Journal of sleep research
The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness
Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie
V Foulonneau
E Chantalat
T Prudhomme
J Gas
A Weyl
A Manuguerra
W Akakpo
M Baron
M Nedelec
I Dominique
B Gondran-Tellier
B Pradere
M Roumiguié
International journal of surgery case reports
Medicine and science in sports and exercise
International journal of sports physiology and performance
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.)
Dina C Janse van Rensburg
Audrey Jansen van Rensburg
Peter M Fowler
Amy M Bender
David Stevens
Kieran O Sullivan
Hugh H K Fullagar
Juan-Manuel Alonso
Michelle Biggins
Amanda Claassen-Smithers
Rob Collins
Michiko Dohi
Matthew W Driller
Ian C Dunican
Luke Gupta
Shona L Halson
Michele Lastella
Kathleen H Miles
Tony Page
Greg Roach
Charli Sargent
Meeta Singh
Grace E Vincent
Jacopo A Vitale
Tanita Botha
International journal of sports physiology and performance
Journal of sports sciences