BMC pulmonary medicine
Benjamin Coiffard
Eloi Prud'Homme
Sami Hraiech
Nadim Cassir
Jérôme Le Pavec
Romain Kessler
Federica Meloni
Marc Leone
Pascal Alexandre Thomas
Martine Reynaud-Gaubert
Laurent Papazian
Anesthesia and analgesia
Laurent Zieleskiewicz
Mickael Papinko
Alexandre Lopez
Alice Baldovini
David Fiocchi
Zoe Meresse
Alain Boussuges
Pascal Alexandre Thomas
Stephane Berdah
Ben Creagh-Brown
Belaid Bouhemad
Emmanuel Futier
Noémie Resseguier
François Antonini
Gary Duclos
Marc Leone
European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences
Current medicinal chemistry
International journal of antimicrobial agents
Critical care (London, England)
Florence Boissier
Valérie Seegers
Amélie Seguin
Stéphane Legriel
Alain Cariou
Samir Jaber
Jean-Yves Lefrant
Thomas Rimmelé
Anne Renault
Isabelle Vinatier
Armelle Mathonnet
Danielle Reuter
Olivier Guisset
Christophe Cracco
Jacques Durand-Gasselin
Béatrice Éon
Marina Thirion
Jean-Philippe Rigaud
Bénédicte Philippon-Jouve
Laurent Argaud
Renaud Chouquer
Laurent Papazian
Céline Dedrie
Hugues Georges
Eddy Lebas
Nathalie Rolin
Pierre-Edouard Bollaert
Lucien Lecuyer
Gérald Viquesnel
Marc Leone
Ludivine Chalumeau-Lemoine
Maité Garrouste-Orgeas
Elie Azoulay
Nancy Kentish-Barnes
The journal of headache and pain
Elio Clemente Agostoni
Piero Barbanti
Paolo Calabresi
Bruno Colombo
Pietro Cortelli
Fabio Frediani
Pietrangelo Geppetti
Licia Grazzi
Massimo Leone
Paolo Martelletti
Luigi Alberto Pini
Maria Pia Prudenzano
Paola Sarchielli
Gioacchino Tedeschi
Antonio Russo
Auteur inconnu
Intensive care medicine experimental
Therapeutic hypothermia and temperature management
The New England journal of medicine
Peter J Goadsby
David W Dodick
Massimo Leone
Jennifer N Bardos
Tina M Oakes
Brian A Millen
Chunmei Zhou
Sherie A Dowsett
Sheena K Aurora
Andrew H Ahn
Jyun-Yan Yang
Robert R Conley
James M Martinez
Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects