Journal of hospital medicine
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
American journal of infection control
American journal of infection control
Journal of general internal medicine
American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA
Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes
Theresa M Anderson
Kayla Secrest
Sarah L Krein
Richard Schildhouse
Timothy C Guetterman
Molly Harrod
Brad Trumpower
Steven L Kronick
James Pribble
Paul S Chan
Brahmajee K Nallamothu
Journal of the American Heart Association
Qualitative research in medicine & healthcare
Blood advances
Naina Chipalkatti
Geoffrey D Barnes
Linda Bashaw
Adam Davie
Jennifer J Griggs
Molly Harrod
Jacob E Kurlander
Christine Medaugh
Rebeca Packard
Corey Powell
Suman L Sood
Elizabeth Spranger
Sarah E Vordenberg
Jordan K Schaefer
Vox sanguinis
Brendan Quinn
Ruth Pearson
Julia Cutts
Clive Seed
Nick Scott
Veronica Hoad
Paul Dietze
David Wilson
Lisa Maher
Alexander Thompson
Michael Farrell
Sharon Caris
Joanne Pink
George Kotsiou
Margaret Hellard
American journal of infection control
Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR
Journal of general internal medicine