Kisiel
L Kochenda
L K Kosarzewski
A F Kraishan
L Kramarik
L Krauth
P Kravtsov
K Krueger
N Kulathunga
L Kumar
R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
J Kvapil
J H Kwasizur
R Lacey
J M Landgraf
J Lauret
A Lebedev
R Lednicky
J H Lee
C Li
W Li
X Li
Y Li
Y Liang
J Lidrych
T Lin
A Lipiec
M A Lisa
F Liu
H Liu
P Liu
P Liu
Y Liu
Z Liu
T Ljubicic
W J Llope
M Lomnitz
R S Longacre
S Luo
X Luo
G L Ma
L Ma
R Ma
Y G Ma
N Magdy
R Majka
D Mallick
S Margetis
C Markert
H S Matis
O Matonoha
J A Mazer
K Meehan
J C Mei
N G Minaev
S Mioduszewski
D Mishra
B Mohanty
M M Mondal
I Mooney
D A Morozov
Md Nasim
J D Negrete
J M Nelson
D B Nemes
M Nie
G Nigmatkulov
T Niida
L V Nogach
T Nonaka
G Odyniec
A Ogawa
K Oh
S Oh
V A Okorokov
D Olvitt
B S Page
R Pak
Y Panebratsev
B Pawlik
H Pei
C Perkins
R L Pinter
J Pluta
J Porter
M Posik
N K Pruthi
M Przybycien
J Putschke
A Quintero
S K Radhakrishnan
S Ramachandran
R L Ray
R Reed
H G Ritter
J B Roberts
O V Rogachevskiy
J L Romero
L Ruan
J Rusnak
O Rusnakova
N R Sahoo
P K Sahu
S Salur
J Sandweiss
J Schambach
A M Schmah
W B Schmidke
N Schmitz
B R Schweid
F Seck
J Seger
M Sergeeva
R Seto
P Seyboth
N Shah
E Shahaliev
P V Shanmuganathan
M Shao
F Shen
W Q Shen
S S Shi
Q Y Shou
E P Sichtermann
S Siejka
R Sikora
M Simko
J Singh
S Singha
D Smirnov
N Smirnov
W Solyst
P Sorensen
H M Spinka
B Srivastava
T D S Stanislaus
D J Stewart
M Strikhanov
B Stringfellow
A A P Suaide
T Sugiura
M Sumbera
B Summa
X M Sun
X Sun
Y Sun
B Surrow
D N Svirida
P Szymanski
A H Tang
Z Tang
A Taranenko
T Tarnowsky
J H Thomas
A R Timmins
D Tlusty
T Todoroki
M Tokarev
C A Tomkiel
S Trentalange
R E Tribble
P Tribedy
S K Tripathy
O D Tsai
B Tu
T Ullrich
D G Underwood
I Upsal
G Van Buren
J Vanek
A N Vasiliev
I Vassiliev
F Videbæk
S Vokal
S A Voloshin
A Vossen
F Wang
G Wang
P Wang
Y Wang
Y Wang
J C Webb
L Wen
G D Westfall
H Wieman
S W Wissink
R Witt
Y Wu
Z G Xiao
G Xie
W Xie
J Xu
N Xu
Q H Xu
Y F Xu
Z Xu
C Yang
Q Yang
S Yang
Y Yang
Z Ye
Z Ye
L Yi
K Yip
I-K Yoo
N Yu
H Zbroszczyk
W Zha
J Zhang
J Zhang
L Zhang
S Zhang
S Zhang
X P Zhang
Y Zhang
Z Zhang
J Zhao
C Zhong
C Zhou
X Zhu
Z Zhu
M Zyzak
Auteur inconnu
MIF inhibition enhances pulmonary angiogenesis and lung development in congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Pediatric research
Shahana Perveen
Kamesh Ayasolla
Nahla Zagloul
Hardik Patel
Kanta Ochani
David Orner
Helene Benveniste
Michael Salerno
Paul Vaska
Zhang Zuo
Yousef Alabed
Mansoor Nasim
Edmund J Miller
Mohamed Ahmed
Sleep deprivation: prevalence and associated factors among adolescents in Saudi Arabia.
