Psychiatria Danubina
Angélique Denis
Flavia Mengarelli
Chloé Peter
Natacha Gallifet
Valentin Beaujeard
Céline Jacob Grosmaitre
Valéry Malo
Stephane Grisi
Nicolas Georgieff
Sabine Magnificat
Sandrine Touzet
Autism : the international journal of research and practice
International journal of molecular sciences
Autism : the international journal of research and practice
Autism : the international journal of research and practice
Schizophrenia research
Baptiste Pignon
Mohamed Lajnef
Ophélia Godin
Marie-Maud Geoffray
Romain Rey
Jasmina Mallet
Caroline Dubertret
Paul Roux
Christine Passerieux
Laurent Marulaz
Lore Brunel
Julien Dubreucq
Sylvain Leignier
Delphine Capdevielle
Myrtille André
Bruno Aouizerate
David Misdrahi
Fabrice Berna
Pierre Vidailhet
Isabelle Chereau
Pierre-Michel Llorca
Guillaume Fond
Christophe Lançon
Marion Leboyer
Franck Schürhoff
Auteur inconnu
Journal of clinical medicine
BMJ open
Lucie Jurek
Pauline Occelli
Angelique Denis
Anouck Amestoy
Thierry Maffre
Tom Dauchez
Marie-Joelle Oreve
Amaria Baghdadli
Carmen Schroder
Agathe Jay
Amélie Zelmar
Anne Revah-Levy
Natacha Gallifet
Catherine Aldred
Shruti Garg
Jonathan Green
Sandrine Touzet
Auteur inconnu
Frontiers in pharmacology
The European journal of neuroscience
Journal of psychiatric research
Journal of psychiatric research
BMJ open
Amaria Baghdadli
Stéphanie Miot
Cécile Rattaz
Tasnime Akbaraly
Cécile Michelon
Julie Loubersac
Sabine Traver
Marion Mortamais
Sandrine Sonié
Julien Pottelette
Laurence Robel
Mario Speranza
Stéphanie Vesperini
Thierry Maffre
Bruno Falissard
Marie-Christine Picot
Auteur inconnu
Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research
Matias Baltazar
Christopher Chatham
Manuel Bouvard
Axelle Martinez Teruel
David Monnet
Isabelle Scheid
Eleonora Murzi
Sandrine Couffin-Cadiergues
Daniel Umbricht
Lorraine Murtagh
Richard Delorme
Myriam Ly Le-Moal
Marion Leboyer
Anouck Amestoy
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry
European child & adolescent psychiatry
Frontiers in psychiatry
Kellen Briot
François Jean
Ali Jouni
Myriam Ly-Le Moal
Daniel Umbricht
Christopher Chatham
Lorraine Murtagh
Richard Delorme
Manuel Bouvard
Marion Leboyer
Anouck Amestoy
Behavioural brain research
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
Autism : the international journal of research and practice
Children (Basel, Switzerland)