Markus Kneer
Markus Kneer
University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Publications (10)
Patient-relevant outcomes: what are we talking about? A scoping review to improve conceptual clarity.
BMC health services research
Christine Kersting
Malte Kneer
Anne Barzel
Are There Cross-Cultural Legal Principles? Modal Reasoning Uncovers Procedural Constraints on Law.
Cognitive science
Ivar R Hannikainen
Kevin P Tobia
Guilherme da F C F de Almeida
Raff Donelson
Vilius Dranseika
Niek Strohmaier
Piotr Bystranowski
Kristina Dolinina
Bartosz Janik
Sothie Keo
Eglė Lauraitytė
Alice Liefgreen
Maciej Próchnicki
Alejandro Rosas
Noel Struchiner
Norms of assertion in the United States, Germany, and Japan.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Outcome effects, moral luck and the hindsight bias.
Izabela Skoczeń
Can a Robot Lie? Exploring the Folk Concept of Lying as Applied to Artificial Agents.
Cognitive science
Trolleys, triage and Covid-19: the role of psychological realism in sacrificial dilemmas.
Cognition & emotion
Ivar R Hannikainen
Suitability of accelerometry as an objective measure for upper extremity use in stroke patients.
BMC neurology
Anne-Lisa Heye
Christine Kersting
Malte Kneer
Anne Barzel
Coordination and expertise foster legal textualism.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Ivar R Hannikainen
Kevin P Tobia
Guilherme da F C F de Almeida
Noel Struchiner
Piotr Bystranowski
Vilius Dranseika
Niek Strohmaier
Samantha Bensinger
Kristina Dolinina
Bartosz Janik
Eglė Lauraitytė
Michael Laakasuo
Alice Liefgreen
Ivars Neiders
Maciej Próchnicki
Alejandro Rosas
Jukka Sundvall
Tomasz Żuradzki
Responsibility Gaps and Retributive Dispositions: Evidence from the US, Japan and Germany.
Science and engineering ethics
Markus Christen
No luck for moral luck.
Edouard Machery
Réseau de co-auteurs
Ivar R Hannikainen
3 collaborations
Christine Kersting
2 collaborations
Malte Kneer
2 collaborations
Anne Barzel
2 collaborations
Kevin P Tobia
2 collaborations
Guilherme da F C F de Almeida
2 collaborations
Vilius Dranseika
2 collaborations
Niek Strohmaier
2 collaborations
Piotr Bystranowski
2 collaborations
Kristina Dolinina
2 collaborations
Bartosz Janik
2 collaborations
Eglė Lauraitytė
2 collaborations
Alice Liefgreen
2 collaborations
Maciej Próchnicki
2 collaborations
Alejandro Rosas
2 collaborations
Noel Struchiner
2 collaborations
Raff Donelson
1 collaboration
Sothie Keo
1 collaboration
Izabela Skoczeń
1 collaboration
Anne-Lisa Heye
1 collaboration
Samantha Bensinger
1 collaboration
Michael Laakasuo
1 collaboration
Ivars Neiders
1 collaboration
Jukka Sundvall
1 collaboration
Tomasz Żuradzki
1 collaboration
Markus Christen
1 collaboration
Edouard Machery
1 collaboration