Sleep medicine
Maliha Nasim
Maissa Saade
Fadia AlBuhairan
Hepatoprotective Effects of Selenium-Enriched Probiotics Supplementation on Heat-Stressed Wistar Rat Through Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects.
Biological trace element research
Rahmani Mohammad Malyar
Emal Naseri
Hu Li
Ilyas Ali
Rawan Ahmad Farid
Dandan Liu
Khushdil Maroof
Maazullah Nasim
Sayed Attaul Haq Banuree
Kehe Huang
Kevin J Waldron
Xingxiang Chen
Development of a finite element neck model for head-first compressive impacts: Toward the assessment of motorcycle neck protective equipment.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine
Mohammad Nasim
Alessandro Cernicchi
Ugo Galvanetto
Réseau de co-auteurs
Masood Nasim
3 collaborations
Mansoor Nasim
3 collaborations
Maazullah Nasim
3 collaborations
Maliha Nasim
2 collaborations
Fadia AlBuhairan
2 collaborations
Ting Zheng
2 collaborations
Kekun Zhang
2 collaborations
Songtao Jiu
2 collaborations
Haifeng Jia
2 collaborations
Jinggui Fang
2 collaborations
Doris Burtscher
2 collaborations
Rafael Van den Bergh
2 collaborations
Gbane Mahama
2 collaborations
Sokhieng Au
2 collaborations
Anita Williams
2 collaborations
Abdul Sattar
2 collaborations
Suzanne Penfold
2 collaborations
Catherine Van Overloop
2 collaborations
Sahar Bajis
2 collaborations
Sean Hacking
2 collaborations
Cao Jin
2 collaborations
X Chen
2 collaborations
S Heppelmann
2 collaborations
P Liu
2 collaborations
Y Wang
2 collaborations
Z Ye
2 collaborations
J Zhang
2 collaborations
S Zhang
2 collaborations
Mohammed Aldamry
1 collaboration
Aamir Omair
1 collaboration
Xudong Zhu
1 collaboration
Le Guan
1 collaboration
Xiaopeng Li
1 collaboration
Mazzullah Nasim
1 collaboration
Hector Chavarria
1 collaboration
Alexander Perry
1 collaboration
Anshuman Mishra
1 collaboration
Piyush Kuchhal
1 collaboration
Madiha Nasim
1 collaboration
Umesh Chandra Sharma
1 collaboration
Lubin Guan
1 collaboration
Kun Yu
1 collaboration
Muhammad Salman Haider
1 collaboration
Zhongjie Liu
1 collaboration
Teng Li
1 collaboration
Derek Weber
1 collaboration
Lucia Falzon
1 collaboration
Lewis Mitchell
1 collaboration
Lucy H Butler
1 collaboration
Padraig Lamont
1 collaboration
Dean Law Yim Wan
1 collaboration
Toby Prike
1 collaboration
Bradley Walker
1 collaboration
Nicolas Fay
1 collaboration
Ullrich K H Ecker
1 collaboration
Osman M Yusuf
1 collaboration
Aimal T Rextin
1 collaboration
Bakhtawar Ahmed
1 collaboration
Rubina Aman
1 collaboration
Tanveer Anjum
1 collaboration
Saqib Mustafa
1 collaboration
Shahida O Yusuf
1 collaboration
Chun Lin
1 collaboration
Summan Zahra
1 collaboration
Hillary Pinnock
1 collaboration
Jürgen Schwarze
1 collaboration
Ahmadullah Zahir
1 collaboration
Ifikhar Ali Khan
1 collaboration
Mohammad Naeem Azizi
1 collaboration
Fidelis Azi
1 collaboration
Miglena K Komforti
1 collaboration
Mehk Fatima
1 collaboration
Aimal Rextin
1 collaboration
Shamaila Hayat
1 collaboration
Linnea Latifa Tounsi
1 collaboration
Hadjer Latif Daebes
1 collaboration
Martin Gerdin Wärnberg
1 collaboration
Maximilian Nerlander
1 collaboration
Momer Jaweed
1 collaboration
Bashir Ahmad Mamozai
1 collaboration
Gustaf Drevin
1 collaboration
Miguel Trelles
1 collaboration
Johan von Schreeb
1 collaboration
J Adam
1 collaboration
L Adamczyk
1 collaboration
J R Adams
1 collaboration
J K Adkins
1 collaboration
G Agakishiev
1 collaboration
M M Aggarwal
1 collaboration
Z Ahammed
1 collaboration
I Alekseev
1 collaboration
D M Anderson
1 collaboration
R Aoyama
1 collaboration
A Aparin
1 collaboration
D Arkhipkin
1 collaboration
E C Aschenauer
1 collaboration
M U Ashraf
1 collaboration
F Atetalla
1 collaboration
A Attri
1 collaboration
G S Averichev
1 collaboration
X Bai
1 collaboration
V Bairathi
1 collaboration
K Barish
1 collaboration
A J Bassill
1 collaboration
A Behera
1 collaboration
R Bellwied
1 collaboration
A Bhasin
1 collaboration
A K Bhati
1 collaboration
J Bielcik
1 collaboration
J Bielcikova
1 collaboration
L C Bland
1 collaboration
I G Bordyuzhin
1 collaboration
J D Brandenburg
1 collaboration
A V Brandin
1 collaboration
D Brown
1 collaboration
J Bryslawskyj
1 collaboration
I Bunzarov
1 collaboration
J Butterworth
1 collaboration
H Caines
1 collaboration
M Calderón de la Barca Sánchez
1 collaboration
D Cebra
1 collaboration
I Chakaberia
1 collaboration
P Chaloupka
1 collaboration
B K Chan
1 collaboration
F-H Chang
1 collaboration
Z Chang
1 collaboration
N Chankova-Bunzarova
1 collaboration
A Chatterjee
1 collaboration
S Chattopadhyay
1 collaboration
J H Chen
1 collaboration
J Cheng
1 collaboration
M Cherney
1 collaboration
W Christie
1 collaboration
G Contin
1 collaboration
H J Crawford
1 collaboration
M Csanad
1 collaboration
S Das
1 collaboration
T G Dedovich
1 collaboration
I M Deppner
1 collaboration
A A Derevschikov
1 collaboration
L Didenko
1 collaboration
C Dilks
1 collaboration
X Dong
1 collaboration
J L Drachenberg
1 collaboration
J C Dunlop
1 collaboration
L G Efimov
1 collaboration
N Elsey
1 collaboration
J Engelage
1 collaboration
G Eppley
1 collaboration
R Esha
1 collaboration
S Esumi
1 collaboration
O Evdokimov
1 collaboration
J Ewigleben
1 collaboration
O Eyser
1 collaboration
R Fatemi
1 collaboration
S Fazio
1 collaboration
P Federic
1 collaboration
P Federicova
1 collaboration
J Fedorisin
1 collaboration
P Filip
1 collaboration
E Finch
1 collaboration
Y Fisyak
1 collaboration
C E Flores
1 collaboration
L Fulek
1 collaboration
C A Gagliardi
1 collaboration
T Galatyuk
1 collaboration
F Geurts
1 collaboration
A Gibson
1 collaboration
D Grosnick
1 collaboration
D S Gunarathne
1 collaboration
Y Guo
1 collaboration
A Gupta
1 collaboration
W Guryn
1 collaboration
A I Hamad
1 collaboration
A Hamed
1 collaboration
A Harlenderova
1 collaboration
J W Harris
1 collaboration
L He
1 collaboration
N Herrmann
1 collaboration
A Hirsch
1 collaboration
L Holub
1 collaboration
Y Hong
1 collaboration
S Horvat
1 collaboration
B Huang
1 collaboration
H Z Huang
1 collaboration
S L Huang
1 collaboration
T Huang
1 collaboration
X Huang
1 collaboration
T J Humanic
1 collaboration
P Huo
1 collaboration
G Igo
1 collaboration
W W Jacobs
1 collaboration
A Jentsch
1 collaboration
J Jia
1 collaboration
K Jiang
1 collaboration
S Jowzaee
1 collaboration
X Ju
1 collaboration
E G Judd
1 collaboration
S Kabana
1 collaboration
S Kagamaster
1 collaboration
D Kalinkin
1 collaboration
K Kang
1 collaboration
D Kapukchyan
1 collaboration
K Kauder
1 collaboration
H W Ke
1 collaboration
D Keane
1 collaboration
A Kechechyan
1 collaboration
D P Kikoła
1 collaboration
C Kim
1 collaboration
T A Kinghorn
1 collaboration
I Kisel
1 collaboration
A Kisiel
1 collaboration
L Kochenda
1 collaboration
L K Kosarzewski
1 collaboration
A F Kraishan
1 collaboration
L Kramarik
1 collaboration
L Krauth
1 collaboration
P Kravtsov
1 collaboration
K Krueger
1 collaboration
N Kulathunga
1 collaboration
L Kumar
1 collaboration
R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
1 collaboration
J Kvapil
1 collaboration
J H Kwasizur
1 collaboration
R Lacey
1 collaboration
J M Landgraf
1 collaboration
J Lauret
1 collaboration
A Lebedev
1 collaboration
R Lednicky
1 collaboration
J H Lee
1 collaboration
C Li
1 collaboration
W Li
1 collaboration
X Li
1 collaboration
Y Li
1 collaboration
Y Liang
1 collaboration
J Lidrych
1 collaboration
T Lin
1 collaboration
A Lipiec
1 collaboration
M A Lisa
1 collaboration
F Liu
1 collaboration
H Liu
1 collaboration
Y Liu
1 collaboration
Z Liu
1 collaboration
T Ljubicic
1 collaboration
W J Llope
1 collaboration
M Lomnitz
1 collaboration
R S Longacre
1 collaboration
S Luo
1 collaboration
X Luo
1 collaboration
G L Ma
1 collaboration
L Ma
1 collaboration
R Ma
1 collaboration
Y G Ma
1 collaboration
N Magdy
1 collaboration
R Majka
1 collaboration
D Mallick
1 collaboration
S Margetis
1 collaboration
C Markert
1 collaboration
H S Matis
1 collaboration
O Matonoha
1 collaboration
J A Mazer
1 collaboration
K Meehan
1 collaboration
J C Mei
1 collaboration
N G Minaev
1 collaboration
S Mioduszewski
1 collaboration
D Mishra
1 collaboration
B Mohanty
1 collaboration
M M Mondal
1 collaboration
I Mooney
1 collaboration
D A Morozov
1 collaboration
Md Nasim
1 collaboration
J D Negrete
1 collaboration
J M Nelson
1 collaboration
D B Nemes
1 collaboration
M Nie
1 collaboration
G Nigmatkulov
1 collaboration
T Niida
1 collaboration
L V Nogach
1 collaboration
T Nonaka
1 collaboration
G Odyniec
1 collaboration
A Ogawa
1 collaboration
K Oh
1 collaboration
S Oh
1 collaboration
V A Okorokov
1 collaboration
D Olvitt
1 collaboration
B S Page
1 collaboration
R Pak
1 collaboration
Y Panebratsev
1 collaboration
B Pawlik
1 collaboration
H Pei
1 collaboration
C Perkins
1 collaboration
R L Pinter
1 collaboration
J Pluta
1 collaboration
J Porter
1 collaboration
M Posik
1 collaboration
N K Pruthi
1 collaboration
M Przybycien
1 collaboration
J Putschke
1 collaboration
A Quintero
1 collaboration
S K Radhakrishnan
1 collaboration
S Ramachandran
1 collaboration
R L Ray
1 collaboration
R Reed
1 collaboration
H G Ritter
1 collaboration
J B Roberts
1 collaboration
O V Rogachevskiy
1 collaboration
J L Romero
1 collaboration
L Ruan
1 collaboration
J Rusnak
1 collaboration
O Rusnakova
1 collaboration
N R Sahoo
1 collaboration
P K Sahu
1 collaboration
S Salur
1 collaboration
J Sandweiss
1 collaboration
J Schambach
1 collaboration
A M Schmah
1 collaboration
W B Schmidke
1 collaboration
N Schmitz
1 collaboration
B R Schweid
1 collaboration
F Seck
1 collaboration
J Seger
1 collaboration
M Sergeeva
1 collaboration
R Seto
1 collaboration
P Seyboth
1 collaboration
N Shah
1 collaboration
E Shahaliev
1 collaboration
P V Shanmuganathan
1 collaboration
M Shao
1 collaboration
F Shen
1 collaboration
W Q Shen
1 collaboration
S S Shi
1 collaboration
Q Y Shou
1 collaboration
E P Sichtermann
1 collaboration
S Siejka
1 collaboration
R Sikora
1 collaboration
M Simko
1 collaboration
J Singh
1 collaboration
S Singha
1 collaboration
D Smirnov
1 collaboration
N Smirnov
1 collaboration
W Solyst
1 collaboration
P Sorensen
1 collaboration
H M Spinka
1 collaboration
B Srivastava
1 collaboration
T D S Stanislaus
1 collaboration
D J Stewart
1 collaboration
M Strikhanov
1 collaboration
B Stringfellow
1 collaboration
A A P Suaide
1 collaboration
T Sugiura
1 collaboration
M Sumbera
1 collaboration
B Summa
1 collaboration
X M Sun
1 collaboration
X Sun
1 collaboration
Y Sun
1 collaboration
B Surrow
1 collaboration
D N Svirida
1 collaboration
P Szymanski
1 collaboration
A H Tang
1 collaboration
Z Tang
1 collaboration
A Taranenko
1 collaboration
T Tarnowsky
1 collaboration
J H Thomas
1 collaboration
A R Timmins
1 collaboration
D Tlusty
1 collaboration
T Todoroki
1 collaboration
M Tokarev
1 collaboration
C A Tomkiel
1 collaboration
S Trentalange
1 collaboration
R E Tribble
1 collaboration
P Tribedy
1 collaboration
S K Tripathy
1 collaboration
O D Tsai
1 collaboration
B Tu
1 collaboration
T Ullrich
1 collaboration
D G Underwood
1 collaboration
I Upsal
1 collaboration
G Van Buren
1 collaboration
J Vanek
1 collaboration
A N Vasiliev
1 collaboration
I Vassiliev
1 collaboration
F Videbæk
1 collaboration
S Vokal
1 collaboration
S A Voloshin
1 collaboration
A Vossen
1 collaboration
F Wang
1 collaboration
G Wang
1 collaboration
P Wang
1 collaboration
J C Webb
1 collaboration
L Wen
1 collaboration
G D Westfall
1 collaboration
H Wieman
1 collaboration
S W Wissink
1 collaboration
R Witt
1 collaboration
Y Wu
1 collaboration
Z G Xiao
1 collaboration
G Xie
1 collaboration
W Xie
1 collaboration
J Xu
1 collaboration
N Xu
1 collaboration
Q H Xu
1 collaboration
Y F Xu
1 collaboration
Z Xu
1 collaboration
C Yang
1 collaboration
Q Yang
1 collaboration
S Yang
1 collaboration
Y Yang
1 collaboration
L Yi
1 collaboration
K Yip
1 collaboration
I-K Yoo
1 collaboration
N Yu
1 collaboration
H Zbroszczyk
1 collaboration
W Zha
1 collaboration
L Zhang
1 collaboration
X P Zhang
1 collaboration
Y Zhang
1 collaboration
Z Zhang
1 collaboration
J Zhao
1 collaboration
C Zhong
1 collaboration
C Zhou
1 collaboration
X Zhu
1 collaboration
Z Zhu
1 collaboration
M Zyzak
1 collaboration
None None
1 collaboration
Shahana Perveen
1 collaboration
Kamesh Ayasolla
1 collaboration
Nahla Zagloul
1 collaboration
Hardik Patel
1 collaboration
Kanta Ochani
1 collaboration
David Orner
1 collaboration
Helene Benveniste
1 collaboration
Michael Salerno
1 collaboration
Paul Vaska
1 collaboration
Zhang Zuo
1 collaboration
Yousef Alabed
1 collaboration
Edmund J Miller
1 collaboration
Mohamed Ahmed
1 collaboration
Maissa Saade
1 collaboration
Rahmani Mohammad Malyar
1 collaboration
Emal Naseri
1 collaboration
Hu Li
1 collaboration
Ilyas Ali
1 collaboration
Rawan Ahmad Farid
1 collaboration
Dandan Liu
1 collaboration
Khushdil Maroof
1 collaboration
Sayed Attaul Haq Banuree
1 collaboration
Kehe Huang
1 collaboration
Kevin J Waldron
1 collaboration
Xingxiang Chen
1 collaboration
Mohammad Nasim
1 collaboration
Alessandro Cernicchi
1 collaboration
Ugo Galvanetto
1 collaboration